Trouble Out of Kanto

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Hopping off the last step, I glanced around, taking in my surroundings. A sign at the exit of the port informed me that this was Cherrygrove City. I let my gaze wonder around the city as Cyndaquil and I strolled through. Professor Oak recommended that I go see Professor Elm in New Bark Town before heading out on my journey. Taking a quick look at a map in my Pokégear that mom got me, I headed down the path that leads to said destination. I continued to look around the beautiful city, admiring its similarities and differences from Pallet Town. There were flowers planted in an orderly fashion at the outskirts of the city, brightening the already cute town. I stared at them in awe for a moment, their colors captivating me, that is until I bumped into something quite roughly. I fell flat on my back, groaning as I sat up, peering at what I bumped into. It was a redhead boy about my age, with a black jacket that had a thick collar coming over his chin a bit, grayish pants, and a mean look in his silvery eyes. He bent over, glaring directly at me as I sat there.
"Watch where you're going, idiot!" he snapped.
"I'm sorr-" I did a double take, "Wait, excuse me?! I could say the same to you!" I snapped back, jumping to my feet. He carelessly lifted himself to a normal stance, a dull, careless expression playing on his face.
"I could care less. Just stay out of my way." he deadpanned. My eyebrows furrowed, and I could feel my eyes flicker with rage.
"Don't tell me what to do!! I was minding my own business before you got in my way!!" I spat, irritated by the rude boy.
"Whatever, I don't have time for weaklings like you. Wasting the talent of Pokémon, you're pathetic." He scowled, pushing past me. I grumbled, resisting the urge to grab him by the collar and punch him. I noticed something shine in the grass. I picked it up, recognizing it as a trainer card, and noticed the picture of the owner. It was the redhead boy who was currently walking away from me. My eyes flashed over the name written on the trainer card.
"H-hey, uh..... S-Silver? You dropped your-" I saw him freeze when I called his name. It felt weird on my lips, leaving behind funny feeling. Probably because I just argued with him, I assumed. He turned on his heel so fast, I could've sworn I saw the ground spark from the friction. He snatched the card from my hand, glaring at me fiercely.
"Give me that, that's mine!" Silver snarled. I crossed my arms and turned my head away from him, huffing as I did so.
"Well, excuse me for trying to return it to you!" I scowled. I heard him groan, turning away and storming off. I peaked at him as he left, wondering why he was being such a grouch. "Jeez, Cyndaquil....he must've woken up on the wrong side of the bed or something, huh?" I asked, not really expecting an answer. "Well whatever. Everyone has their days, I guess. I bet if I ever see him again he'll be in a better mood." I said hopefully, though why I somewhat expected to see him again was beyond me. I shrugged it off and made my way to New Bark Town. Upon arrival, I easily found the Research Lab of Professor Elm. And honestly, I wish I hadn't.
"You must be the one who stole that Pokémon then, criminals always return to the scene of the crime!" the cop who had been there when I walked in exclaimed accusingly. I raised my hands up defensively, scowling at him as I did so.
"What're you talking about?! I just got here!" I snapped, confused and frustrated at the sudden confrontation.
"Save it, kid! I know you did it!" he snapped, taking an intimidating step forward. I stepped back, keeping my hands up.
"Why would anyone who stole something come back to the place they stole from? And what evidence do you have to use against me?!" I spat. I was getting sick of the way everyone I met so far had some sort of problem with me. This better not be a Johto thing... Maybe coming to Johto in the first place was a bad idea.
Just then, two vines wrapped around both Cyndaquil and I, pulling us into the air and away from the cop. I yelped at the suddenness of being swept of my feet, but stopped when I was gently placed a few yards away from the cop and next to a raven haired boy with a black and yellow cap. He smiled softly at me, as did the little obvious Grass type Pokémon between us. Turning his attention to the officer, he reached an arm out in front of me protectively. The action reminded me of Red for a split second.
"Hey, officer, you got it all wrong. She's got nothing to do with the stolen Pokémon." the boy said calmly, his golden eyes shimmering with honesty. The stubborn cop huffed, crossing his arms and leaning forward a bit.
"And why should I believe you, huh?" he asked rather rudely. I expected the boy to get mad and retort, heck, I sure would've. Instead he just smiled and lightly shook his head.
"Because sir, I was the one who saw a suspicious looking guy outside the lab earlier today. I'm from here, in New Bark Town, so I know everyone who lives here, and they all know me too, just ask anybody. If that's not enough evidence, Professor Elm over there gave me my first Pokémon, this Chikorita, a few hours ago. Isn't that right, Professor?" the boy asked, turning to the unnoticed man behind the cop. He nodded slowly, smiling softly at the boy. "See?" he said simply, still smiling as he stared at the cop.
"Well, guess I can't argue with you there. Tell me, what did this suspicious guy look like?" he pulled out a notepad as he spoke.
"Well, he was about my age, long red hair, silvery, kinda scary looking eyes, a black jacket and grey pants. That's about all I remember. I've never seen him in New Bark Town before either. He was staring into the lab when I was leaving this morning, but I tried not to think to much of it." the boy beside me explained. The cop wrote all this down, and that's when it hit me.... that description!
"Wait a second, I saw a guy who fits that description perfectly not too long ago!" I exclaimed, all eyes falling on me in shock.
"You did?! Where?!" the cop asked, raising his notepad higher up to catch every detail.
"On the outskirts of Cherrygrove City! I bumped into him and he dropped his trainer card." I told him.
"Trainer card? Did you see his name?!"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure his name is Silver."
"That's all I needed to hear, thanks for your time and sorry for jumping at you like that. See ya!" the cop called out and dashed off within seconds. We watched him go for a moment, before turning back to one another.
"Thanks for jumping in to help me." I said to the raven haired boy. He smiled brightly at me in response.
"No problem, don't worry about it. Hey, are you okay, Professor Elm?" the boy asked, remembering his presence.
"Yes, thank you. Both of you. Pardon me, but... who are you again?" Professor Elm asked, directed towards me.
"I'm Fire. Fire of Pallet Town. I'm setting off on a journey to become the Champion of Johto, but Professor Oak told me to visit you first." I explained.
"Ah, I see. Well, nice to meet you, Fire. Becoming Champion is a nice goal. Won't be easy though." Professor Elm chuckled, reaching a hand out for me to shake.
"Yeah well, life was never intended to be easy. " I stated in a matter of fact, shaking Elm's offered hand.
"That's a nice dream, Fire! Oh, I'm Gold by the way, nice to meet you!" the boy beside me introduced, shaking my hand as well.
"Thanks, Gold." he simply nodded and smiled in response. Gold sure seemed to always be in a good mood. That's a nice characteristic, sometimes I wish I had that.
"Chikorita and I don't really know what we want to do yet, but.... I just want to see where my journey takes me." Gold said, smiling down at his Pokémon.
After chatting with Gold and Professor Elm for a while, I set off for Violet City with my Pokégear in hand. I checked the Town Map as I reached the edge of town, making sure I was headed the right way.
"Hey, Fire! Wait up!" a familiar voice called. I turned to see Gold and Chikorita rushing after Cyndaquil and I. He stopped in front of me, a cheeky smile appearing on his face. When was he ever not smiling? "You're going to go around collecting the eight Johto Badges, right? Can I come with you? I've always wanted to watch a Gym battle! Though I'm not sure if I want to compete in the Pokémon League....but I just think that there's something special about you, and if I go with you, I'll get to see it! So, can I? Please?" Gold asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.
I thought about it for a moment. This was a kid I just met, and don't have any form of relationship with either. I don't know anything about him besides how happy he always appears to be and his name. On the other hand, he saved me from getting arrested for a crime I took no part in, and his joy rubs off easily on me, which I didn't mind once soever. I let my lips curl into a friendly smile, and I could see Gold's eyes light up.
"Sure!" I said cheerfully. The cheerfulness sounded strange in my ears when I realized it came from me, but I forgot about it quickly as Gold ran ahead joyfully.

So I guess I have a travel partner now. Well, they say a friend by your side shortens the miles. Guess it's time I put that to the test.

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