Whiny Whitney

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"So... this Gym Leader, Whitney, what's she like?" I asked, looking for information on my approaching battle.
"Oh, she's really something else. Trains normal type Pokémon. She's one tough cookie, that Plain Badge ain't gonna be so easy to get." Bill said in a matter of fact. I laughed loudly at his words, earning a quizzical look from him.
"Really? You think Normal type Pokémon are gonna be a challenge?! This Badge is as good as mine!" I exclaimed. Quilava called out in agreement, holding its head up proudly. Bill rolled his eyes jokingly and Gold snickered in amusement. I wasn't worried. This was going to be easy.

If you believed that, you're way too gulable.

My battle against Whitney was a three on three. I easily beat her Clafairy and Jigglypuff, but her partner was a whole different story. Miltank, the most defensive Pokémon I've battled so far. Hoothoot didn't last to long against its Rollout, I managed to return Quilava before it fainted, and now the only fully healed Pokémon I had was Slowpoke.
I growled, breathing hard as I glared at Whitney. I had nowhere to go. Rollout would just keep getting stronger the more it was used. There had to be a way to stop it.... but how? I glanced over at the hot pink bleachers, where Gold and Bill stood cheering me on. Eevee was in Bill's arms, I had left it with him so it could see my battle. Eevee let out a soft yawn, it hadn't gotten much sleep last night. Suddenly, a light went off in my head. I snapped my fingers at Slowpoke, and gave it a signal only it could understand. Slowpoke nodded understandingly, a light smirk playing on its usually blank face.
"Ready, Miltank? One last Rollout!" Whitney called. Miltank made a beeline for Slowpoke. I smirked.
Slowpoke fainted at the last attack, causing Whitney to cheer. "Whoo!! Looks like you're not getting my Badge, Fire! Too bad, so sad." Whitney teased. I was slightly irritated, but shook it off as Miltank rubbed its eyes.
My plan was set into motion.
"Oh, man! Quilava is Fire's last Pokémon! And it's beaten bad, too! How's she gonna win this? There's no way!" Gold exclaimed unhappily. Bill clenched his hands around the little wall in the very front of the bleachers, Eevee hopping onto his shoulder.
"No, she's gonna win. Quilava's been with Fire since she was ten, that's a year now. Though that may not seem like long to others, they act as if they've known each other from birth. They have a great bond. I have no doubt that they'll win this." Bill murmured, a determined look in his eyes. Gold and Eevee mimicked the look, staring off at the battle field.
"It's on you, Quilava! Flame Wheel!" I commanded. Quilava dashed around behind Miltank, slamming into it from behind. Miltank fell forward, not trying once to get up.
Well, the plan worked.
"No way.... Miltank, you're...... asleep?!" Whitney exclaimed in shock. I smirked at her expression.
"Slowpoke's Yawn. I had Slowpoke use it before Rollout hit." I stated calmly. Whitney huffed, obviously surprised by my technique.
"No fair! Miltank, wake up!" Whitney demanded childishly.
"Quilava, give 'em a back to back Quick Attack!" I called. Quilava slammed into Miltank swiftly in multiple directions.
"No, no, no!! Wake up, wake up!!" Whitney growled, stomping her foot furiously. Miltank's eyes slowly began to open, but Quilava and I weren't gonna let it up so easily.
"Swift!" I commanded. The array of golden stars shot straight at Miltank, leaving no room for it to dodge. When the smoke from the attack cleared, Miltank had fainted. I smiled shakily, my knees quivering as I tried to keep my tired muscles from giving in. "See?..." my voice shook tiredly, "Just as good as mine." I strained, realizing I fell on my back at the last word. I opened my tired eyes slowly seconds after, finding Gold, Bill, Quilava, and Eevee kneeling beside me worriedly. I smirked softly up at them. "No need to worry. Just tired is all." I assured them, sitting up and patting Quilava's head. That match sure took a lot out of both me and my Pokémon.
"Well I'll be, Fire, that was one heck of a match!" Bill complemented, shaking me lightly by the shoulder as we stood up together.
"Yeah! I thought for a moment you guys were done for, but the team of you and Quilava is practically unbeatable!" Gold added joyfully.
"Thanks. Hey, Whitney! Good match!" I called in her direction. I noticed her eyes were big and teary, though why was beyond me. "Uh... Whitney?" I asked softly. She suddenly began bawling uncontrollably, falling to her knees in the process. I stared at her blankly, blinking a couple times, unsure what to say or do. Gold and Bill mimicked my expression. "What the.....?" I muttered softly to no one in particular. Bill laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head.
"Well, I did hear she's a bit of a sore loser, but I never actually believed it. I didn't think a Gym Leader would react like..... this, to a loss." Bill stated honestly. I gave him a questioning look, then turned to Whitney and tried to place a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. Just as I was about to speak, she swatted my hand away, reminding me of Silver for a split second.
"Meanie, you weren't supposed to win!!" Whitney whined. I mentally shot a glare at her for hitting me. What's wrong with this one? She's older than me and doesn't even know how to respond to a loss? That should be my problem!
After a while of whimpering, Whitney finally gave me my hard earned Plain Badge, and we hurriedly left the Gym.
"What an immature Gym Leader. Good luck with her tomorrow, Gold, you're gonna need it." I teased, nudging him in the arm with my elbow. Gold chuckled, nudging me back as he did so.
"Thanks, but I'm not sure if I'll even come as close as you did!" Gold said half seriously.
"Of course you will, we're going all the way to the Pokémon League!" I announced. We laughed as we made our way back to Bill's mom's house. I knocked out instantly after lunch, tired from my battle. Quilava curled up on the bed beside me, falling into a long, peaceful slumber. I woke up around eleven at night, when everyone else was asleep. Bored, I went to the guest room computer that Bill's mom welcomed me to use if needed, claiming no one uses the old thing anymore. I dusted it off and sat down at the desk, typing up the first thing that popped in my head; the different evolutions of Eevee.
I found a website listing, describing, and showing images of all five known evolutions of Eevee. Vaporeon... Flareon.... Jolteon.... those were the one's first discovered in Kanto. Espeon was one discovered in Johto. I checked them up and down, through both information and imagery.
Vaporeon was nice, but I'm not sure where to find a Water Stone. Flareon was a little too poofy, I know my serious, energetic Eevee wouldn't like that at all, so I skipped it. Jolteon's fur was prickly and stook out everywhere. It'd be a pain to maintain, and Eevee would probably get annoyed by me grooming it all the time. Espeon was way to girly for a male Pokémon.
I pondered over each one, the choice seemed so complicated. Then I realized something. One.... two... three... four. But there were five known evolutions of Eevee. I scrolled down a bit more, not noticing the extra text. There was a small paragraph on the fifth evolution of Eevee;


Umbreon was sleek and had dark black fur, with soft yellow rings on its upper legs, ears, forehead, and tail. It's red eyes didn't look so much scary, but majestic and yet fierce. It was perfect. I scanned for the typing, which the website stated, was Dark. Umbreon was a Dark type Pokémon. I smiled at this, remembering Silver telling me that Dark type Pokémon interested him. I read up on how Umbreon evolves, making my smile widen as I found it evolved through night time training.
I quickly repeated the process of the previous night with Hoothoot, and waited for Silver outside the Pokémon Center. I smiled softly at him as he stopped before me.
"What is it this time?" Silver asked in a half curious half careless tone. I reached out Eevee's Pokéball swiftly in front of him, catching him by surprise as my arm stopped right before his face.
"I want you to help me train my Eevee!" I exclaimed cheerfully. Silver stared at me blankly for a moment, before plucking out a Pokéball, understanding what I meant almost instantly.
I smirked playfully at him, before we both threw our Pokéballs, ready to begin our midnight training.

Together we trained under the moon with the partners we wished to become stronger with. That, I'd say, was a moving experience.

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