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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

ELENA HAD RETURNED HOME FROM WHITEMORE SHORTLY AFTER EVELYN AND DAMON FOUND THE SAFE EMPTY. They had urged her that it was okay and they would handle it, but Elena felt a duty toward Stefan— especially since she had been having dreams about him drowning over the last three months. Evelyn did feel a little awkward having the doppelganger in the same house while she and Damon were all over each other, but Elena assured Evelyn that she was absolutely fine with them being together.

Damon laid on his side and admired Evelyn silently while she slept. He knew that she was gorgeous, he said it enough times a day himself, but there was something even more breathtaking about her when she slept. A chuckle left his lips once he saw her begin to stir awake. "Morning,"

"Hello, you." Evelyn groggily spoke as she rolled over and leaned her head against Damon's bare chest. The Salvatore gently brushed the hair away from Evelyn's face and tucked it behind her ear while she smiled. "How'd you sleep?"

"Oh, perfectly." Damon shrugged with a smirk on his face as he wriggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Especially when I woke up at four in the morning to hear you mumbling about how much you loved me; how perfect I was. Oh, and what was it you said about my eyes."

"Shut up. I don't talk in my sleep." Evelyn narrowed her eyes toward Damon. "You're lying."

"Trust me, you do." He stated plainly. Then, she grabbed a pillow from behind her and smacked him over the face with it.

Their laughter immediately came to a halt when Evelyn caught sight of Katherine, who was lurking at their door. Once the doppelganger knew she had been noticed, she stepped further into sight. "I had a dream about Stefan." The doppelganger admitted after she heard a few irritated sighs leave the couple's lips.

"That's brilliant. Go see a psychologist. Goodbye, Katherine." Damon rolled his eyes and shooed her out with his left hand, but the Pierce woman didn't take that as a hint to leave. Instead, she stayed leaned against the wooden door frame.

Katherine narrowed her eyes at Damon and shook her head. "No, no. It was vivid as hell. He was walking into a bar with a red neon sign—"

"—Yo, Mystic Meg. Get an address with your visions?" Evelyn fired back before she laid her head back down onto her pillow with an irritated look on her face.

"Route 29. Joe's bar." The voice of Elena Gilbert joined in the doorway of Damon and Evelyn's bedroom. Evelyn gave Damon a glance when she heard Elena. "I think I had the exact same dream."

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me."

It wasn't long before Damon and Evelyn met with Elena downstairs to plan their route to find Stefan. Evelyn noticed Elena was stood with her eyes fixed on Stefan's daylight ring. "So, I've found nine bars along route 29, and none of them are called Joe's," Damon explained as he wandered into the room.

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