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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

IT HAD BEEN JUST OVER FOUR DAYS SINCE EVERYTHING WENT WRONG. After Enzo's sabotage, the Traveler's were able to locate the doppelgangers, and they managed to take both Stefan and Elena right from under their noses. Since then, everybody else had been completely focused on was finding a way to get them back. Their only lead was Mystic Falls innocents that had Travelers inside of them.

"Damn, baby. Do you think you tied those ropes tight enough?" Evelyn spoke with a hint of sarcasm. She watched Damon smirk gleefully as she handed him a spray bottle of water.

"Wakey, wakey," Damon muttered in a patronizing tone. He sprayed the water in the man's face a few times before he pulled a business card from his upper pocket. "Mr. Sikes. Head of corporate accounts." He read, then scoffed.

Evelyn got to her feet and moved next to Damon once heard the man attempt to speak, but Damon kept a cloth in his mouth. "Might wanna remove that before you interrogate him, genius."

"Whoops. Sorry about that." Damon apologized insincerely, then he removed the gag from the man's mouth. "Yeah, can't have you mumbling any of those annoying traveler ditties. It's a sure migraine. So, here's the deal. My brother and his ex-girl have both been kidnapped by travelers, and we can't seem to find them anywhere. I mean, like, poof, gone. So besides the completely clueless Hybrid in my basement, and a cave full of sleeping travelers, we've got nothing to go on except you. So, I'm gonna need you to tell me where I can find you leader, Markos."

"I should probably say that unless you co-operate, your life is looking extremely bleak right about now, and I'm not in the best of moods considering the small fact that my friends have been kidnapped," Evelyn growled before she grabbed the man by the throat. "So, tell us where the hell Markos is."

"What's up, Blondie?" The Salvatore vampire asked as soon as Caroline entered with his eyes fixed to her phone screen.

"Liv and Luke aren't answering any of my—" She gasped immediately when she noticed the tied up man in the middle of the room. "Oh, my God. Mr. Sikes?"

"Wait, what?" Evelyn tilted her head.

"You know him?" Damon rested his head back on the armchair while he glanced back at the blonde vampire.

"Yeah, he helped me open my first savings account. He gave me a lollypop."

"Well, unfortunately, Mr. Sikes here is occupied by some low-life traveler. We saw him and his buddies chanting in the town square last week. I also know that Markos and your passenger comrades are planning some big flashy spell to undo some super boring ancient witch curse, and where that sucks for us, it just happens to undo all the witch magic, I.E. kill me, my girl, and my sexy, blonde frenemy here."

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