Firing At Will & Conquering Koga

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(Pokémon League HQ)

"Please show us your badges, and your Indigo League medallion as proof of your victory at the Pokémon League." one of the two men at the gate said nonchalantly. I showed them both of the items they asked for, causing them to nod and push open the one door standing in my way of the Elite Four.
"Now, go forth, young trainer. The greatest challenge you shall face lies before you. Your friends are permitted to watch on request of the Champion." the other man stated. I nodded, glancing back at Gold and Silver before taking my first few steps into the League HQ. After walking up a long flight of stairs, I entered a room with a large, amethyst purple battlefield. On the opposite side of the battlefield was a man with violet hair and a strange outfit and mask that only
covered his eyes.
"Greetings, trainer. I am Will of the Elite Four. I am the master of Psychic Pokémon. What is your name, young Challenger?" Will asked.
"Fire." I stated calmly.
"Well then, Fire, let us not waste any time. Xatu, you're first!" Will called, releasing his first Psychic Pokémon.
Well somebody wasn't kidding about not wasting time.
"Alright then, Umbre, let's give it our best!" I called. We had a stare down for a moment, waiting for the referee to start the match.
"Battle begin!!" the referee called.
"Wing Attack!!"
"Dark Pulse!!"
Umbre shot a powerful Dark Pulse at Xatu, causing an explosion. Xatu fell to the ground, making us all gasp in shock.
"Xatu is unable to battle, Umbreon wins!" the referee called.
"What in the world?!" Gold gasped.
"What power....." Silver muttered.
"My my, wherever did that come from?" Will asked, regaining his composure a bit.
"I.... I d-don't know." I murmured staring at Umbre in shock. Umbre looked over his shoulder and smirked at me. Is what Umbre just told me true? Is my will to win giving him the strength to give it his absolutely best?
"No matter, that was dumb luck. Now the real battle begins. Jynx, let's go!! Use Ice Beam!!" Will commanded.
"Umbre, jump to dodge!!" Umbre pushed itself up to avoid the attack. "Now, Dark Pulse!!" I called. The attack blasted Jynx into the wall behind Will.
"Jynx is unable to battle, Umbreon wins!!" the referee called.
"Impossible!! How can that be?!" Will exclaimed in shock.
I glanced back at Umbre, who nodded calmly in response to my thoughts. So he did mean it.... the willpower both Umbre and I share about winning is in perfect sync. It's making our power stronger than normal.
"Alright, Fire, I don't know where you draw your strength, but I'm not going down without a fight! So Exeggcutor, let's go! Solar Beam!" Will called out.
"Umbre, Shadow Ball!!" I ordered. Our attack exploded when it landed a hit, throwing Exeggcutor onto its back.
"Exeggcutor is unable to battle, Umbreon wins!!" Will growled as the referee called another defeat for him.
"This may be my last Pokémon.... but I have to at least knock out that Umbreon!! Slowbro, Surf!!" Will ordered.
"Umbre, jump and use Swift!!" I called. Umbre obeyed, the array of stars knocking Slowbro back. "Finish it with Dark Pulse!!" Umbre shot one last Dark Pulse, knocking Slowbro into the wall.
"Unbelievable! Slowbro is unable to battle! Umbreon wins, so the victory goes to the challenger, Fire!" the referee called. Will fell to his knees after returning Slowbro, shocked that he lost so horribly.
Hope he doesn't feel too bad, I don't really get it either.
"You.... you're unbearably strong. I think you actually stand a chance against the next Elite Four member. Proceed." Will stated quietly once he regained his composure again. I nodded, smiled brightly at the dumbfounded Gold and Silver, and headed up the next stairway.
In the next room was a navy blue battlefield, my opponent was another man in a black ninja outfit with a red scarf.
He looks pretty cool, actually.
"Greetings, Fire. I heard of your coming. I am Koga, the master of Poison Pokémon." the man introduced with a serious tone.
"Wait, you're Koga?! That's awesome! I've been looking for a match with you!" I exclaimed cheerfully, plucking a Pokéball from my belt.
"Hm, so Janine had said. You have eared a Soul Badge from her, have you not? Then you should be a formidable foe. Come, let us begin!!" Koga called, throwing up a Pokéball and releasing his Ariados.
"Alright, Pietro, let's rock! Zen Headbutt!!" I commanded.
"Ariados, X-Scissor!" Koga ordered. Ariados dashed towards Pietro, its front legs glowing green as it prepared to attack. Pietro's item kicked in, making him launch forward and land an attack first. Ariados bashed into the wall, fainting instantly.
"What?! But Slowbro is supposed to be one of the slowest Pokémon in the world! How did you do that?!" Koga asked in shock, returning his Ariados. Pietro pulled its Quick Claw out of its shell, smirking at Koga as he spun it in his hand cockily.
"See, Pietro's lack of speed can sometimes be really helpful in battle, but other times it can be a hassle. So I gave him that Quick Claw to help with his speed training." I explained, grinning down at Pietro.
"I see... a clever trainer indeed, definitely out of the ordinary. Well then, let us not wait any longer. Venomoth, go!!" Koga called.
"Pietro, ready? Use Psychic!"
"Venomoth, Sludge Bomb!" Pietro used Psychic to block the attack, and then attacked with a powerful wave of its Psychic move. Once again, a one hit knock out. Koga returned his Venomoth, staring straight ahead in shock.
What is this.... this power...?
"What..... strength you posses. The Elite Four may not stand a chance against you." Koga stated in shock.
"Thanks, I'll try my best to live up to that." I said sincerely, smiling up at him.
"Right, well then, Muk, your turn!" Koga called out. "Use Venoshock!"
"Counter with Surf!" Pietro created a wave of water to block the poison attack just in time. "Psychic!"
Once again, the attack knocked out Muk with one hit.
This is beginning to feel so.... unreal. How are we doing that? It has to be much more than pure willpower...
"Alright, Fire of Pallet Town, this final match won't be so easy. This Pokémon and I have trained endlessly, day and night. We won't go down without a fight, will we? Crobat!!" Koga called, releasing his trusted partner.
"Okay, Pietro, stay on guard. Use Surf!" I called.
"Air Slash!" Koga commanded. Crobat's Air Slash cut right through the wave of water, rending our attack useless. "Now, Poison Fang!!"
"Ice Beam!!" Just as Crobat closed in, Pietro released its super effective Ice Beam. "Finish it with Zen Headbutt!" Pietro shot its head forward, bashing into Crobat and throwing it into the wall. Crobat had fainted. Koga returned it, smirking to himself as he did so.
"Guess I stand corrected. You are one powerful trainer, Fire. You have that passion that drives you forward. May I guess where it comes from?" Koga asked calmly. I nodded my head yes, and Koga pointed out towards Gold and Silver, who were practically bouncing up and down as they gave each other a high five and cheered for my victory. "If they were not with you right now, I believe that the outcome would have been very different, not that I want it to be. Losing to a trainer like you doesn't faze me." Koga stated with a soft smirk. I nodded understandingly, running off towards Gold and Silver.
"Come on, guys! We're not through yet!" I cheered, running off to the next flight of stairs.
"Maybe that is the reason the Champion wanted them to come. He wants you to draw out all your power. If this is the case, I'm sure you won't let him down.... Fire of Pallet Town." Koga said to himself as he watched us leave, knowing full well we were halfway to victory.

With my friends by my side and the strength of my team, we're gonna make it all the way to the end!

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