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I woke up the next morning feeling dizzy and sick. I was lying on a bench with a blanket covering me. Where was I? Then I remembered the awful experience of last night.


We were zooming down the road to the hospital. Dan parked up the car and we all ran in the hospital we called will and he turned up a couple seconds later than us. The receptionist moaned at me as I ran down the corridor to find my mums room. 57G right there infront of me. I ran into the room and found a lady laying in my mums bed.

"WHERES MY MUM!" I shouted as a doctor and 2 nurses were trying to hold me back!

I fought my way out of their arms and ran to an operating room. I looked through the window and my mum was lying on a big bed with 5 surgeons surrounding her. I yanked on the door, but kyle and dan immediately pulled me back. Hollie pulled them off of me and tried to open the door but will and Jordan managed to stop her. I screamed and yelled at the doctors to let me in. Kyle pulled me back and tried calming me down. I kicked him trying to break free from his arms. but I couldn't, my bones were tired and my eyes were closing.


"Baby, it's okay if you go in you'll make it worse. We are going to wait in the waiting room with will, Jordan, dan and Hollie and it's going to be okay." I listened to his heart as he carried me into the waiting room. It was beating really fast and I could here him breathing quickly.

Hollie was on the chair next to me head in her hands with dan and Jordan comforting her. Will was pacing back and forwards along the corridor and I laid in kyles arms feeling dead. I felt my head spinning and my heart racing. My stomach was turning and my palms were sweaty and shaky. Kyle was humming overjoyed in my ear and was playing with my hair. I looked over at Jordan who had got up and started to speak to will and I just laid there silently waiting for a miracle.


I didn't know what to think. My beautiful loving mother was close to dying. I needed to tell Lauren the truth about me and mum and I needed to tell my mum about the real reason dad left. There was so much running through my mind I just couldn't take it. I felt myself falling slowly to the floor. Jordan was standing next to me screaming. I felt two nurses pull me up and take me away. My heart was racing and my vision was blurred. I was placed on a chair with a glass of water and a doctor walked into the waiting room and told us the news.

We all sat around the doctor, Jordan was by my side and Lauren was opposite the doctor. We both stared at the doctor and he began to speak softly.

"Hello, I am dr Barnes. I was your mothers doctor and main surgeon for this procedure. Unfortunately half way through the operation on her brain, the blood flow from her heart to her brain slowed down, this meant no oxygen was able to get to your mothers brain fast enough. I can't imagine how horrible this is to hear and I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but there was nothing else we could do. Your mother past away on the bed at 9:27 pm tonight. I am so very sorry." She stood up gave us all sympathetic looks and walked away. Right then I knew everything was going to change. I let out a loud cry and put my head in my hands. Jordan was next to Hollie and they both were sobbing. Dan and kyle were with Lauren. She was a complete mess.


No. This couldn't happen. Lauren's mum gone, just like that. No. I was sitting in a chair with Jordan and she was telling me it was all ok. But it wasn't was it? Everything from now on was going to be terrible.

Dan was with Lauren and kyle. Dan was talking to kyle and he whispered something In his ear and then walked over to will.


I asked kyle what he thought about will telling Lauren about Him and his mum. I went over to him to tell him he needed to do it now. He was such a state.

"Will, how are you mate?" I asked softly.

He looked up and gave me a nod.

"Erm will, me and kyle think nows the best time for you to tell Lauren the truth about you and your mum. It's just I don't think it can get worse for her so telling her now is the best idea." He looked up again and smiled.

"Yeah,I guess your right." He sniffed and he stood up and walked over to Lauren and kyle.

"Hey, Lauren come here." I heard him say and he pulled her into his arms. " can I talk to you?"

Lauren nodded and will took her outside so they could talk alone.


Will took me outside. I was completely devastated about my mum. I mean that was it, she was gone now... Forever.

"Hey, everything's going to be alright Lauren." He pulled me into a hug and I carried on crying.

"You might hate me after I tell you this and you know i wanted to tell you, I was just scared, but the reason for when I saw mum in hospital and I didn't react was because when I was about 20 I went and looked for mum. Look I completely understand if u hate me I'm sorry it's just I didn't think I would have been ready to meet you. So I secretly saw mum once a week and erm yeah, I'm sorry!" I was so annoyed. The day had just got worse and I didn't even know that was possible.

"Lauren?" Will said looking disappointed with himself.

"Erm can you just leave me alone for a little while please." He nodded and left me alone outside of the hospital.

I stood in the cold for a while thinking about everything that had happened. I didn't know what to do anymore. Life was so messed up and so confusing I was completely lost. I felt a warm blanket being thrown over me and I turned around to find dan.

"Hey, how you doing?" He asked putting his arm round my shoulder.

" well I've been better." I replied and snuggled into him. He held me tighter and sighed.

" I'm sorry that this has happened Lauren."

"Everyone dies right? It's just a part of life." I said.

" no not just for your mum, I'm sorry that you hadn't met your dad before like a month ago I'm sorry you didn't know will was your brother, I'm sorry for all of the secrets."

"Dan it isn't like it's your fault. But thank you. It means a lot." I said softly. We stood outside quietly for a few minutes when dan suggested we went back inside. We walked in and Hollie was asleep and Jordan was snuggled up to will and kyle was sitting on the chair silently. He saw us walk in and he immediately got up.

"I think we better go home now." He said kissing my head. I nodded. Dan carried Hollie into the car and we said our goodbyes to Jordan and will.

"You give me a call whenever you need anything okay?" Jordan said hugging me I thanked her and she got in wills car. Will looked over at me awkwardly and half smiled. I turned away and got into dans car.

Once we got home we all just went straight to bed but I couldn't sleep. All of these weird visions of my childhood were rushing through my brain. I went down into the front room and grabbed my shoes. I looked around and thought about how bad my life was. I couldn't take it so I left. I left our house and ran. It was about 2 AM and there was no one about. I went to the park and laid down on a bench and sobbed.



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