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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

THE DAY OF JO AND ALARIC'S WEDDING HAD ARRIVED SOONER THAN ANYONE ANTICIPATED. With Lily locked up in the cell in the basement, Evelyn pushed last night's drama to the back of her mind and had every intention of enjoying her day. After all, it was her last in Mystic Falls. Neither she nor Damon wanted anything to get in the way of their last day with the people they loved, but of course, it was Mystic Falls and nothing ever went straight forward.

"Crap." Jo frantically paced the room back and forth with her eyes full of worry and exhaustion. Evelyn wandered into the room and noticed the dark-haired witch seemed panicked. "They're not here."

"What's wrong?" Elena looked up, then turned her head to Jo who started to wave her hands around her head with an exasperated sigh.

"My shoes." The bride-to-be turned on her heels glared at the three girls in the room. "My gorgeous, expensive, wear-them-once-and-then-never-again shoes. They are missing!"

"Okay, let's just calm—" Evelyn began to try and calm the situation, however, the Bennett witch suddenly cut her off with a suggestion.

"Do you want me to do a locator spell on them?"

Jo raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "On my shoes?"

"I've heard of a lot of things in my time, but a locator spell on shoes? Does that even exist?" Evelyn also turned around to look at her best friend with an incredulous look.

"I don't know, actually, I'm just—" Bonnie started to aggressively kick the steamer within her hands. "Hang on. I gotta figure out how to work this stupid thing."

"Good. Break it. Because my wrinkled dress will surely distract everyone from my bare feet." Jo cried out in distress as she watched Bonnie continued to abuse the steamer.

"Hey, hey. Come on, don't waste all your panic now. You still have eight hours until the ceremony." The Gilbert stepped forward with a smile before holding up a glass. "Nonalcoholic mimosa?"

"One: a nonalcoholic mimosa is just juice—"

"Trust me, I know. That's why I prefer regular mimosas, Elena's just being boring since she's human now." Evelyn shrugged before downing her glass and filling it again before she gave the doppelganger a smirk.

Jo raised an eyebrow at Evelyn and then chuckled. "—Two: I can't drink. Somebody should drink with Evelyn. Elena, you should drink."

"I will, eventually. But, I'm not being boring. I have human tolerance now, which is cheaper, but a lot less fun." The ex-vampire pouted before the girls clinked their glasses.

Evelyn and Jo began chatting among themselves while Elena answered Jo's phone for her. She answered in her usual, perky voice but as the phone call progressed, the perkiness disappeared and it was clear there was an issue. "Please, don't tell me that was bad news." Evelyn groaned.

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