Jordan and will

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After remembering everything I didnt know how to react to what had happened. So my mum had died and I had run away from my home without telling anyone. Hmm well done Lauren it looks like your life is going great-note the sarcasm.

I stood up from the bench and looked across at a man staring at me. I soon realised it was my step dad.

"Alfie? Hi!" I screamed running up to him.

"Hey Lauren, so I'm guessing you know about mum?" He said sympathetically.

"Erm yeah." I said sniffling trying to stop myself from crying.

"I'm sorry, why were you laying on a bench in the park last night?" He laughed.

"If I'm honest I really don't know, I should probably get back to my boyfriend and yeah my friends, thanks but yeah I guess this is it." I said. He looked disappointed.

"Your a lovely girl Lauren. You deserve a life loads better than this, I'm sorry this has happened. I'll leave now okay, you ever wanna see your brothers or anything you just come over your welcome anytime. So goodbye." He hugged me and I walked back to the flat.


I woke up alone in me and Lauren's bed. I got up and went to look for her downstairs but she was no where.

"Hollie, dan are you up?" I said knocking on their door. They groaned and I walked in.

"Have you seen Lauren? I have no idea where she is?" I started to panic. I kept thinking about all of the things that could have happened.

"No kyle, sorry." Dan said turning over to go back to sleep.

"DAN!" Hollie yelled shaking dan to wake up. "Kyle, I have no idea where she is, just let me put some actual clothes on and I'll come and look for her with you." I smiled at hollies gesture.

"No Hollie, I'm going to go and look, can u just give me a call if she comes back?" I walked out of the room grabbed my clothes and trainers and went out of the flat. I started running down the stairs and on the 3rd floor, THANKGOD, I found Lauren. She looked weak and was slowly pacing up the stairs.

"Lauren? You okay?" I said picking her up and walking up the stairs.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Her voice was dull and she was shaking still. I walked into the flat and laid her on our bed.

"I found her!" I called from our room to Hollie and dan who had gone back to sleep. I lent over and kissed Lauren, her lips were cold and chattering. I laid down next to her with my arms round her trying to warm her up.

"Baby?" I said softly playing with her hair.

"Yea?" She groaned closing her eyes.

"Why did you go?" I asked.

"I'm sorry."she muttered and she fell asleep.


I woke up alone the next morning. Jordan had gone home last night. As much as I loved her I felt that a bit of space was a good idea. I got a call from kyle as I was making breakfast and he invited us round for lunch. I called Jordan and she came over and we left to go to the flat. In the car she seemed anxious and nervous about something but she told me it was nothing. I didn't believe her but we had arrived at the flat and there was nothing else I could say really.

We walked in and were greeted by dan and kyle who warned us that Lauren and Hollie were still upset and we should try to not to mention anything. We walked in and Lauren was sitting on the small sofa and Hollie was on the other one. Me and Jordan say on the big one and dan went to get me and Jordan a drink. Kyle picked up Lauren and sat down with her on his lap. Dan came In with our drinks and he sat down with Hollie in his arms.

"Jordan are you alright?" Kyle asked.

"Erm what.. Yeah of course." She laughed, but still I didn't believe her. Things were still awkward between me and Lauren so I tried to throw a smile at her but she just turned away. I had ruined it this time.


I didn't think I was showing how nervous I was but obviously I was. I was so scared about telling will and I had no idea when the right time would be.

Will looked concerned so I had to keep telling him that I was fine. I know will is ready to do this, but I don't think he knows. But I knew that I needed to tell him as soon as I could but how?


Jordan grabbed my hand and walked me out of the front room, something was clearly bugging her and I needed to know if she was really okay.

"Jordan? You okay?" I asked staring into her deep beautiful eyes.

"Okay, here goes. I thought so much about how to tell you this but there's no right way so I'm just gonna say it. Will, I'm pregnant." My eyes shot open and I was completely speechless.

"W....hhhaaattt?" I stuttered.

"Will I know it's all so fast, but your ready to be a dad, I know you are." The word dad hit me hard. I was going to be a dad whether I liked it or not. She smiled at me, but my face was still blank. Without thinking I looked at Jordan, muttered I'm sorry and left the flat.


Jordan and will were taking a long time out in the hall so I got up and went to see if they were okay. I found Jordan on the floor sobbing.

"Jordan? Are you alright babe?" I pulled her up from the floor and walked her into the front room with everyone. She was shaking so much. Kyle immediately stood up jumping Lauren off of his lap. He held her in his arms and she began to speak.

"Will's gone!"

"What?" Lauren said softly.

"He's gone. I told him something he didn't want to hear."

"Jordan what did u tell him?" Dan said trying to call will.

"I'm pregnant." She said and the room fell silent. Kyle gazed over at Lauren and she walked over to him and Jordan and gave Jordan a hug.

"Babe it's okay. He'll come back okay I promise!" Lauren said rocking her in her arms. I looked over at dan who walked over to me.

"He will come back won't he?" I asked dan. He nodded and sat down next to me. We stayed on the sofa comforting Jordan for the next few hours until there was a knock at the door.


We ran over to the door and will was standing there looking disappointed in himself. He stood into the hall and I followed him into the front room.

"Jordan. I'm so sorry, I just needed some time and space to think about everything. But really, I am so happy and excited to be a dad. I really do love you." Jordan jumped up and will spun her round lifting her feet in the air.

"I love you too!" She said and they both sat down on the sofa and we all sat down together and had yet another lazy day indoors.


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