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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

DAMON HAD A THEORY THAT SILAS HAD DUMPED STEFAN IN THE QUARRY. It was probable, considering when Silas' body was supposed to be rooting at the bottom of the quarry but instead, Stefan was missing— And, Silas just happened to be his shadow-self. So, Damon and Evelyn headed to the quarry to meet with Sheriff Forbes after Damon had asked her to help him locate Stefan. They stood right at the edge and looked down into the water, while Liz appeared behind them and sighed.

"Damon, I know I said I'd help you find your brother, but I can't dredge this entire quarry." Liz anxious told Damon, who rolled his eyes. "It's enormous."

"I'm aware of that. I mean, clearly, that's why we wanted to dump Silas' body here— because it's big and deep and no one would find him." The Salvatore shrugged as he watched Evelyn step closer to the edge. "Now, say I'm Silas and I wanna take over my doppelganger's life. Why wouldn't I dump him in a place that's big and deep, where no one would find him?"

Evelyn turned around from the edge and stepped back over to them. "You have to admit, Liz, it does make sense. I mean, it's what I'd do."

The Sheriff of Mystic Falls sighed heavily. "I already agreed to hold off on telling anyone about the Mayor's death until you figured this all out, but I can't devote those kinds of resources to finding one person, who may or may not be down there."

"But, it's a place to start. And, if Stefan's down there that means he's been drowning over and over all summer, while I've been happily playing house with Evelyn." Damon spoke as a look of guilt spread across his face. "Do I need to further elaborate the source of my urgency?"

"I'll get some deputies on it." Liz reluctantly sighed and headed off with her phone pressed to her ear.

"Oh, you're so persuasive." Evelyn playfully wriggled her eyebrows toward Damon and then draped her arms over his shoulders. As she did so, her phone started to vibrate. She pulled it out and pressed it to her ear. "Jer. Did you find Katherine?"

"I didn't—" The Gilbert boy trailed off as a heavy sigh left Damon's lips. "— But, Matt did. She was mid-cat-fight with some lady who maced her. We think Silas might have mind-controlled himself some new friends."

"How exactly did the Gilbert-Donovan brain trust put all that together?" Damon mused in an amused tone then rolled his eyes. "Never mind, it doesn't matter. Just, hide her. If Silas wants her bad enough to sic the whole town on her, that means we want her more."

"Jeremy, you guys need to stay hidden. Silas knows you were the last person with Katherine, which means the towns probably looking for you, too." Evelyn told the young boy and then swiftly plunged her phone into her pocket.

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