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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

IT WAS THE MORNING AFTER THE MEMORIAL, AND EVELYN FELT GREAT. She stepped out of her bed and threw on a pair of ripped jeans paired with an off-the-shoulder jumper. A very quick make-up application was all it took for Evelyn to eventually saunter out of her room and down the staircase where she saw the two Salvatore's stood in the doorway.

"Good day for a mid-life crisis. One-hundred and sixty-four years, I'd say you're due." Damon smirked as he leaned against the door frame with a bottle of bourbon in his hands. He smiled toward Evelyn, who stood beside him.

The brunette vampire eyed up the fact that Stefan was stood, leaning against a motorcycle. "What's this in aid of?"

"Elena's transition into a vampire has been a little depressing." Stefan sighed quietly as he sat on his motorcycle. "I'm gonna help her have some fun."

"One of your better ideas." Evelyn chuckled quietly, though she soon noticed Damon roll his eyes. "If you roll your eyes any harder, they'll roll right out of that thick head of yours." She narrowed her eyes toward Damon. "What's your problem? Still having a disagreement about which of you is the better man for Elena Gilbert?"

Evelyn knew that Damon and Stefan were equally involved with Elena, despite Stefan actually being her boyfriend. The Austin vampire couldn't come back to town and just assume Damon would fall straight back in love with her. She wanted to get to know who Damon was now, regardless of how much she still cared for him.

"Yep." Stefan rolled his eyes. He turned his attention to pair, who looked as if they were on their way out. "Where are you two going?"

"That hunter jacked Tyler Lockwood of his werewolf venom last night so basically he's got vampire poison in a bottle." The Salvatore's arm immediately draped over the brunette's shoulder. "We're going to find him, and we're gonna eat him"

"Haven't had a proper meal since I came back to this town, I can't wait to taste blood straight from the vein." Evelyn wriggled her eyebrows suggestively. "I'm starving."

Stefan drifted himself from his motorcycle. "I'll go with you."

"I don't want your help, I have Evelyn." Damon snapped immediately. He didn't want Stefan's help, besides it was another opportunity for him to spend some time with Evelyn. "Oh, have a great day at school, brother."

Evelyn and Damon headed toward his car. She slipped in the passenger seat, while he sat in the driver's side. The atmosphere was awkward for a moment, but eventually, Evelyn spoke. "So, what's the deal with you and Elena?"

"The deal?" The Salvatore echoed.

"Well, I know that she's Stefan's girlfriend. However, I can't help but notice the tension between you and him when it comes to her." Evelyn raised an eyebrow as she heard Damon scoff. "Come on, what's the story?"

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