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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

EVERYTHING IN THE VAMPIRE'S WORD HAD CHANGED FOREVER— AND IT WAS FOR THE BETTER. Bonnie had managed to bring Jeremy back before she put the veil back off, then headed off traveling. Elena and Caroline were preparing to start their first year at Whitmore college. Matt took Rebekah up on her offer to see the world, while Tyler was still away with a werewolf pack, despite being able to return home to Caroline after Klaus gave him his freedom.

Stefan remained unheard of. Nobody had any contact with him after he left at the beginning of summer. They all assumed that he needed to reconnect with himself after having his heart broken by Elena so many times. Evelyn did occasionally question whether his heart was broken beyond repair. everyone was questioned whether it was still beating.

Damon and Evelyn had been had practically been joined at the hip all summer long. Nobody really could blame them, either. It was the first time they had truly been themselves around each other without having to hide the way that they felt for one another out of fear their feelings were not reciprocated.

"Do you know how right this feels?" Damon whispered softly as he kissed the top of Evelyn's head. The brunette vampire was draped across his chest as they laid within his bed, engulfed in the comfort of each other. "Hell, I should've told you I loved you months ago."

Evelyn chuckled softly and lifted herself from his chest to look into Damon's eyes. "Yes, you should've. But, we can debate how much of an idiot you are later." She grinned and pressed her lips delicately against Damon's as she heard a chuckle leave his own. "We've got slightly more important things to be doing."

"Oh, yeah?" The Salvatore hummed as they parted a few inches from each other. "Like what, huh?"

"Oh, you know. Making up for all of the lost time." The Austin vampire chuckled as her lips crashed against Damon's once more. The two were completely lost in the feeling of each other— they loved every second of it.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"There were issues at home." Jeremy began as he sat in front of Elena, reciting what he was going to say to his principal about his sudden reappearance. "Ever since I lost my parents, my aunt, I've been acting out. Drugs, drinking— I was looking for attention so I lit my house on fire and faked my own death."

"Really stress the drug thing," The doppelganger nodded to herself then pressed her hand against her forehead. "And I'd definitely say that the fire was an accident because there's crazy and then there's—well, me."

"Or I could just not go back, considering my school already had a memorial for me." Jeremy raised an eyebrow toward his sister, though she only folded her arms and looked back at him.

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