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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

EVER SINCE ELENA TURNED HER HUMANITY ON, ALL SHE CARED ABOUT WAS KILLING KATHERINE. She needed to get her through the stage of agonizing self-loathing, and in her head, killing Katherine would solve all of that. Evelyn felt the same when she woke in transition after being murdered by Katherine. All she wanted to do was tear the woman's heart right from her chest.

Evelyn stepped into the Grill and Caroline quickly beckoned for the brunette vampire to join her and Rebekah at the bar. They all stood, watching the Gilbert girl aggressively throw darts at a dartboard.

"There you are." Caroline sighed in relief and then nodded her head in the direction of Elena. "You were right. She's obsessed. She asked if I knew where Katherine was and she's been doing that ever since."

"Stefan told her to focus on something that makes her want to live. I guess the motivation of killing Katherine is the only thing keeping her going, right now." Evelyn tilted her head as Matt pushed a bourbon in front of her. "Oh, you lifesaver."

"Well, someone needs to do something before she explodes." The Forbes girl interrupted again as she watched Elena throw yet another dart at the board.

"I got this." Rebekah nodded, jumped off of her barstool, and then grabbed two glasses and a bottle. She gave the vampires a smile and then headed over to Elena. Evelyn furrowed her brows as she and Caroline listened in. "Drink. You're putting everyone on edge." Rebekah handed Elena a glass which she immediately downed. "So, what's the deal? I'm new to this whole emotional switch situation."

"It's not complicated. See that dartboard?" Elena gestured to the board that hung nearly on the wall behind Rebekah. "All I can picture is Katherine's face."

The Original watched Elena grit her teeth and throw yet another dart. "So, your emotions are on, they're just dialed to rage." She nodded.

"Look, Rebekah, I get that we had our Thelma and Louise thing back when I had my humanity off. But, let me make one thing clear— We're not friends." Elena chuckled and then headed to the dartboard to collect her darts.

"What about us? Are we still friends?" Caroline stepped over to the girls while Evelyn stood a little behind her. "All those things you said when your humanity was off— is that how you really feel?"

"Caroline, I really don't feel like going down memory lane."

"Right, okay, sure. What about when you told Caroline that she was a repulsive, bloodsucking monster? Or, when you told me you would always be the thing that stood between Damon and I." Evelyn tilted her head as she watched Elena line up another throw. "Did you really mean those things?"

The doppelganger hesitated over her next throw and then glanced up to the two vampires. "If you're waiting for an apology, you're not gonna get one. I can't let myself feel, because if I feel bad then I feel everything. And, we've all seen how well I handle that."

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 | 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄Where stories live. Discover now