Johto Bound

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Love... Love never dies

Love goes through changes. It bends, but it never breaks. It grows weak and strong over time. The love you have for someone never leaves, it becomes a lasting part of you. It can change to a different kind of love, but it is sworn by your side no matter what. It can never be fully destroyed, much like energy.


I am Fire Ventura of Pallet Town. I've been born and raised here, it's the only place I'd truly call home. But lately, home doesn't feel welcoming anymore. In fact, home is beginning to feel more foreign with every passing day. Familiar faces are becoming unrecognizable to me as I slowly drift away from my happiness.
I really don't know when it had gotten like this. I don't know when I started locking myself in my room, staring at the ceiling with my emotionless ruby eyes. I don't know when I stopped talking to people, or why I blocked everyone out. I don't know how my friends and family put up with me moping around all the time, I don't even understand how this started.

Except I do.

Three years ago, my older brother, Red, went on a journey. He became well known very fast as he powered through the Pokémon League, earning the title of Kanto Champion. Red only settled in Pallet Town for a few days before heading out again somewhere. Mom and I didn't think much of it because he said he would be back soon, but then the weeks passed by. Then a month, and still no sign of Red. We tried calling him, but he never answered, and the reception seemed to be rather poor.
That was it, he never returned. It was as if he disappeared off the very face of the earth. The cops did searches, interrogated his rival and best friend, Green, and scanned every area he's been seen in recently from top to bottom for clues. They found nothing. I didn't understand how someone could disappear without the slightest trace. It didn't make sense. Yet they found no evidence at all, and that was all they could do for us.
I reminisced about Red's burning passion. He was always so persistent in everything he did. I couldn't think of a time when Red didn't put his absolute best into a goal. One of my fondest memories of that was my tenth birthday. He had sworn to bring me the best gift I had ever received, and I knew in my heart that he would.
Then a year later, on my tenth birthday, he returned. He brought me a gift, just like he promised. It was a Pokéball.
Inside was a Pokémon I've never seen in my life. He said he found it on the outskirts of Route 27. Turns out, it wasn't in the Pokédex at all, so Red had no idea what it was either. Baffled, we brought it to Professor Oak, our local Professor and close friend here in Pallet Town, and he informed us that we had discovered a new species. Professor Oak let us classify its name, since we discovered it. We decided the new Pokémon should be called;

Cyndaquil; The Fire Mouse Pokémon

Cyndaquil and I became quick friends. We trained on Route 1 against Pidgeys and Rattatas, and occasionally against Red's weaker Pokémon, until the day of the Pokémon League. Professor Oak, Bill, Mom, Red, and I all loaded into Bill's car and drove off to Indigo Plateau. I was so thrilled to see him compete, it was the first time I'd get to see him battle. I smiled softly as I thought back to the week of the Pokémon League. His performance was so amazing, I wasn't surprised in the least to know he had won it, but I was overjoyed. I'm sure dad would've been proud to see him win. Especially when he challenged the Champion League and swept the Elite Four off their feet.
My thoughts faded when I heard the soft nock at the door, as did my smile. "Fire? Can I come in?" mom asked quietly. I grunted a yes, not really too thrilled to talk to anyone today, or any other day for that matter. Who could blame me though? Life wasn't giving me any breaks lately. My dad disappeared forever ago, and now my brother has been missing as well for two years. I can't think of a better reason to be depressed. Mom slid through the door, giving me a sad, nervous smile. Cyndaquil bounded in from behind her, jumping on my stomach joyfully. My lips tugged into a half smile.

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