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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

AT THE REQUEST OF BONNIE BENNETT, ELENA HEADED BACK TO WHITMORE. Evelyn felt a little relief once she knew that Elena was no longer lurking around every corner of the house. Since the funeral, Evelyn had been drinking— a lot. She felt guilty that she and Damon were having the time of their lives while Stefan was drowning and Bonnie was dead. She lifted herself up from her bed and reached over to the bedside table to grab a bottle of bourbon, but Damon grabbed it first.

"That's not going to help, you know." Damon's stern voice caused Evelyn to lift her head up, she sighed when she saw him. "Come on, Eve, you're better than this. This is getting dangerously into my territory and, in order for this relationship to work, you and I don't step into each other's lanes."

"I wanted a drink. Sue me." Evelyn rolled her eyes as she lifted herself out of the bed. She was completely naked, though she didn't have a care in the world.

Damon pursed his lips as Evelyn stood in front of him, his eyes slowly moved down her body, admiring the view she had given him. But, then he shook his head. "Evelyn."

"What?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Man, I can't believe him about to do this." Damon stepped past her and toward her dresser. He grabbed a white t-shirt, black jeans, and tossed them to her. "Put some clothes on."

Evelyn rolled her eyes and slipped the white t-shirt over her head, then glanced to Damon as she pulled her jeans up. "What's with the face, Mr. Buzzkill?"

"Mr. Buzzkill might've found a way to bring back Bonnie. So, a little loss moping from you would be amazing." Damon tilted his head to the side and watched Evelyn's eyes widen. "Come with me."

Damon and Evelyn wandered downstairs to see Jeremy Gilbert, who almost looked as if he were waiting for them. Evelyn glanced between Damon and then the Gilbert boy. "Jeremy. What're you doing here?"

"Damon says he has a plan to bring back Bonnie, so I'm here to listen," Jeremy stated immediately with a shrug and a look of hopefulness.

"I do." Damon wriggled his eyebrows. "So, as we know, in a psychotic lapse of judgment, Bonnie brought you back to life and died in the process. May she rest in peace."

"She's actually right over there," Jeremy explained with a chuckle as he glanced over to an empty spot in the room. Evelyn smirked as Damon just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Look. The whole point is, I just happen to know a supernatural being who just happens to want to die. And in the spirit of nature needing balance and a life for a life, and all that stuff. I just think it would be a huge waste of a perfectly good death."

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