Brawling Bruno & Countering Karen.

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In the next room was a typical dirt battlefield. The rather intimidating man waiting for me sat criss-cross on the ground, facing opposite of me. He glanced over his shoulder at us, his sharp eyes making my heart race.
"Fire, right? I've been itching for a battle with you. I am Bruno, master of Fighting type Pokémon. Raw power is what I use. What is your strategy?" Bruno asked as he stood up, his height and masculinity making him look even more intimidating then before. He smiled lightly, shaking his head. "Come, show me in battle!" I nodded, taking my place on the field as I ignored my slight fear of the man.
"Alright then, let's go, Trickshot!" I called.
Trickshot and I beat the daylights out of Bruno's Hitmontop, Hitmonlee, and Hitmonchan with two attack each, but then the real challenge came in.
"You're strong.... real strong. I like that, this is the type of battle I've been waiting for! Now, let's see how you handle this Pokémon! Onix, go!!" Bruno called out, releasing the giant rock snake Pokémon. I gasped, watching as it roared out at us.
"W-what??! But.... I thought you specialized in Fighting Pokémon!" I gasped out.
"I do, but challengers tend to think they can push me around with a Flying Pokémon, so Onix is a surprise gift to those challengers." Bruno stated with a smirk. So, Bruno did have a strategy for trainers with a type advantage. I haven't lost a single Pokémon in this fight, so if Trickshot fainted I could switch to Typhlo or Pietro and easily win the match, but that's not what I wanted to do. I want to win every battle with the Pokémon I chose to win with unless it was absolutely necessary to switch out. Trickshot was my partner for this battle, so Trickshot deserved this victory.
"Alright Trickshot, don't be nervous, we can win this. Use Metronome!" I called.
"Headbutt." Onix slammed its rock head into Trickshot, sending my partner flying into a wall.
"Trickshot!! Come on, get up!! You're strong, remember? Use Metronome one more time!" I commanded. Trickshot forced himself up, and began to use Metronome once again.
"Slam." Onix slapped Trickshot aside with its powerful tail, knocking it roughly to the ground. Bruises began to show on Trickshot's white body as it forced itself to stand, glaring up at Onix.
"Trickshot, don't give up!! I know, it's hard, but we can do it!! I know you can win this! Fly in close!" I ordered. Trickshot pushed itself off the ground, shooting towards Onix as fast as it could fly.
"Let's end this with Rock Slide!" Bruno commanded.
"Dodge that and use Steel Wing!!" I cried out. Togetic dodged the falling rocks elegantly, showing off its agility despite being injured. Its wings began to shine like a sword of pure steel, a glint of determination radiating from Trickshot's eyes as he sliced at Onix with his left wing. Trickshot landed on the other side of the field facing Bruno, gazing back at Onix expectingly and panting hard in exhaustion.
A long moment of still silence passed by, everyone waiting for the results of our attack. A shiver went up onix from the tail up, Onix falling over soon after. It had fainted. Bruno returned it without a word, meanwhile I released a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. I dashed over and swooped Trickshot into my arms, holding it close.
"That was awesome, Trickshot! Thanks so much!" I exclaimed joyfully, earning a nuzzle from my little companion. 
"It truly was a battle to be proud of. I hope you'll come back and battle me again, once you become Champion. I have no doubt in my mind that you'll succeed." Bruno stated warmly, reaching a hand out for me to shake.
"Right!" I said with a smirk of determination as I excepted the offered hand.
"You know what, at this rate, I have no doubts that you'll win either." Silver stated coolly, smirking as he came to my side.
"Yeah! Pretty soon, I'll have to get used to calling you Champion Fire!" Gold exclaimed cheerfully.
"Ha, you think so? Thanks guys, but I've still got one more battle before I face the Champion." I stated modestly, trying not to get overconfident.
"Right, well then, let's go!" Silver exclaimed cheerfully, running ahead and catching Gold and I off guard for a moment. Silver wasn't usually this.... upbeat.
"Right! See ya, Bruno!" Gold called with a little wave before running to catch up with Silver and I.
One more challenge and then I fight my greatest opponent, the Champion.
In the next room was a very decorative violet battlefield. A woman with long, sky blue hair stood across from me, waiting for me to stand in place. I took my side of the battlefield and stared straight into her eyes.
"Confident, aren't you? That's good, just like a young Champion should be. I am Karen, the strongest of the Elite Four. I am a master of Dark Pokémon. Now, show me how you battle!! Go, Umbreon!" Karen called, getting in a battle position.
"Right! Rina, let's give 'em a taste of our power! Double Kick!!" I commanded. Rina pushed forward at blinding speed, turning sharply and landing her attack right in Umbreon's side with her back legs. Umbreon flew into a wall and fell to the ground. He had fainted pretty easily.
The battle went on that simple until Karen called out her Gengar. Yet another trick Pokémon. I wondered why only Bruno and Karen used trick Pokémon. Maybe Will and Koga wanted to stay true to their types?
"Let's see how you'll handle this one! Gengar, Shadow Claw!!"
"Rina return!! Asuna, Thunderbolt!" I called swiftly. The electric attack blocking the Shadow Claw, leaving room for a real attack. "Now, Shadow Ball!!" I commanded.
"Gengar, use Shadow Ball too!" Karen ordered. The double attacks blew up when they hit each other, Asuna taking no damage from the Ghost type attack, but Gengar taking some of the super effective damage.
"Asuna, hang tough, girl! Thunderbolt!!" I commanded. Asuna ran forward, pouncing up before launching the electric attack. This time we used Thunderbolt as an actual attack, and it sure did a lot. Gengar was blasted back, but it gripped at the ground to slow itself down.
"Heh, wow, your Gengar sure is persistent, Karen." I complemented genuinely.
"Thanks, he is isn't he. It was smart of you to switch to a Persian instead of keeping Nidorina." Karen stated warmly.
"Heheh, yeah, Rina and I haven't come up with a Ghost proof strategy yet. But Asuna and I have this; Shadow Ball!" I called. Asuna leaped in front of Gengar as it was regaining its balance and launched her attack right there.
Gengar couldn't avoid the close range attack, and was blasted into the wall by it. He struggled to regain his footing, eventually giving in to its weakness and fainting.
Karen returned it calmly, smiling softly at me as I embraced Asuna.
"Yes!! She did it! She did it, she did it!!" Gold cheered loudly, tackling Silver into a hug.
"Yeah she did, now get off me!!" Silver exclaimed with a light chuckle.
"Congrats future Champion, you deserved this victory. Now you better win the whole thing, okay?" Karen stated cheerfully.
"Right! You can bet on it!" I exclaimed, determination filling my heart as I spoke.
"Good. See you at the end of the line, Fire. You've earned my respect." Karen stated kindly.
"Thanks, Karen. Gold, Silver, let's go!!... I have one more challenge to face."
Gold and Silver stood on both sides of me and I took both of their hands. We exchanged glances before slowly going up the next set of stairs together. Their was a red carpet going up the golden stairs and when we finally reached the room the carpet continued down the hall to the golden battlefield.
"Hey guys!! You finally made it!" a familiar voice called.
"Crystal!!" Gold, Silver, and I exclaimed in unison, running up to our dear friend.
"Long time no see." Crys stated warmly as we all hugged her.
"What're you doing here?!" Gold asked, excitement very noticeable in his tone.
"Green called Professor Oak to tell him you beat him, and right afterwards I was called to come wait for you here."
"Called? By who?" Silver asked.
"By him." Crys stated cheerfully as she pointed up at the battlefield. All eyes but Crystal's widened in shock as we recognized the man walking to the end of the field. He smiled down at us warmly, and I began to feel my heart race in shock.

He.... he was.... the Champion of Johto?!

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