Taking The Lake By Storm

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I entered the Gym quietly, not sure what to expect. As I opened the door, Crystal and Gold turned to face me, grinning as they did so.
"Crys... and Gold? What're you guys doing in here?" I questioned.
"We wanted to see you battle, of course! I haven't gotten the chance to see you in a Gym battle." Crystal stated.
"Yeah, and it's been a while since I did too. Let's do it for old times sake!" Gold cheered. I smiled back at them, it sure is nice to know they were always by my side.
"So you're the challenger these two were telling me about, huh? The name's Chuck. I'm the Gym Leader here!" the man behind Crys and Gold announced.
"Yeah, I'm Fire." I stated softly, feeling a passion for battle rise within me.
"Fire, eh? Well, you've sure got the fire in your eyes, alright! Let's see what you got in a two on two!" Chuck exclaimed. I excepted these rules, taking my respective side on the battlefield.
"Okay, Togetic, let's make it happen!" I called, releasing said Pokémon with plenty of enthusiasm. Togetic zig zagged swiftly, it's usually sweet and kind expression replaced with a confident smirk. I loved seeing that look on its face, it's as if Togetic knows the battle is in his favor.
"Poliwrath, Water Pulse!!" Chuck commanded. Poliwrath wasted no time in its attack, aiming straight for Togetic. But it fazed right through it. "What?!" Chuck gasped. Togetic appeared behind Poliwrath, attacking with Fly, just as planned. I smirked victoriously at Chuck. He didn't understand, what a pity.
"Togetic's Metronome. It turned into Double Team, which we used to dodge. Pretty neat, huh?" I questioned rhetorically, nodding at Togetic in approval.
"It may be, but..." Chuck stated softly, smirking back at me. Taken aback, I turned to Togetic just a moment to late. A Water Pulse knocked it back from the side, throwing Togetic off balance.
"What the?! I thought we..." I exclaimed, dumbfounded that Poliwrath wasn't out for the count.
"Never take your eye of the opponent, kid. You'll only leave 'em an opening to strike." Chuck advised. I checked on Togetic, who nodded, signaling he could go on.
"Togetic, Metronome!!" I commanded. Togetic pushed itself forward on its feet, launching itself off into the air. Metronome changed to Thunderbolt and hit Poliwrath with blinding speed. "Finish with Extrasensory!!" Togetic was surrounded with a pink aura and it suddenly radiated off of it, knocking out Poliwrath as it did so.
"Not bad, kid, not bad. Try your luck with this one, Primeape, let's go!!" Chuck called, releasing his next Pokémon. I returned Togetic, wanting to give someone else a try.
"Okay Slowpoke, let's give it a shot, Surf!!" I commanded as I released my next Pokémon. Slowpoke, despite its name, moved swiftly, slamming a powerful wave into Primeape.
"What the, how can a Slowpoke move like that?!" Chuck gasped.
"Surprised? Take a good look, it's holding a Quick Claw!! That'll boost our speed every now and again so Slowpoke can attack first!" I announced.
"Clever girl... Primeape, Thunder Punch!!" Chuck commanded. Slowpoke recoiled in pain, glaring at Primeape as it leaped back. "Now Vital Throw!" Chuck ordered, trying to rush us.
"Oh no you don't, Slowpoke, Confusion!!" Slowpoke managed to stop Primeape just before it reached him, sending it flying through the air with Confusion.
"Primeape, Thunder Punch, from the air!" Chuck commanded.
"Surf, go!!" I called out. The attacks collided viscously, creating a small explosion. Chuck and I shielded our eyes from the clearing smoke until we could see who won. Slowpoke remained standing, shaking in exhaustion, but smirking none the less. Primeape was down. We had won it pretty easily, I'd say. "Wait to go, Slowpoke!! You're a champ!!" I cheered, hugging the quirky pink Pokémon. Crys and Gold sprinted out to the battlefield, tackling me into a tight hug. "That was so cool!! I couldn't even speak because I was so into it!!" Crys cheered, hugging me tight from the left. Gold hugged me from the right, causing me to feel a little cramped.
"Yeah, and that was the first Gym Battle with Togetic I've ever seen!!" Gold added excitedly. Chuck gave me an encouraging wink and handed me my Storm Badge.
We exited the Gym, waving goodbye to Chuck as we made our way back to the Pokémon Center. As Crys and I chatted, Gold spotted something in the distance.
"Hey, look!! It's Silver!" Gold exclaimed, dashing ahead. Silver turned around calmly, only to be nearly tackled to the ground by Gold.
"Hey there, sleepyhead!! Where ya been?" Gold asked teasingly as he ruffled Silver's hair playfully.
"Hey, get off me! Cut it out!" Silver laughed. I smiled softly at them from afar. If I didn't know them already, I would've never believed that they hated each other back then. They were practically brothers now. I was glad to know I didn't have to hide anything from Gold anymore and I didn't have to worry about Silver being caught by him either.
Crystal ran ahead, tackling the boys to the ground. They laughed together as they struggled in vain to get up. I was about to join them when I heard something ring. Was that.... my Pokégear? I reached for it in my pocket, realizing that the ringing was in fact my Pokégear. I flipped it open to find Professor Oak was calling me. Shooting a quizzical look at my Pokégear, I answered his call. Gold, Silver, and Crystal stopped playing when they realized I hadn't joined them and answered my Pokégear out of random.
"Hey, Professor Oak. How is everything?" I asked gently. Professor Oak's response was not at all what I had expected. He sounded a little panicked as he told me the news. My eyes widened in shock.
"No..... don't you worry, Professor, I'll take care of it! Keep me updated, okay?" I stated determinedly before hanging up. Gold, Silver, and Crystal were all standing back up, shooting me quizzical and worried looks. "We gotta go. Now!" I demanded, sprinting to the Pokémon Center to grab our bags.
"Fire? What's wrong?" Gold asked worriedly.
"I'll explain later, come on!" I rushed, throwing on my bag and releasing Togetic as we dashed outside. Gold and Crys stumbled behind me, while Silver followed closely, not questioning my reasoning. He released Murkrow and signaled Gold to grab onto its leg like I did with Togetic and Silver did with Nocto. Crystal climbed on her Skarmory's back and we took to the skies in seconds with me leading the way.
"Fire... tell me... what's going on?" Silver asked calmly, staring straight into my eyes as if he could read me through them. I stared ahead, not making eye contact with anyone.
"There's a big problem. The Magikarp at the Lake Of Rage are suddenly evolving into Gyrados, and the Gyrados are going on a rampage! We've got to do something to stop them!" I stated seriously, a determined look resting in my eyes.
"You want us to stop them? How?! They're Gyrados!" Gold exclaimed with a faithless tone. I shot a slight glare back at him, not in the mood to be dissed by him.
"I don't care how we do it!! We've got to try!!" I shouted. I signaled Togetic to go a little faster. Crystal and Skarmory flew beside me, nodding at me in approval.
"You're right, Fire. We've got to stop them, before they hurt someone... or themselves!" Crys exclaimed. I nodded to her, agreeing completely. Silver placed a hand on my shoulder, returning an approving nod. Gold and Murkrow flew beside Crys and he gave me an apologetic look before also giving me a little nod.
"Right, let's go.... to the Lake Of Rage!" I called out, seeing Mahogany Town in the distance. Whatever was wrong with the Gyrados, it was our job to fix it.

And whoever was causing it would indeed pay for their actions.

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