Midnight Conversate

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We spent the night at Bill's mom's place. Gold and I were going to crash at the nearby Pokémon Center, but they insisted, so we stayed. It was about midnight and I couldn't sleep for the life of me. I kept thinking about running into Silver this morning. I couldn't get all my questions out of my mind. Why did Silver watch me battle Team Rocket? Why does he still think I'm weak? And why can't we have a normal conversation without battling?!

A normal conversation...

That's it! I quietly sat up, slowly opening the rectangular window on the other end of the guest room. I released Hoothoot and motioned it to be quiet. Pulling out a piece of paper and a pencil from my backpack, I jotted down a letter. I read it over before nodding my head in approval. Rolling it up and tying it with a rubber band, I handed it to Hoothoot. I showed it a separate note I had written just for it, telling it what to do with the letter. Hoothoot nodded, and quietly flew out the window and into the night. I watched it leave, then turned to get dressed, and silently creeped out the house.
I stood outside the Pokémon Center, leaning against the wall as I waited.
This was stupid, why did I think this would work? He probably won't even read the note. Even if he does, I'm positive he won't show up. Why would he, anyway? He doesn't even like me. He thinks I'm weak like Team Rocket, he's always so snappy and rude, and he's always scowling at me. Which begs the question, why am I still here?!
I was about to storm off, back to Bill's mom's house, when I heard someone stop behind me. I froze for a moment, slowly turning around to see who was there. I spotted red hair gently breezing over metallic silver eyes.
"Well?" he asked expectantly.
"Oh, Silver. I... didn't think you'd come." I stated shyly. He rolled his eyes and opened his arms slightly in a 'well, I'm here, now what is it?' motion. I signaled him to follow and we sat down on a nearby wooden bench, only a street light hovering over it for a light source. An awkward silence arose for a while, neither of us knowing what to say. Silver was the first to break the silence, surprisingly.
"What did you call me out here for in the middle of the night? Did you want to battle or something? It's too late for that." Silver stated simply.
"No. I was just thinking... Maybe we could have a normal conversation for once? Since all we ever do is attack each other." I stated in a matter of fact. Silver sighed, before nodding his head, signaling me to continue. I smiled softly at him.
Now we're making some progress.
"So, for starters, I guess I should ask you where you're from?"
"Viridian City, Kanto." Silver responded bluntly.
"You're from Kanto too? Cool, I'm from-" Silver cut me off.
"Pallet Town, Kanto region. You told me awhile back." Silver deadpanned. I smiled nervously.
"You.... remembered that?" I asked, Silver nodding carelessly in response. "So....which region do you like best?"
"I don't know."
"Aw, come on, you've gotta like one a little better. Which is it? Johto or Kanto?" I pushed.
"I guess Johto, since there are more Pokémon here. Including Dark types, they peak my interest a bit." Silver stated with a slightly more interested tone.
Yeah, I figured. Look at your clothes, you might as well be a Dark type!
"I like Johto, too. I haven't been here long, but It's really beautiful here. Oh, have you caught any new Pokémon?" I asked curiously. Silver nodded, releasing a Pokémon I didn't recognize at all. I pulled out my Pokédex to check its name. "So this is a Sneasel, huh? He's cute!" I complemented joyfully, petting the dark furred Pokémon.
Oh look, a Dark type! Wonder why he caught that!
"What about you?" Silver asked, questioning me for the first time. I nodded immediately, taking it as a chance. I released Eevee from its Pokéball, watching it look around at the night sky.
"It's an Eevee. You know the guy they call Pokémon maniac Bill? He's a friend of mine. He gave it to me." I explained. Eevee sat between our legs, nuzzling softly into Silver's ankle.
"Have you decided what to evolve it into? There are five known evolutions Eevee can evolve into." Silver informed me.
"No, actually. I just got Eevee today." Silver nodded understandingly. We chatted a little while longer before going our separate ways. I snuck back into Bill's mom's place and headed to bed, luckily not making a sound.
Morning came by faster than expected. I dragged myself into the dining room tiredly, noticing Bill was smirking at me, he was the only one in the kitchen. I gave him a questioning look, not understanding his expression.
"Well somebody went out late." Bill stated teasingly. My eyes widened in shock.
He knew?!
He gave me a sympathetic look before continuing. "Don't worry, I won't tell a soul." Bill promised, returning to the stove to finish off breakfast. I sighed in relief as I plopped down at the dining table and I heard Bill chuckle softly as I did so.
Lizzy dashed out of the hallway where the bedrooms are located, surprisingly dragging a drowsy Gold behind her by the collar of his shirt.
"Morning!" Lizzy exclaimed loudly. Gold let out a low groan.
"Too early..." he muttered, wavering as he sat across from me at the table. I snickered.
After Bill's mom woke up we all had breakfast, Gold and I heading for the Goldenrod City Gym afterwards. As we walked away from the house, Bill ran after us, saying he was coming with us because he wanted to see me take on the Gym Leader. I think it's really because he's still upset at being embarrassed by his mom yesterday, but I stood quiet about it, mentally laughing at the thought. I thought back to my conversation with Silver last night and grinned softly to myself.

Not only rivals, but friends too. That's how the relationship between Pokémon trainers should be. And that's how I hope to build my relationship with Silver as we both grow on our journeys.

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