Birthday girl

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Chapter 42:


"Morning. Lauren wake up." Hollie laughed shaking me. I groaned and looked at my phone. It was 10 am and I had had a big lay in which I had been doing recently.

"I know you need rest, but you can't sleep all day." She said again. I smiled and looked around the room.

"Where's George?"

"He's downstairs with matty." She laughed pulling me out of bed.

"But Im sick." I laughed pulling out the 'I was In hospital' card.

"Oh shut up." Hollie smirked. We walked downstairs Hollie in her cute oversized BMTH tshirt and me in George's boxers and top.

"Morning." Matty smiled looking at me and Hollie. There was a mirror in the kitchen so I took a quick look at my scar. Kyle didn't let me look at it because he thought I'd get upset about it, but if I'm honest it didn't bother me, it was just another thing on my face and I was getting used to it. It looked quite repulsive actually, like my head had been stapled together. I shook the thought of it off and walked towards the counter where George and matty were making toast.

"What d'you want on yours?" George asked.

"You got Nutella?" Me and Hollie said in sync.

"Who doesn't?" Matty laughed pulling a massive jar out of the cupboard. Me and Hollie laughed at the size and he laughed.

"£3 for this I weren't exactly gonna say no?" He shrugged his shoulders and handed us some toast covered In masses of Nutella.

"Thanks." Hollie said already biting into her toast.

"Cheers me dear." I smiled sipping my tea and taking a bite out of my breakfast.


"So what's the plan for today?" Matty asked as we all sat on the sofa watching TV.

"There's not much you can do in January." George laughed.

"Hay, we haven't planned anything for your birthday?" I said looking at Hollie.

"Oh yeah." Hollie smiled.

"The 3rd right?" Matty smiled. Hollie nodded looking pleased that matty knew.

"That's tomorrow?" George smiled.

"Can we just pretend it's today?" I said.

"Erm sure why?" Hollie laughed.

"Well we could go iceskating!" I grinned.

"YES!" Hollie screamed.

"Lauren, what if you fall and hit your head?" Matty said strictly.

"Oh please matty." I pouted, "I am a pro skater and the chances of me falling are very unlikely." Hollie laughed at me because she knew how bad I really was at skating but matty seemed to believe me and soon Me and Hollie were running up the stairs excitedly wanting to go as soon as possible.

"George!" I screamed down stairs.

"What!" He shouted.

"Come here!" I screamed. I heard him sigh as he lazily huffed his way up the stairs.

"What you want?" He moaned.

"I need you to help me do something." I whispered. He looked at me confused but followed me into our room anyway. I was trying to wrap hollies present but I was useless at anything that involved making something look neat and presentable.

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