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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

IT WAS DEFINITELY A LONG A GRUELLING JOURNEY TO THE ISLAND OF NOVA SCOTIA. Evelyn had to endure an eight-hour plane journey and, what felt like, two hours on a boat to the island just off the mainland. The arrived on a beach, though it was not a sandy one like Evelyn was used to. This one was rocky and covered in seaweed and stones.

"Couldn't they have hidden this cure in Hawaii?" Evelyn heard Damon gruffly speak in his usual irritated tone which caused a chuckle to leave her lips. "Where the hell did you take us?"

"Two hundred-miles off the Nova Scotia mainland." Professor Shane answered as he wandered over to Damon and Evelyn. "If you recall, the whole point was to hide the cure on the world's most obscure, desolate island."

"Yeah, I got that." Evelyn nodded as she glanced back at the tall trees that overlooked the island. "But, I know about a dozen islands that are obscure, desolate but enjoyable to be."

"Girl has a point." Damon chuckled as he continued sharpening his blade with a rock he had found on the sand. "Besides, I thought the whole point was that no one found Silas; the oldest, deadliest freak in the world."

"Yeah, that too." Shane shrugged as he held up a bottle of sunscreen and offered it toward the two vampires. "Sunscreen?"

Damon stared at the bottle and then glanced at Evelyn, who was trying desperately to hide her laughter even though Damon didn't seem amused. "Is that a joke?"

Awkwardly, Shane pulled the sunscreen and wandered away which left Damon and Evelyn to speak. "So..." The Salvatore trailed off as he pulled his duffle bag over his shoulder. "You here for the cure, or?"

"Nah." Evelyn shook her head with a pointed look on her face. "I've been a vampire for a long time, Damon. I can't imagine being human—not now. I'm just here to make sure nobody gets themselves killed."

"Ah. You're here to watch my back then." Damon wriggled his eyebrows suggestively as he heard the brunette immortal chuckle.

"Awfully big head you've got on your shoulders there. Must hurt carrying that around all day."

Damon rolled his eyes and nudged Evelyn with his elbow. He smirked as he watched her stumble backward a little. "Shut up."

"Come on." Professor Shane called out to the supernatural that stood on the beachfront. It was obvious that he wanted to get going and hated wasting a second. "We gotta get going."

Evelyn rolled her eyes and reluctantly followed after Shane, as did the rest of the group. They headed into the forest as the trees enveloped them, ridding them of any warmth they once felt.

Eventually, Shane halted in front of them and pulled out his phone. It made a single deep and then a sigh left his lips. "Satellite phone lost its signal."

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