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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

SINCE EVELYN BECAME A VAMPIRE, CELEBRATING HER BIRTHDAY BECAME SUCH A TRIVIAL EVENT. When she was mortal, it was more of a celebration of her life and her future plans, but since she became a vampire it felt pointless. She remembered her mother's voice was vividly saying how she could cherish every birthday because she didn't know how many she would get— little did she know, Evelyn would get countless birthdays.

The brunette vampire wandered back into her bedroom, a towel wrapped around her body while she rubbed her wet locks with a hand towel while Damon smiled up at her. "Good morning to you, too. You know, if you woke me, I'd have joined you in the shower."

"And that's precisely why I didn't wake you, Damon. I wanted to wash, not have sex," Evelyn smirked toward her boyfriend, then wandered over to her closet while she glanced at Damon's reflection in the long mirror beside her. 

Damon grumbled under his breath, then pouted. "God, you really are a spoil-sport, aren't you?"

Evelyn rolled her eyes as she glanced between him, and her closet. "Are you gonna stay wrapped up in those silk sheets all day?"

"Are you complaining?" Damon raised a brow and spoke in a playful tone. "Because if I didn't know any better, Miss Austin, I'd say you were complaining."

"I wouldn't dream of it, Mr. Salvatore." The brunette vampire chuckled softly. She pulled out a pair of jeans and a crop top but immediately heard a tut leave Damon's lips. 

"No. No, not that outfit. Put it back." Damon immediately spoke as he watched her eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"What're you talking about? What's wrong with this outfit."

"It's all wrong for the vibe that I'm goin' with today." The Salvatore lifted himself out of the bed and wandered in front of his girlfriend. Evelyn resisted the urge to let her eyes glance over his perfectly carved body as he stood bare in front of her. "I promised you a date, right? So, dress up."

"Today?" Evelyn echoed as she watched him nod. "Damon, we can't just go on a date, what about—"

"—What about nothing, Evelyn. It's your birthday." He stated bluntly while the girl's eyebrows knitted together in complete and utter confusion. "Huh, you'd think I'd forgotten about your birthday."

"No, no. It was just that I'd almost forgotten about it."

"Well, no. I have lots planned for today. So, as I said before—" Damon twirled the brunette back around to face her closet before he smacked her bum gently. "Get ready."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Once Evelyn had gotten ready for the date as requested by Damon, she headed downstairs to find that he was absolutely nowhere in the house. During her search throughout the dozens of rooms, she received a text telling her to meet him on the edge of town underneath a large oak tree just a little before the border of Mystic Falls itself.

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