Encouragement From the Eight

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"I hope you all are anticipating this wonderful tournament as much as I am! All these powerful trainers earned eight Gym Badges in either Kanto or Johto, so they're all well seasoned and strong! As much as I'd love to begin right away, we have a surprise for four of the competitors!" the announcer called enthusiastically through the microphone. Everyone glaced at each other and whispered in confusion. I had no idea where Gold, Silver, or Crystal were, but I'm sure they were just as confused as I was.
I don't remember this in the last Pokémon League... this must be new or something.
"That's right, trainers! Four of you Johto competitors have stood out exceedingly well to the Gym Leaders, and they've been wanting to show you their appreciation of you!! So without further ado, if you all would turn your attention to that entrance, let's all welcome the Gym Leaders of Johto!!" the announcer called, pointing at the left hall. I noticed everyone cheering louder as they turned to the entry way. As I turned to look as well, I was tackled into an embrace. It was Falkner! And there's Bugsy, and Chuck, all of them were here! In the Pokémon League.... visiting us. Wishing us luck. I beamed up at Morty as he and Falkner hugged me and smiled widely in excitement.
I spotted Crystal with Jasmine and Whitney, they were in a group hug. Gold was approached by Chuck and Bugsy, who were laughing at something Gold had said, meanwhile Silver nodded politely at Pryce and Clair, chatting with them calmly. All of them were here. I was so happy, I began to shed a few tears of joy, embracing Morty and Falkner tightly.
"Thanks so much for coming to watch us!!" I exclaimed cheerfully.
"Heh, no problem, but that's not the only surprise." Falkner said knowingly. I gave him a quizzical look. Falkner and the other Gym Leaders stood side by side, each plucking out a Pokéball.
"Pidgeot, Sky Attack!!"
"Scizor, X-Scissor!!"
"Miltank, Rollout!!"
"Gengar, Shadow Claw!!"
"Steelix, Iron Tail!!"
"Primeape, Thunder Punch!!"
"Dewgong, Ice Beam!!"
"Dragonair, Dragon Pulse!!"
The Gym Leaders called in unison, their Pokémon making a flashy show with their powerful moves. Everyone stared in awe as colors bursted above our heads like fireworks, silencing the audience. When the move show ended, everyone cheered and clapped while the Gym Leaders took a bow.
"Was that it?" I asked Morty and Falkner teasingly.
"Think it was, wasn't it?" Falkner asked Morty jokingly, pretending to have forgotten what the others surprise was. Morty chuckled.
"Yeah, that was it. Give it your all out there, ok? We want to see you win it!" Morty exclaimed cheerfully.
"You got it!!" I cheered, high-fiving Morty as I turned back to the crowd, the Johto Gym Leaders leaving to take their V.I.P. seats. The announcer used the randomizer on the monitor to pick our groups and opponents. I was placed in Group A, Silver was placed in Group B, Gold was placed in Group C, and Crystal was placed in Group D.
Lucky for us, we won't have to battle in the preliminaries.
There were two hundred competitors excepted every year. All two hundred trainers are divided in four groups, Groups A-D. Meaning I'd have to battle about twenty five trainers during the preliminaries. I'd have to win every match to get to the semi finals.
I could live with that.
We all huddled into the respective group rooms and waited for our names to be called. Since I was in Group A, I'd be in one of the first matches. I felt determination boil inside me. I had to win this. I just got encouraged by eight Gym Leaders, my family is watching from the audience, and my friends are competing too. I couldn't lose here, not after coming this far. I still needed to find Red. That was my mission. My strive.
I heard my name get called on the speakers. I plucked a Pokéball off my belt, clutching it in my hand, I nodded, sprinting off towards the field.
I'd win every match I'm up against, for all who I hold dear.
"Go, Trickshot!!" I called, flinging my Pokéball through the air as the crowd roared in excitement.

It's like the folks back in Pallet Town say, in the moment of truth, if you can't find a way, you make one. And that's exactly what I planned on doing right here, in the Pokémon League!

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