Eevee If It Kills Me

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"Hey, Fire! I'm back!" Gold called, waving a hand at me as I slowly turned to him, snapping out of my thoughts.
"Got everything?" I asked flatly, not that I really cared too much at the moment.
"Yup! Let's go!" We made our way through Ilex Forest in silence for a while before Gold decided to break it, much to my displeasure. "Hey, Fire?" Gold called softly. I hummed a yes, not really in the mood to talk. "The other day, when we ran into that criminal, you said something about Team Rocket..... what is that? And.... how do you know them?" Gold asked hesitantly. I paused for a moment, not sure how to answer him. I wasn't ready to tell him about Red. No, not yet. I stared at the ground, not lifting my gaze as I strolled along.
"Three years ago.... back in Kanto, Team Rocket caused a lot of trouble. The trainer who stopped them was...from my hometown. He was popular among the folks, but he was modest about it. He told me about them, and I recognized the uniform when we ran into one." I explained half truthfully. I stared upwards through the thick trees at the rays of sunlight cutting through. "What I don't understand is.... why? Why are they back...?" I asked more to myself than to Gold.
"Back? You mean they were gone?" Gold asked curiously. I nodded.
"Right... the trainer helped the leader of Team Rocket turn over a new leaf, and so he disbanded Team Rocket right away." I confirmed.
The rest of the way was silent as we made our way through the shady forest. I felt guilty for not saying anything about running into Silver again. I knew that turning him in was the right thing to do, but... I can't. I don't really know why I can't, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. In all honesty, maybe it's because underneath his nasty attitude, his hate filled eyes, his thievery.... maybe, underneath all the bad traits.... there's something good in him.

Something.... admirable.

"Fire..... check it out..." Gold murmured in awe. I glanced up, leaving my thoughts as my ruby eyes widened in amazement. Before me was a gorgeous city that practically shined in the midday sunlight.
"Wow." I murmured. As the beautiful city bustled along, I glanced around at all the joyful faces, until one in particular caught my eye. It was a familiar young brunette who was standing out front of the Pokémon Center. "Hey, is that....?" I murmured, pushing through the crowds towards the Pokémon Center. I recognized the brunette, staring down at something before him with a thoughtful frown, and smiled widely. "Well, I'll be... Bill! Hey, Bill!" I called joyfully. Bill turned around, spotting me pushing my way towards him and beaming at me in surprise.
"Hey, Fire! Wow, I didn't expect to see ya here! How are ya?" Bill asked happily. I embraced him briefly, happy to see a familiar face from back home.
"I'm good, thanks! What're you doing in Johto, Bill?" I asked curiously.
"I was just visiting my family. On my way here, I ran into this here Eevee. It won't leave my side for the life of it. I'm assuming it wants a trainer, but I'm not so good at training Pokémon, other than my own lil' Eevee back home, and that's because he's a gentle soul. I was just wondering what to do with this one when you showed up!" Bill explained. I glanced at the Eevee behind him as it staring up at me intently, seemingly searching for something in my eyes.
"I could.... I could take it with me, if you want. And if Eevee wants to come." I said hesitantly, looking for any sign of disapproval from Eevee. Eevee gave me a hopeful look instead.
"That'd be great, thanks! Eevee, you be good for Fire, ok? She's a good trainer, so make her proud!" Bill said, petting the small ball of fluff. I returned Eevee to the Pokéball Bill handed me a minute ago. He had caught it in hopes of finding someone to raise it later, so I just happened to show up at the right time.
"Fire! There you are! Don't leave me like that, I don't do well in crowds!!" Gold exclaimed. Bill gave him a quizzical look, then turned back to me in search of an answer to an unasked question.
"Who's this one?" Bill questioned, staring blankly at Gold.
"Oh, that's Gold. He's my.... travel partner." I said hesitantly. Bill glanced at Gold and then me, and back to Gold again. His lips curved into a genuine smile.
"Hiya, I'm Bill! I'm the guy who created the PC and the Transfer System! Nice to meet ya, Gold!" Bill exclaimed, shaking Gold's hand.
"Wow, you did all that? You must be really smart!" Gold complemented.
"Aww shucks, it ain't much. I'm surprised Fire isn't traveling alone. I thought you'd want to be on your own with your Pokémon." Bill stated questioningly. I shrugged, not really wanting to explain it. Suddenly, a little brunette girl tackled Bill from behind, giggling as she did so.
"Bill!" the little girl cheered, grinning up at the college graduate. Bill turned to her, smiling softly as he recognized the young girl.
"Well hey there, lil' sis! How are ya?" Bill asked, ruffling her hair. I gave him a quizzical look. I had forgotten that Bill told me he had a sister. Bill was practically part of the family once we found out he was close friends with Daisy and Red. I believe Bill and Daisy knew each other since they were around my age.
"You have a sister, Bill?" Gold asked.
"Yep! I don't think I told you too much about her, right? This is Lizzy, my little sister. Say hello, Lizzy." Bill told her.
Lizzy slowly uncovered herself from behind Bill. Waving her hand hesitantly, she gave me a nervous look.
"Uh-um..... hi, miss Fire...." Lizzy mumbled. I bent over, waving my hand and grinning in attempt to be sweet.
"Don't worry, Bill is a good friend of mine. You don't have to be shy." I said kindly. Lizzy's face brightened at my words.
Bill invited us to his mother's house, wanting to introduce me to his mom for the first time. We sat at the dining table upon entering, chatting with Bill and his mom while Lizzy played with Quilava, Slowpoke, Mareep, and Bayleaf, Hoothoot resting in his Pokéball.
"So, Fire, how many Badges do you have?" Bill's mom asked me.
"I've got two so far. The Zephyr Badge and the Hive Badge." I stated calmly, showing her my earnings.
"Wow, what a tough cookie." she teased. I pretended to be overly proud, causing her to giggle. "I remember when my little Bill went on a journey with his Eevee." Bill's mom reminisced. I smiled softly, glancing at Bill, who gritted his teeth in response.
"Ma..." Bill grumbled.
"Oh, he was so cute! Heading out on a journey to become a Pokémon doctor. But he ended up collecting Pokémon instead!" his mom chuckled, ignoring Bill's disapproval.
"Mom..." Bill groaned, his cheeks heating up to a soft pink. Gold and I snickered, earning an irritated look from Bill. "Ah yes, he met a girl on his travels. What was her name? Daisy? Yes, yes, Daisy! Oh, you two were such cute little kids, the best of friends!" Bill's mom went on. I noticed Bill's eyes widen, his face a burning red. I suppressed a laugh.
"MOM!" Bill cried. His mom looked at him curiously, completely oblivious to his embarrassment.
"What?" she asked calmly. I bursted into a laughing fit, falling out of my chair and onto the floor. Gold and Lizzy joined in on my laughter, and I caught a smirk directed at Bill from Quilava. Bill's mom chuckled along with us, not understanding what was happening, but the laughter grew contagious. Bill let out a loud, annoyed groan.
It felt so much like how my home was just a few years ago.
That light-hearted feeling of being with loved ones and enjoying a good laugh.

Let me hold onto this.... just a little longer.

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