Quilava for the Win

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I panted hard, watching Gold chase after the fluffy electric Pokémon. We decided to look for some Pokémon before I challenged the Violet City Pokémon Gym, but Gold was having no luck catching that Mareep, and I couldn't help him any further after all that running around. I caught a Hoothoot last night, sometime after my battle with Silver. I still couldn't get over the fact that I had a chance to catch a criminal and I let him off the hook, but I decided to put that thought behind me for a while, trying not to stress it.
"Chikorita, I got it cornered! Vine Whip!" Gold called, snapping me out of my thoughts. Chikorita landed the attack, weakening the ball of fluff.
"Good, now, the Pokéball!" I called. Gold smirked at me and nodded.
"Right! Go, Pokéball!" Gold flung the Pokéball at the Mareep as fast as he could. It hit, placing the Mareep in the ball. It shook a few times, before signaling the capture was complete. "Alright! We did it! We caught our first Pokémon!" Gold cheered, jumping into the air. He picked up the Pokéball, and let Mareep out. It looked up at him curiously as Gold bent over and lifted it to eye level.
"Mareep, we're a team now! Let's give it our all, okay?" Gold said, grinning widely. Mareep smiled back, calling out happily.
We trained all our Pokémon together, until we both believed I was ready to challenge the Gym Leader of Violet City. Standing before the Gym, a wave of nervousness came over me. Cyndaquil tugged at my jeans reassuringly, and I nodded shakily, gulping down hard. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, and turned to see Gold grinning at me. "Hey, no need to worry. I believe in you, and so do your Pokémon! So just give it your all!" Gold said confidently. A genuine smile appeared on my face as he spoke. He was right, my Pokémon believed in me. Cyndaquil and Hoothoot were in it to win it, and I should be too.
We entered the Gym, seeing a young guy, maybe around fifteen years old, with dark blue hair that covered half of his face completely, standing in the middle of the battle field. He approached us, smiling softly at us with a confident look in his bright blue eyes. His hair and eyes reminded me of mom, and I ended up staring at him as I realized that he looked like he could be her kid rather than Red or me.
"You're both here to challenge me, no?" the young boy asked softly. Gold placed both hands on my shoulders and stood half behind me, almost hiding as he grinned nervously at the presumed Gym Leader.
"Oh, no, no, no! She's here to challenge you, I'm just here to watch! I'm her travel buddy, Gold's the name, nice to meet you." Gold said quickly.
"Ah, I see. Well then, I'm Falkner! The Violet City Gym Leader! I specialize in bird Pokémon! I welcome you to my Gym!" Falkner announced, throwing his arms up beside him for emphasis. Somehow, this filled me with a sudden determination.
"And I'm Fire of Pallet Town! I'm aiming to be the next Champion of Johto!" I announced back enthusiastically.
"Champion, eh? Well, you'll have to beat me first if you want the Zephyr Badge! Let's begin, shall we?"
With that, we took our places at both ends of the battle field. Falkner nodded at me before plucking out a Pokéball. "We'll have a one-on-one battle, two Pokémon each, is that okay?" Falkner asked. I looked down at Cyndaquil, who nodded back at me. Plucking Hoothoot's Pokéball from my belt, I smirked at Falkner from across the field.
"That's perfect! Hoothoot, you're up first!" I called, throwing the Pokéball up into the air. Hoothoot cried out as it flew out of the Pokéball.
"Pidgey, let's go!" Falkner called, his Pokémon mimicking Hoothoot's move.
"An aerial battle.....then I'll strike first! Hoothoot, Wing Attack!" I commanded. Hoothoot dove at Pidgey, trying to land an attack as it flew around it in circles. I growled a
little, irritated by the Pidgey's swift dodges. "Hoothoot, Hypnosis!" Hoothoot widened its eyes, pink rings emitting from its yellow orbs and making Pidgey drowsy as they hit its eyes.
"Uh-oh! Pidgey, snap out of it!" Falkner called. Pidgey couldn't break free and slowly began to lose balance, slipping out of the air.
"Wing Attack! Go!" I called with confidence. Hoothoot dove down, smacking the already falling Pidgey with its wing, making it plummet down that much faster. When the dust cleared, Pidgey was deemed unable to battle. Falkner returned it, a slightly irritated look on his face.
"Yes!! Go, Fire and Hoothoot! That's the way!" Gold cheered, I smirked at him, giving him a thumbs up.
"She beat me with one hit.....I didn't even get the chance to give Pidgey an attack command. She's good." Falkner muttered to himself. "Okay, Fire, let's see how you handle my next Pokémon! Pidgeoto, time to give 'em a show!" Falkner called, his Pokémon crying out as it was released. "Quick Attack!" he commanded without hesitation.
"Uh-er, Hoothoot, dodge it!" I commanded shakily, taken aback by the swiftness of both Falkner's command and Pidgeoto's response. Hoothoot was as shaken as me and couldn't avoid the attack, the impact of it sending it flying into a wall, leaving a dent in it. "Hoothoot!" I called as it fell to the ground. It shakily stood up, Hoothoot wanted to continue to fight. It nodded at me, shooting a glare at Pidgeoto. "Okay, if you think you can go on.... Hoothoot, Hypnosis, then follow it up with Peck!" I commanded. Hoothoot pushed itself off by its talons, racing towards Pidgeoto with pink rings emitting from its eyes once more.
"Pidgeoto, shield your eyes!" Falkner called. Pidgeoto squinted its eyes shut, folding its wings over its face for extra protection. I smirked, Falkner didn't notice Pidgeoto hesitate. Hoothoot dove in for the Peck attack, determined to win the battle. "Good, now, Air Slash!" Pidgeoto shot itself up with one flap of its wings and clapped them together when it was inches away from Hoothoot. Hoothoot's eyes widened in shock as the attack came fast directly at it. Hoothoot slammed into the ground faster than my eyes could see. It could no longer continue. I let out a small gasp, gazing at the powerful Pidgeoto before me.
Cyndaquil took a few steps forward, getting into its favorite battle stance and lighting the flame on its back to show it was ready and raring to go. I gaped at Cyndaquil for a moment, unsure of what to say.
"Fire!" Gold called out. I jolted my gaze up at him in the empty blue bleachers, my eyes wide in shock by the sudden call. He was smiling widely at me, his hands cupped around his mouth to help his voice reach me. "You can do it! Cyndaquil and you.....go win that Badge!" Gold called. Chikorita hopped up, calling to us as well. Gold was cheering us on, Chikorita, too. If they can believed in us, I needed to believe in us as well. I smirked, nodding at Gold and Chikorita and then Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil smirked at me, signaling me to give a command.
"Ready?" Falkner asked, flicking his bangs.
"Does this answer your question? Cyndaquil, Ember!" Cyndaquil shot bullet-sized flames at Pidgeoto from the flame on its back. Pidgeoto tried to block them with its wings, but still took damage from the attack.
"Sure does! Pidgeoto, Wing Attack!" Pidgeoto flew straight into Cyndaquil, forcing it back with its powerful wings. Suddenly, Cyndaquil stopped being pushed back, its paws were planted firmly on the ground, and a determined look filled its eyes. Pidgeoto seemed to know what was happening, and backed off slowly, its eyes staring widely at Cyndaquil.
"Uh... Cyndaquil...?" Just as I called to it, my partner was surrounded by a bright white light. Cyndaquil began to change shape, its body grew longer, ears pointed up on its head, and its paws lengthened. It was..... evolving! The light flashed off of it, and Cyndaquil became a whole new Pokémon. Its eyes flashed open, revealing its red orbs.... just like mine. It cried out, the flame that was previously on its back igniting on its head and "tail". I remember Professor Oak studied what Cyndaquil evolved into, and found pictures of its evolutions from a researcher in Johto, presumably Professor Elm. I let Professor Oak name the evolutions and surprise me later. Pulling out my Pokédex, I checked the data on it.
"Cyndaquil, you....you evolved into Quilava!" I cheered, in awe of its cool, yet still adorable new look. Quilava turned to me with a smirk, snickering softly.
"Wow, Cyndaquil- I mean, Quilava, You look great! Show 'em your new power!" Gold called out.
"What a surprise! That doesn't mean you're going to win though! Pidgeoto, Air Slash!" Pidgeoto shook off the shock and flew up into the air, launching its attack.
"Dodge it, and use Flame Wheel!" I commanded. With its speed at a new level, it dodged easily, surrounding itself with the flame on its head, Quilava began to roll towards Pidgeoto at top speed. Slamming into Pidgeoto with all its newfound power, Quilava sent it shooting to the ground.
"Pidgeoto!" Falkner cried out. Pidgeoto was now unable to battle. We had won. Quilava and I won our first Johto Gym battle.
"We....we did it....we won, Quilava!!" I cheered. Quilava leaped into my arms and I hugged it tightly, both of us filled with joy. Falkner returned his Pidgeoto and came over to where Quilava and I stood.
"That was an amazing match, Fire. Here, you certainly earned this, the Zephyr Badge." Falkner said calmly, holding out the silver, feather-shaped badge. I gladly excepted it, pinning it to the left strap of my backpack.
"Thanks, Falkner. I had fun. I've never really had a battle that intense before... I bet the other Gym Leaders will be just as fun to battle!" I thought aloud. Falkner gave me an understanding look and nodded, smiling softly at me. Suddenly, Gold tackled me from behind, nearly knocking me over.
"That was amazing, Fire! You were so good, and you actually won your first Johto Gym Badge! Congrats!" Gold cheered.
"Yeah....thanks, Gold." I said awkwardly, though Gold didn't notice my slight discomfort. Chikorita observed Quilava as it looked itself up and down, taking in its new look.
"Gold, was it? Why don't you challenge me, too? I'd like to see how you battle, if you don't mind." Falkner said. Gold gave Falkner a nervous look.
"Wha-? Me battle you? I dunno.... Fire, what do you think?" Gold asked, unsure of what to do. I nodded my head reassuringly, causing Gold to smile. "Well, if Fire thinks I should, then why not? Sure! I'll battle you first thing tomorrow!" Gold said with determination evident in his tone.
"Wonderful! I'll be waiting for you then. See you both tomorrow." Falkner led us out the Gym, waving goodbye from out front. I won the Zephyr Badge, and Gold was going to battle Falkner tomorrow morning.

I wonder what the outcome of that match will be...

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