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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

EVELYN STEPPED OUT OF THE SHOWER, A TOWEL AROUND HER BODY. She was immediately startled when she saw Damon stood in the bedroom's corner, his eyes scanning her body. The tension in the air was thick, though Evelyn didn't seem at all bothered by the fact that his eyes hadn't left her for a second.

"Damon, my eyes are up here, thank you." She snapped immediately and his eyes slowly drifted back up to her face. Evelyn rolled her eyes. "What d'you want, anyway?"

Damon folded his arms across his chest as he watched Evelyn wander over to her dresser to gather some fresh clothes. "I came to ask if you wanted to come with Elena, Bonnie, and I to Whitmore College."

"College?" The brunette vampire echoed with a scoff. "Remind me why exactly I'd wanna do that?"

"Well, Elena's having bloodlust issues, Bon-Bon's magic is severely lacking so I figured: two birds, one stone." Damon sang despite Evelyn's clear unwillingness to join them on their road trip. "Oh, come on, it'll be fun. I'll even let you pick who we eat."

"Wow, you really know how to show a girl a good time, don't you?" Evelyn sarcastically remarked though Damon didn't seem to catch the sarcasm. "As much as I would love to watch you train the doppelganger to be a good little vampire. I'd rather stake myself— repeatedly."

"Technically, if you do it in the heart, you'll only have to do it once." He smirked. "Is this about Elena?"

"No." Evelyn snapped. "It's about me not wanting to be stuck in a car for hours just to go to some stupid college campus. Not my scene."

"Oh, okay." The Salvatore slowly nodded as he watched Evelyn pull a white shirt from her dresser. "So, you're jealous." The vampire turned on her heels and narrowed her eyes toward him, though he held his hands up in surrender as a smile spread across his lips. "Relax! I'm joking. I'm joking, I swear."

"You know what I said before, about staking myself? Maybe I should stake you repeatedly, instead." Evelyn tilted her head toward him and gave him a grin as he slowly began to retreat out of her bedroom. "See you later. Try not to turn her into a ripper, I hear that sucks!"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Since Damon and Elena were gone for the day and Stefan had disappeared to god-knows-where, Evelyn had decided to take the day for herself. She wanted to see what the town had to offer now, since the last time she lived there was 1864.

She stepped into the Grill and sauntered straight over to the bar, which was Damon's usual spot. Evelyn sat, examining the liquor that was stored behind the bar until Rebekah appeared beside her. "You look in need of a friend."

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