A New Perspective; Silver II

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We defeated the Grunts easy and dashed through the Team Rocket HQ. Fire managed to turn off the alarms, so we made it through much easier. As we made our way deeper in the HQ, I could feel my chest get heavier and heavier. We made our way to a certain room, a very... familiar room to me. The familiar face I saw waiting there filled me with a mix of emotions.
Anger, disgust, sadness... fear.
"Giovanni..." I muttered bitterly. Fire stared on in shock, unsure of what to say.
"That's right! Now how did you get down here?" So-called Giovanni asked. Fire looked taken aback and I realized then, this wasn't who I thought it was. Giovanni was bigger than this relatively short, skinny man and his voice was much deeper than the high pitched voice he had too. I should've realized that earlier.
"Wait, you're not Giovanni.... who are you?!" I snapped, taking a step forward.
"Man, you're way to clever... guess the jigs up." the man said, taking off his disguise. He was a shady looking guy with purple hair and a black Team Rocket uniform that was specially made for him. "The name's Petrel. You're some clever kids to have recognized me that easily. But I still gotta get rid of ya. Coffing, get 'em." Petrel ordered his Pokémon.
"Quilava!" Fire called.
"Croconaw, you too!" I ordered.
"Coffing, Selfdistruct!" Petrel commanded. Coffing caused an explosion with its attack, causing the roof to begin to cave in.
"Silver!" Fire called as I searched for her, covering my mouth and nose to keep myself from breathing in the smoke. I glanced up as a fragment of the roof began to fall over me. I froze in shock. Suddenly, just as the chunk was about to strike me, Quilava's Flamethrower and Croconaw's Water Gun shot through the smoke and pushed the falling chunk of the roof away from me. I turned back as the debris cleared and found Fire kneeling next to Quilava and Croconaw standing firmly in place. "Thanks Quilava, who could ask for a better partner than you?" Fire asked breathlessly. I turned to see where Petrel had gone, only to find no trace of the man.
"He got away..... the coward." I muttered bitterly. Fire noticed something on the office desk. It was a shimmering silvery feather.
"What's a feather just sitting here for?" Fire questioned. As she reached to pick it up, a faint golden glow surrounded it and she quickly recoiled her hand. "What the-?!" Fire exclaimed. I stared at her from a distance. Why was that feather.....reacting to her like that? She reached for it again and the glow reappeared. As she picked it up, it shone a little brighter.
"It's... responding to you, Fire." I stated in awe.
"Yeah.... but why?" Fire questioned, shifting it softly in her hands.
"I don't know, but something tells me it's important. You should keep it with you, just in case." I advised her. Fire nodded and pulled out a baby blue ribbon from her backpack. She cut it thin with a random pair of scissors she had on her and made a necklace out of it, using the silver feather as a kind of charm. It shone softly for a moment, eventually fading til it was unnoticeable.
"There. That look okay?" Fire asked. I nodded and began to hastily exit the room, not wanting her to see my embarrassment.
It looked cute, what was I supposed to say?
We eventually found a room that had a large machine in it. The machine seemed to connect to something outside.
"Hey, Fire..... notice anything off about this?" I asked knowingly.
"Gyrados being forced into evolution...." Fire murmured.
"A shabby souvenir shop hiding Team Rocket's HQ...." I added.
"And a strange machine...." Fire stated, finishing our list.
"That must mean Team Rocket is the cause of the Gyrados' forced evolution! And this machine must be the source of it!" Fire exclaimed, putting two and two together quickly.
"That's right! My, what clever children." a voice stated from behind us. Fire and I jolted around, spotting a women with crimson red hair and eyes wearing a white uniform with the usual "R" logo.
I swear that's not my mom.
There's the one thing Fire and I always agreed on, even before we became friends. This one feeling that would never change; we both can't stand Team Rocket. "I am Ariana, one of the four Team Rocket Executives. Now prepare to meet your end for entering here uninvited!! Arbok, go!!" Ariana called, releasing her Pokémon as she spoke. Suddenly, Bayleaf dashed to the scene, taking a battle stance beside Croconaw and Quilava. Fire and I turned to see Gold chasing after it, smirking at us.
"Need a hand?" he asked, stopping on the opposite side of Fire and gesturing towards Ariana as he spoke.
"Sure, thanks! Whaddya say we attack all together?" Fire suggested, Gold and I nodding in response.
"Quilava, Flamethrower!!"
"Croconaw, Water Gun!!"
"Bayleaf, Razor Leaf!!"
We commanded in unison. The three attacks hit Arbok all at once, knocking it out instantly. After Crys and the red haired man from before entered the scene, the Rocket Executive was forced to flee. Fire, Gold, and I exchanged glances, proud of our performance, when suddenly, Croconaw, Quilava, and Bayleaf all began to glow at the same time.
"It can't be...." I murmured in awe.
"Our starter Pokémon.... they're..." Fire began, gazing at the white lights with wonder in her eyes.
"Evolving.... together!" Gold exclaimed. The lights flashed away, and there stood the final evolutions of the first Pokémon we've ever received.




They turned to face us, smiling proudly as their eyes glimmered with pride. I couldn't have been in more shock to see three Pokémon evolve at once.
"Feraligatr..... look at you..." I stated breathlessly.
"Typhlosion, you've evolved now! This is great!" Fire exclaimed, dashing up to hug her partner.
"That's so cool, Meganium! What an evolution!" Gold cheered. We celebrated together for awhile, nearly forgetting about Crys and the man from before. After we turned to acknowledge them, I got a really good look at the man's clothes. If he wasn't such a huge help to me, I'd probably call him Dracula every time I saw him, because that was the only comparison I could make.
"I see you're alright now. That's a relief, you're friend there was worried about you." the man said to Fire, pointing at me as he spoke. I felt my cheeks heat up and tried to hide it by turning away. I could feel Fire staring at me with a soft smile, which didn't help much. When I felt her attention turn to something else, I turned back. She was staring up at the man in shock. What had happened was beyond me though.
"Wait a second.... I know you..... you're.... you're Lance, aren't you?" Fire asked the man hesitantly. He smiled softly and nodded in response.
"Yes, that's correct." he said softly. Upon hearing this, everything froze. The man who helped me.... the man I had taken orders from... was none other than the strongest member of the Kanto Elite Four, Dragon Master Lance.
"Then you know him! You have to remember him! Lance... please tell me, where's Red?! Where did he go?!" Fire questioned frantically. Lance gave her a sorrowful look.
"I'm afraid I don't know. I haven't seen Champion Red since he last defeated me. That's why I've been told to hold his place until he returns." Lance explained gently.
"You mean, you don't know either......? How can this be.... how can no one have a single lead on him?" Fire murmured.
"If you don't mind my asking, why are you in search of him?" Lance asked carefully.
"Because he's... he's my brother....." she mumbled. Lance, Gold, and Crystal gasped at her, meanwhile I just stood frozen. I felt guilty that I couldn't say anything to help her, even though I could feel her discomfort. Lance placed a hand on her shoulder, but soon changed the gesture to a soft embrace.
"I'm so sorry..." Lance whispered. Fire's eyes began to water, and I could hear her choke on her sobs. My heart nearly broke at the scene. I slowly came over to her side, my head bowed in sorrow as I placed a gentle hand on he shoulder.
"I... I'm here for you." I felt weird murmuring those words. As if I just spoke a language I didn't even understand. Fire took only one second to throw herself into my arms. I stood there dumbfounded for a moment, uncomfortable with the fact that, Lance, Gold, and Crys were staring at me. I walked Fire out of Team Rocket's HQ while they stood back to stop the machine. I brought her into a room I got at the Pokémon Center and had her sit down on the bed. Fire eventually cried herself to sleep and I watched her sorrowfully with Typhlosion, Feraligatr and the others were in their Pokéballs.
"I'm sorry, Fire. This is my fault... isn't it? I'm the one putting you in danger." I murmured. Typhlosion placed its large, soft head on my lap, looking up at me sorrowfully. I hesitantly pet its head. "You're a great partner for her. So loyal and strong. I'm sorry I've caused you both so much trouble." I said to Typhlosion. It shook its head in response, smiling softly back up at me. I smiled sadly down at it. "You know, you're trainer is something special. I want her to realize that too. It's as if everyone but her knows how great a trainer she is." I murmured softly as I stared at Fire's sleeping face. I felt  Typhlosion staring at me and turned back to face it. He had a smirk on his face. I gave him a questioning look, until realization took over and my face turned red.
"Not you too.... shut up!" I hissed, lightly shoving Typhlosion's face away. He snickered at my expression and I rolled my eyes. Now even the Pokémon were shooting me looks. Before it was just Crys when Fire and Gold weren't looking. I didn't completely understand it, but I found myself smiling when no one was around as I thought about it.
Ugh, I think I've been letting Crys get to me...
I sat on the floor with Typhlosion, leaning against its side as we stared up at the stars from the window. "Typhlosion.... I think you guys are really gonna make it far... in fact..." I yawned silently, "I kinda look forward to it." I murmured, slowly drifting off to sleep afterwards.

Even with all the troubles today has brought me, I couldn't help feeling at peace right where I am now.

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