31. Ice Cream Glares

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To actually have more comments than votes is actually fucking amazing and I love all of your comments so much, and I know I say this a lot but it makes me so happy to wake up to having over 50+ comments. And holy shit, the last chapter got over 100 comments! That's so fucking many!

I defiantly think we're gonna reach 2K comments and y'all keep this up (;

Dallon is my fucking cinnamon roll muffin pie and I love him with all my heart. Ryan is a close second though, followed by Spencer and Brendon is somewhere down the list😂❤️

And like promised, here's another quick update!

And like promised, here's another quick update!

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"Brendon, Stop looking at me like that."Dallon says uncomfortably, looking over at the kitten hybrid who is sitting on his knees across from him in the booth at the ice cream parlour. They've been here before, one that both Brendon and Dallon like seeing as it caters Hybrids and ensures that what is served to them in safe for that type of hybrid, and because it's a colourful and friendly environment that always lives up to their expectations.

The little has been a crying mess after his second injection, and as much as Doctor Harris was a nice doctor and even gave him and Sinatra The Giraffe a lollipop each, it still wasn't enough because those injections had hurt! And his Daddy knew how much that they did, holding Brendon close to him as he kissed the top of his head and whispered his praises of hope brave that Brendon had been.

Brendon had did his best to glare at Doctor Harris as he was carried out of the Doctors Office by his Daddy, something that only made Doctor Harris shake his head and laugh, much to Brendon's annoyance because goddamnit, he's mad! Why does nobody take him seriously whenever he's angry?

Always one to live up to his promises, Dallon had taken Brendon from the Doctors straight to the Ice Cream parlour, uncaring of what time of the morning that it was because his Baby deserves his Ice cream after being so good at the doctors. Although, despite everything that Dallon has been doing to try and butter Brendon up and get on his good side, nothing was subsiding the glare that the Hybrid is continuing to give him.

"I'm lookin' at 'ou normally."Brendon declares, his kitten ears hidden under his soft dark hair and his bottom lip jotted out as he continues his glare across the table, if Dallon can even call it a glare because honestly it's the most adorable glare in the world if you ask Dallon. Brendon looks more like a pissed off kitten who has just had his ball of yarn taken away from him.

"You're looking at me like I ran over a puppy."Dallon deadpans as he looks down at the ice cream menu in his hands, unsure of what he'll get. He's never been the biggest fan of ice creams, but if Brendon is getting one he might get one also just so that the Hybrid doesn't feel left out.

"You ran ov'a a puppy?!"Brendon is jumping up from his place in the booth, his voice loud and tail puffing up in alert as he looks at his daddy. Eyes are quickly directing their way to the pair in the booth, something that makes Dallons face redden in embarrassment.

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