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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

THE FEELING OF BEING RESTRICTED WAS SOMETHING EVELYN WAS SLOWLY COMING ACCUSTOMED TO. She was laid down, strapped tightly on a gurney beside Elena as the pair faded in and out of consciousness every so often. Evelyn remembered when Wes moved herself and Elena into the lab, they saw another vampire who introduced himself as Enzo. But, when her eyes fluttered open and she glanced to her left, he was gone. Evelyn wasn't sure whether or not she hallucinated the meeting of Enzo, Damon's friend. But, she was terrified whatever the circumstance.

"Elena?" Evelyn breathed out weakly as she glanced over to the doppelganger who began to stir awake again. "Elena, wake up. We need— we need to get out of here."

The doppelganger tilted her head in Evelyn's direction the minute the Austin girl started trashing at the restraints that kept her bound to the gurney. "Where are we?"

"The pair of you aren't going anywhere," Wes announced as he wandered in the room and headed straight for Evelyn with a small torch. He pulled her eyes wide and started to shine the light inside before he spoke into a dictaphone. "Subject 83182 appears conscious. 83183 commence for Vervain transfusion."

"What? No." As she heard the phrase vervain transfusion, Evelyn started thrashing at the restraints more furiously than before. She was desperate to break free and find Damon. "No. Wes— Wes, let me go."

The Professor simply ignored Evelyn's protests and began to prepare to administer the vervain into the vampire's bloodstream. The brunette's eyes widened fearfully as Wes headed over to Elena, who laid a short distance from Evelyn. "Subject 83182 appears conscious." He spoke while he moved the light in Elena's eyes.

"Where are we?" Elena weakly spoke out while she squinted as the light being moved across her eyes.

"Why? Look familiar?"

The doppelganger's eyes darted around the room as if wherever Wes had taken them began to bring back memories for her. "Wes, let us go. Let us go, now."

Wes turned around and forced an oxygen mask over Elena's mouth. "Count from ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five—" As he counted down, Evelyn noticed the girl's eyes had clamped shut. Then, he turned to Evelyn. "And, now for 83183."

"No, just stop this." Evelyn pleaded again as Wes placed a catheter into her forearm. "What the hell is that?"

"I told you. Vervain transfusion." Wes chuckled softly as the vervain slowly started to pump through Evelyn's system. She glared at him, desperate to maintain a sense of self and not fall victim to Wes' tests. But, much like Elena, Evelyn fell unconscious.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"4.1 pints drained. 83182 still shows signs of consciousness." Wes spoke into his dictaphone again while he flickered the flashlight into Elena's eyes. "Note that fifteen years ago, subject 12144 faded into unconsciousness after losing 2.9 pints. Evolution or luck? A mystery for another day." He headed over to Evelyn, who began to stir awake again. "Subject 83183 still remains conscious after ingesting 3.4 liters of Vervain. Impressive."

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