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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

CAROLINE WAS DESPERATE TO FIND AND BRING HER BEST FRIEND HOME NO MATTER THE CONSEQUENCES. All she wanted was Evelyn back where she belonged, but she knew that the vampire was suffering since Damon's death. The night that the spell failed and Damon and Bonnie were trapped, Evelyn turned her humanity off, grabbed a duffle bag of clothes, and disappeared without a trace.

The blonde vampire had gotten Liv Parker to perform a locator spell on Evelyn, after declaring that she owed them that much. Hesitantly, Liv agreed and tracked Evelyn to a nightclub in Georgia. And, knowing that Evelyn was a handful even with her humanity, Enzo agreed to assist in the retrieval of the Austin vampire.

As the two vampires stepped inside the immensely packed nightclub, all they heard was the music blaring through their ears. Enzo and Caroline stood on a balcony, overlooking the party-goers below but as they scanned below, there was zero sign of the vampire.

"I don't get it," Caroline yelled out in a frustrated tone while her eyes scanned the array of people dancing below them. "She should be here."

"Well, don't despair just yet, Blondie. She's over here." The British vampire pointed down below him to Evelyn, and suddenly a smile appeared on Caroline's face.

Evelyn was in the middle of the club dancing without a care with a group of girls. There was a large grin painted on her face while her hands were in the air, swaying back and forth as her hair whipped from side to side with every move she made. There were blonde stains on the corners of her lips, almost indicating that she had been feeding in amongst the dancing. Though, it was the perfect cover since most people were too wasted to care.

A hand clasped around Evelyn's wrist as Caroline yanked her away from the group of girls. "Come on, Evelyn. Time to go."

"Oh, well if it isn't Little-Miss-Sunshine, herself. You know, I'm getting real tired of you trying to keep me in line, that's the whole damn reason I bailed in the first place." Evelyn attempted to walk away from Caroline, but Enzo pulled her back to his chest.

"I can't do that, sorry love." He smirked down at her pretty little face that was now screwed up with annoyance.

"We've seen all the animal attacks," Caroline used air quotes around the word animal attacks, then she glared harshly at the brunette. "Are you trying to get yourself caught?"

"That's the thing, Carebear. I don't care. Not one bit. I was thirsty so I drained a few bodies, big deal." Evelyn shrugged again with a disinterested look in her eyes. "I dumped a few of the bodies I drained in here cause leaving them out would've just been stupid."

"Outside." Enzo sternly spoke toward the vampire before he yanked her out of the double doors to the club. The brunette vampire scoffed in disbelief and pushed the British vampire away from her as she glared at them with a vicious look in her eyes. "What's up? Did we ruin your fun?"

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