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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

DAMON SALVATORE SAUNTERED THROUGH THE HALLS OF THE SALVATORE HOUSE AND HEADED STRAIGHT UPSTAIRS. As he walked back into his bedroom, Evelyn was still very much sound asleep with the curtains drawn shut considering she still hadn't managed to get a daylight ring. Damon wanted to let her rest as long as possible since she obviously needed the rest. With an adoring smile on his lips, Damon turned on his heels and attempted to leave the room but suddenly the noise of Evelyn stirring awake caused him to stop.

"Don't go." Evelyn's voice was soft but just loud enough for the Salvatore to hear and obey her instructions. The brunette sat up slowly in the bed, then glanced at her phone to check the time. "Damon, what— it's almost eleven."

"I'm glad that in your old age, the ability to tell the time didn't escape you." Damon teased as he dropped himself on the bed beside her. "Honestly, you looked like you could do with the rest. Plus, it gave me a little time to sort a few things."

"Things?" She raised an eyebrow toward him as he dropped two velvet boxes onto the bedsheet in front of them. "What's this?"

A smirk swept across Damon's face like a wildfire as he noticed the dumbfounded look on Evelyn's. "Open them and find out."

Evelyn reached for the first box, closet to her. It was a small, blue velvet box and when she opened it, there was a silver engagement ring staring back at her with a beautiful large diamond in the middle. "Oh, Damon. It's beautiful."

"I tried to get it similar to the last one, you know, the one that that dick Kai melted. But, I figured this would be more your speed."

Evelyn wasted no time lifting it from the box as she slipped it into her finger. "It's beautiful. But, you didn't need to do that. You know—"

"I wanted to." The Salvatore immediately cut her off before he gestured to the other box. "I'm sure you can guess what's inside that one."

A chuckle left Evelyn's lips, then she opened the second box to reveal a daylight ring. It was a simple ring with a blue pendant in the middle, similar to Elena's. The Austin vampire slipped it onto her index finger and then held her hand in the air, admiring the sudden inflex in jewelry.

"Just go careful with that. Jo made it, so if you burst into flames, I'll know who's ass I need to kick."

"Uh, you won't be doing that." Evelyn immediately furrowed her brows toward her fiancé. "Jo's trying to get back into the swing of things, so even if I do burst into flames, which I won't. Cut her a little slack, okay?"

Damon's face suddenly softened as he placed a gentle kiss on Evelyn's lips. "Hm. You're lucky that I'm in love with you." As their kiss began to get a little bit more heated, Damon's phone suddenly buzzed in his pocket. He broke away from Evelyn's lips, leaving the brunette a little irritated as he answered the phone. "Better be good, brother."

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 | 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄Where stories live. Discover now