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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

THE SCENT OF COFFEE FILLED THE AIR AS DAMON SALVATORE HUMMED HIS WAY BACK TO HIS BEDROOM. As he walked in, the sight of Evelyn Austin asleep in his bed was something he would surely never get tired of seeing. She smiled to himself for a moment, then dropped a coffee on the bedside table beside her. "Come on, get up." He stated with a light chuckle, though Evelyn didn't respond. "Evelyn, don't ignore me."

"Get up? Why do I need to get up?" The female groaned heavily as she grabbed hold of her phone to check the time, then she gasped. "It's the middle of the night, Damon!"

"No, it's not. Look, you and I have to play bodyguards to Amara today."

"And, I will. I promise. Just, let me have a little longer in bed. Please." Evelyn begged once more, but she suddenly felt Damon grip her feet from the bottom of the bed. "What're you doing? You're not seriously going to pull me out of bed, are you?"

As their eyes met, Damon smirked toward the woman he loved. "One—"

"Don't be stupid." Evelyn shook her head, fearful.

"Two—" Damon chuckled softly as he heard a squeal leave the girl's lips. "Eve, are you going to get out of bed, or what?"

"God. Fine! Fine!" Evelyn rolled her eyes and finally got out of bed with very little clothing on, which caused her boyfriend to smirk. "Don't look at me like that, you don't deserve to after the pain you just caused me."

"Ooh, so dramatic." Damon moved behind her and grabbed her waist, but before he could kiss her, there was a knock at the bedroom door.

"Sorry—" The doppelganger began with a startled look on her face as she watched Damon step in front of Evelyn, to shield her from Elena's sight. "Uh— Stefan has his memories back."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"October 1852?"

"You broke my nose trying to teach me how to throw a right hook," Stefan responded to Damon, then he glanced to the Austin vampire who sat perched on the arm of the couch beside her boyfriend. "Evelyn told you we'd end up hurt but you did it anyway."

Evelyn chuckled softly, took a sip of her coffee, and then nodded. "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is why you should always listen to Evelyn Austin."

"How much did you pay for that hunk of junk motorcycle you ride?" Damon wriggled his eyebrows toward his brother once more.

"That's a trick question, you bought me that motorcycle. Although I'm guessing it was pretty expensive." Stefan glanced between Elena, Evelyn, and Damon who were all staring at him in disbelief.

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