Last sight

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I woke up after what felt like sleeping for weeks.

"Morning beautiful." Someone hummed. I looked at them next to my bed and it was kyle.

"Hi." I yawned, the last thing I remember from him was him shouting at me for not talking.

"How you feeling?"

"I'm okay thanks." I smiled.

"Good." He smiled. He must have felt bad about earlier because he kept smiling at me and making sure I was okay.

"I think we need to talk." He said a little while later.


"About everything." He frowned slightly.

"What d'you mean?" I was completely confused.

"You know, tour and you being sick and." He stopped and sighed.

"And what?" I asked.

"Nothing." He mumbled.

"Okay then." I sighed.

"Don't get fucking angry with me." He suddenly screamed standing up and kicking the chair he was sitting on over.

"Kyle! Woah calm down, what's gotten into you."

"Nothing, you're just being a little brat and I'm fucking done with it!" He screamed.

"Kyle? Why are you acting like this? I did nothing wrong?" I started to cry and he suddenly calmed down and realised what he had done.

"Shit Lauren I'm sorry." He quickly ran over to my side. He jumped into the hospital bed with me and hugged me tightly.

"Kyle what's going on." I sobbed.

"Nothing." He frowned.

"Kyle I'm not an idiot!" I snapped. I knew what was going on, he was acting just how my uncle used to when his girlfriend died. He was on drugs, one minute he was happy and the next he was so angry and would hit people, break stuff and eventually we all lost contact, Kyle couldn't be on drugs? He couldn't be but I just needed to hear it from him.

"Kyle are you on drugs?" He looked shocked and then his face turned from shock into disappointment. "You haven't?" He didn't look at me.

"Kyle Simmons look me In the eye and tell me you're not on drugs!" I shouted.

"I can't." He gulped.

"WHY THE FUCK NOT!" I cried.

"Because that would be a lie and baby I don't lie." He said with a straight face.


It had been silent other than a few soft sobs I had cried to myself. Kyle sat in his chair opposite my bed just staring at me not making any noise or movement just staring.

"I'm hungry." Kyle stood up and grabbed the bag of Doritos that Adam had left me when he visited.

"Oh yh sure kyle of course you can have some." I half smiled and he smiled back at me before opening the bag and stuffing a handful into his mouth.

"Shut it you." He smirked. See what I mean? One minute he's angry and the next he's fine. I smiled weakly and sipped the glass of water that was on the side of my bed.

"Are we gonna talk then?" I said awkwardly.

"Sure." He smiled. I stayed silent waiting for him to say something else, it took a while but eventually he did.

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