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The next morning me and Lauren were up at 6:30 getting ready for school.

"You want some toast?" Lauren screamed from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" I replied. I carried on getting ready when a pillow hit my head. I turned around to find a sleepy dan lying in bed.

"Do you have to shout?" He said laughing.

"Yes! You and kyle don't have to go to uni so I don't think it's fair that you get a lay in!" I walked over to him and kissed him, he flopped back down on our bed and I went into the kitchen to grab some toast.

Lauren was talking to herself as she wandered around the kitchen; I'm guessing she was practicing her lines for drama. I sat on the counter and read through some papers my teachers had given me and once we had finished our toast Lauren drove us both to school.


I woke up and found an empty space next to me in bed. I jumped out of bed and looked around the house for Lauren, but she wasn't there.

"DAN LAURENS GONE MISSING AGAIN! HELP!" I screamed running into dans room.

"Ergh kyle calm down they've gone too uni." Dan said laughing.

"Oh, right." I kept forgetting that they still went to school.

"Kyle you're such a worrier." Dan said getting out of bed and going into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Oh shut up. I can't help it." I sulked. "So what are we going to do today?"

"I was thinking we could go and talk to the boys about recording soon."

I nodded and me and dan ate our breakfast, got ready and went round to wills.

When we got there we found woody on the sofa looking miserable.

"Wats up woody?" I asked.

"Chrissy err dumped me." He said his eyes not moving away from the TV.

"Oh I'm sorry mate." I said and he just stared at the TV.

We walked into the kitchen to where will was.

"You guys alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, we were just gonna ask you when you think we should start recording stuff." Dan said.

"Soon. I mean I've got no more plans really. Just need to move Jordan's stuff in during the week but that's all?" We all smiled and joined woody in the front room.

"Woody? We were wondering if you want to start recording soon?"

"Yeah I guess, no point sitting around feeling sorry for your self is there?" He stood up and went upstairs.

We all watched as he strolled out of the room.

"Erm.. Well don't ya think this is a good thing?" I said quietly.

"Yes! We're hopefully going to get the old woody back!" Dan whispered excitably.

We stayed at wills for lunch then me and dan headed back home so we could wait for the girls.


Me and Hollie drove home and walked into the flat to find dan and kyle asleep on the sofas.

"Typical." Hollie laughed. We tiptoed over to them and in 3..2..1..

"RAHRR!" We screamed. Kyle fell onto the floor and dan jumped up from the sofa.

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