Mending A Broken Friendship

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I was awoken by the irritatingly bright sunlight. I had a pounding headache from crying myself to sleep after being stressed out over Gold and Silver. Rolling out of bed with a  groan, I lazily got up and got dressed. I then noticed a note on the night stand. Picking it up, I unfolded it and began to read it to myself silently.

"Dear Fire,

It's not so easy for me to say, but... I'm sorry. I realized I've been causing you a lot of trouble lately with your friend, Gold. He's got the right to hate me, I stole from someone he knows well. I didn't intend on harming anyone, I'm just..... on a mission. Anyway, I'll stay out of your way now, so you and Gold can be friends again. He deserves a friend like you more than I do. He's never done anything wrong in his life. Maybe I'll see you around one of these days. Til then.


My hands shook as I read the note. I noticed something roll off of the desk.... a Pokéball. Their was a note taped on it too.

Please return Croconaw to Gold, and tell him I apologize for causing him and Professor Elm trouble."

It was Croconaw. Croconaw was in the Pokéball. My eyes began to tear up. I knew what this meant. Silver was going to avoid us now. He thinks he's the reason I'm having so many problems. He thinks it's his fault. Because of Gold, I just lost my rival....

My friend.

I dragged myself out of the room and found Gold talking to Crys in the empty lobby. I didn't care that I was crying, I had no pride to keep. I walked right up to Gold, breathing hard as I shoved the note into his chest harshly.
"Are you happy now, Gold? He's gone. He's gonna avoid me now. He thinks he's the reason I'm having trouble, but he's not..." I strained. I looked Gold dead in the eye as a river of tears came down from mine. "He apologized to me and he apologized to you, even though you attacked him twice!! He even apologized to Professor Elm!! Do you thinks it's fair that he feels like he deserves all the blame when more than half of it should go to you?!" I shouted. Gold stared at me with wide, fearful, confused eyes, as did Crystal.
I shook my head, and just as I was about to leave, I remembered Croconaw. "Oh yeah, he wanted me to give this to you." I stated, tossing the Pokéball at Gold. "He said to return that to Professor Elm, and that he's sorry for all the trouble. Thanks for nothing, Gold." I muttered bitterly.
I silently left the Pokémon Center, and ended up sitting by a small pond at the Northeast side of town. I stared at my blank and lifeless reflection. Quilava gave me a concerned look and I stared back at him for about three seconds before bursting into sobs and hugging him close.
"Oh, Quilava!... It's not fair! Silver... doesn't deserve all this! I'm sorry, Silver... please don't leave us here. Let's all travel together.... you, me, Quilava, everyone.... let's travel together... please..." I said between sobs. I knew Silver couldn't hear me, but for some reason I felt better this way, or I told myself I did. I felt a gentle hand rest on my shoulder. Glancing up, I spotted a blond haired young adult with a violet head band and scarf.
"Are you alright?" he asked softly. I shook my head no, and he sat beside me. "Do you mind telling me what's wrong? I may be able to help you." he stated softly. I nodded my head, needing someone, anyone to talk to. I could care less if he was a complete stranger or not. I had a lot to say and no one to say it to.
"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Morty. And you are?" Morty asked.
"Fire." I murmured.
"What happened to you, Fire?" I explained the whole situation, in detail, to Morty. I told him everything from all the way back to when dad and Red disappeared to this very moment. Morty nodded now and then to show he was listening and understanding everything I said. When I was finally done, he smiled gently at me.
"Well, I think we should go find Silver, don't you?" Morty asked. I blinked up at him.
"How? I don't have any idea where he went." I deadpanned.
"That may be true, but I know who he is. He battled me once and won. Earned himself a Fog Badge." Morty stated calmly. I stared up at him in shock.
"You mean.....?" I asked, slightly dumbfounded.
"Yep. I'm the Gym Leader of Ecruteak City. Not only that, but I can find your friend. They don't call me the Mystic Seer of the Future for nothing you know." Morty winked teasingly.
"Mystic Seer of the Future...?" I repeated questioningly.
"Yes ma'am. I guess you can say I'm clairvoyant. I'll definitely be able to locate him for you if you give me a few minutes." Morty stated with a reassuring smile.
We left to the Gym, where I anxiously waited for Morty to locate Silver with his amazing ability. After what felt like forever, which was probably no more than ten minutes, Morty jolted his gaze up at me and smiled brightly.
"He's in the forest that leads back to National Park! He's resting by a lake!" Morty announced.
We sprinted through the forest, looking for the lake that Morty had seen. All I could think about was finding Silver. I didn't know what I'd say when I found him, but I knew that's all I needed to do right now. Find Silver. I spotted the sparkling water up ahead and noticed a figure staring into the it, back facing me. I recognized the red hair and black jacket, immediately knowing I found just who I was looking for.
"Why do I always end up... alone like this?" I heard Silver murmur. My eyes started to water a little, but I blinked away the tears. I new exactly how he felt.

But right now, in this very moment...

"Silver!!" I called, tackling my close friend and rival into the water as he turned around. I heard him yelp just before we hit the water. He jolted up, gasping for air as streams of water pooled off of his hair and clothes. His crimson locks of hair were covering his eyes completely, so he shook his head so he could see. I smiled brightly up at him as I hugged him from in the water, only my head and shoulders staying above it.
"Fire?! Are you trying to kill me?! How did you even find me?!" Silver snapped. His gaze fell upon a smirking Morty. "Oh... that makes sense." He muttered nonchalantly. I frowned up at him.
"How could you leave like that, Silver? None of this is your fault, you didn't have to leave me and Quilava behind like that." I uttered, slightly accusing him with my tone of voice. He frowned.
"I.... didn't want to cause anymore trouble. I just did what I thought was right." Silver muttered. He then spotted something flying towards his head and quickly raised his hand to catch it.

A Pokéball...?

Silver gave a puzzled look up in the direction of where the Pokéball came from. I followed his gaze, and what we saw shocked us both. There, up in a tree, sat Gold, smiling apologetically down at us, a crumpled peace of paper in his hand. He jumped down and strolled over to us, Crystal coming out of nowhere and followed behind him.
I'm beginning to think Crystal can use Teleport better than an Abra.
"I wanted to return that Croconaw to you, Silv." Gold stated gently. Silver glanced down at the Pokéball, then back at Gold, giving him a bewildered look.
"But..." Silver began, but Gold quickly stopped him.
"It's fine. I talked to Professor Elm about it. He's willing to give you a second chance." Gold smiled sadly down at Silver and I. "Apology accepted, Silver. I'm sorry for being such a jerk, that's not like me at all..." Gold said, helping me up first and then reaching a hand out to Silver. "New start?" Gold questioned hopefully. Silver smiled softly up at Gold, accepting his hand and pulling himself up.
Silver suddenly smirked evilly, placing a hand on Gold's back and shoving him into the water.
"Yeah, new start." Silver said mischievously, bursting into a fit of evil laughter. We all laughed with him, including Morty, as Gold smirked up at Silver just as mischievously and dragged him back into the water. They splashed at each other while we laughed at their childish behavior.
This was the way I wanted to spend my journey. Friends and rivals coming together and just being happy with each other.

And maybe, just maybe.... in this moment, Silver, we won't have to be alone anymore.

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