When One Door Closes

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I made my way slowly to the stadium, a bit shaken at the fact that this was the end.... and Silver was the last one standing before me. I frowned at the thought. Usually this would make me excited. This was what I've been waiting for, isn't it? To reach the Pokémon League and prove my strength to my one and only rival. But..... now I'm here. Silver's not just my rival anymore. He's me best friend. I'd give my life for him if I had to. And instead, I had to face against him in battle, instead of battling beside him. The feeling was a bit overwhelming to me.
"There she is! Hey, Fire!!" a familiar voice called in the distance. I jolted my gaze up, shooting a confused look ahead until I caught the sight of three familiar faces I hadn't seen in forever. Spiky tannish hair and emerald eyes, long brown hair and blue eyes, and shoulder length blonde hair and onyx eyes.
My eyes widened in shock. It's been too long....
"Green, Blue, Yellow!!" I exclaimed as I sprinted over to them. I tackled Green into a hug, earning a little gasp for air as I nearly knocked the wind out of him. I hugged him tightly, Blue and Yellow joining in for a group hug. When we finally let go of each other, I beamed up at them joyfully. "What're you guys doing here?!" I asked excitedly.
"Heh, as soon as Gramps told me you were competing in the League, I came running to see ya." Green stated somewhat proudly.
"That's right, Green was the one who told Yellow and I that you were competing." Blue added on cheerfully.
"It's been so long since I've seen you, Fire. I didn't know you had went on a journey." Yellow stated softly in her usual quiet voice. It was almost as quiet as Jasmine's, but Yellow's voice had a little more power in it, if that makes any sense.
"Oh yeah, that reminds me, you didn't tell me you were leaving Pallet Town! What gives?" Green asked accusingly.
"Well, I did have to board a ship on like the next day or so, and it wasn't like you were in Pallet Town anyways." I stated in my defense. Green contemplated my statement, eventually nodding in acceptance.
That was a close one. No guilt trip for me today.
"Say, you look different. Happier, I mean. What's up with that? You got a boyfriend?" Green asked, a smirk playing on his face. A blush spread across mine as he leaned in, Blue mimicking his smirk. Yellow must've noticed my discomfort because she took action and stepped in front of me defensively.
"Now that's enough, Green. you haven't seen Fire in almost a year, and I haven't seen her in almost a full four years, I think you should take it easy on the teasing." Yellow stated in an almost motherly tone.
"Fine, fine, whatever. But she's gotta introduce me to him later." Green stated. Yellow shot him a look, then turned to me and grinned shyly, apologizing for Green's childish behavior.
Nothing I'm not used to. I gotta admit, I kinda missed it too.
"Come on, let's go to the stadium! All these people are coming to see you win, so we best not keep them waiting!" Blue said in a singsong tone. I followed them into the stadium and waved goodbye before heading to the entrance to the battlefield. Green placed a hand on my shoulder to stop me. I turned to him with a confused look on my face.
"Hey... Good luck out there. Gramps told me that's your friend who you're about to face, and I want you to give it your best. I'd hate to see you lose after coming this far. Because then.... you'll end up like me. But you might not be as lucky to get a role as a Gym Leader to cope with it." Green murmured to me just loud enough for me and me alone to hear. I stared up at him for a moment, suddenly grinning and nodding my head once in understanding.
He was worried if I failed that I'd end up falling back into depression.... like he did when he lost to Red. I couldn't appreciate Green anymore than I did in that moment. It's for this reason that I couldn't afford to lose.
"Right, don't worry, this'll be the best battle you've ever witnessed! And I'm gonna win it!" I exclaimed confidently. Green smiled in relief, giving my shoulder two pats before running off to catch up with Blue and Yellow.
I smiled in his direction, making my way to the battlefield with a new feeling in my heart. Lights momentarily blinded me as I entered the field, the audience cheering loudly upon my arrival. Silver stared nonchalantly at me, almost as if I was a stranger. I got a little nervous for a moment, until his lips curved into a small smile. I smiled back shyly, the nervousness fading fast. We made our way to the middle of the field, staring into each other's eyes.
"I'm not taking it easy on you." Silver stated bluntly.
"I'd hope not." I deadpanned with a slight smirk.
"Good luck."
"Same to you." I plucked a Pokéball off my belt and held it out towards Silver. He did the same so that both
Pokéballs were side by side. I gazed into metallic silver eyes, searching for the emotions hidden deep within him. We both nodded in unison, ready to get this show on the road, we dropped the Pokéballs and jumped back to our trainer posts. This was how every first match of the finals was started. It was traditional between Kanto and Johto to start the finals of the Indigo Plateau Pokémon League this way. It was interesting at that, apparently it's supposed to represent good luck to both teams.
Emerging from my Pokéball was Trickshot, while Nocto emerged from Silver's. I grinned at this, since we traded Trickshot and Nocto for each other. They've never battled each other before either, so this'd make for an interesting first match.
"Trickshot, Fly!!" I commanded. Trickshot narrowed it's eyes and shot up at blinding speed. Just before Silver called a command, he looked into my eyes for a split second, causing me to momentarily freeze.
"Nocto, Aerial Ace!!" Silver ordered. Nocto.... he use the nickname I gave it. I was sure he'd get rid of it, but he didn't. I smiled at this, refocusing my attention on the match. Nocto was ascending straight towards Trickshot, gaining in fast. I had to think of something fast. And so I did.
"Metronome, go!!" I ordered, thinking of a powerful move.
Trickshot whipped around, a Thunderbolt shooting from the ball of light in its hand directly at Nocto. After being zapped at close range, Nocto began plummeting down to the battlefield. I noticed Silver's eyes narrow in determination, and in that same moment, Nocto's eyes shot open, and it whirled around back into flight. The crowds cheered him on, while I mentally complemented them, a smirk making its way onto my face.
"Psychic, now!!" Silver called. Nocto wasted no time in shooting forward, it's eyes aglow.
"Counter with Extrasensory!!" I ordered. The two psychic waves clashed, knocking both our Pokémon back. " Trickshot and Nocto exchanged glares as they gathered themselves back up. Trickshot flew up first, never taking his eyes off of Nocto as he followed close behind.
"Take Down!!" Silver ordered. Nocto sped up, slightly folding it's wings to throw itself further.
"Trickshot, Ancient Power!!" I cried out.
"What?!" Silver yelped as four rocks surrounded in a purple aura formed beside Togetic and launched at Nocto as he approached. Nocto flew right into them, plummeting once again to the ground. This time he hit the ground with a thud, and the referee called it a win for Trickshot.
Trickshot zipped to my side, slapping my hand for a high five. After saying some words of praise, I returned Trickshot for the time being. Silver had returned Nocto ad well, sighing in quiet frustration. He shook it off, calling out his next Pokémon. It was Gengar. I reminisced when he first caught Haunter and we evolved it into Gengar together. Smirking, I chose my own Pokémon.
"Umbre, Dark Pulse!!" I commanded as Umbre emerged from the ball. With no hesitation, Umbre shot a pulse of dark aura at Gengar. Gengar tried to dodge it, but was grazed with the attack, slowing him down a bit.
"Shadow Ball!!" Silver called.
"Use Shadow Ball too!!" I ordered. Umbre and Gengar launched the attacks in unison, the blast damaging both of them. Umbre stood swiftly, awaiting an order from me. "Ready to go, Umbre? Use Bite!!" I called out. Umbre shot forward, chomping down on Gengar's arm as it struggled to rise to its feet. Gengar cried out in pain as it tried to throw Umbre off.
"Gengar, use that to your advantage! Shadow Ball at close range!!" Silver commanded. Gengar blasted Umbre with Shadow Ball, causing Umbre to stop its attack. Gengar hovered above Umbre, trying to intimidate him with his toothy grin.
"Umbre, don't let him scare you! Dark Pulse!!" I commanded. Umbreon released its pulse of shadowy aura, blasting Gengar back into the wall.
The referee called it being unable to continue and another victory for us.
"I wasn't planning on using you this early, but it seems I have no choice, go Sneasel!!" Silver called. Sneasel appeared from its Pokéball, showing off its long, sharp claws. Umbre glanced back at me, wanting to stay in the match. I nodded to him, willing to keep up the pressure.
"Umbre, charge!!" I called out. Umbre sprinted towards Sneasel, the look in its eyes filled with determination.
"Sneasel, Slash now!!" Silver ordered. Sneasel dashed for Umbre as well, its claws extended for an attack.
"Umbre, Shadow Ball!!" I commanded. Sneasel somehow sliced right through the last minute Shadow Ball, landing a powerful Slash on Umbre. The referee announced a win for Silver as I returned my beaten friend. "Okay then, Rina, let's go!!" I called.
"Icy Wind!!"
"Sludge Bomb!!" Rina attacked with a wave of poison, while simultaneously being struck with a below freezing wind, both Rina and Sneasel taking a decent amount of damage.
"Use Slash!!"
"Double Kick!!" Sneasel cleverly used one of its large claws to block our attack, then lunged its other arm forward to slash at Rina, landing a powerful attack. Rina shivered in pain, momentarily losing sync with me. Most trainers wouldn't be able to notice or do anything to counter us when one of my Pokémon and I lose sync, but Silver did.
"Sneasel, Metal Claw, now!!" Silver ordered. Sneasel's claws seemed to shine like a steel sword as it swung them mercilessly at Rina. She barely remained standing as she stared wide-eyed at her powerful opponent.
"Rina!! Snap out of it! Use Sludge Bomb!!" I called in vain.
"Dark Pulse!!" Silver commanded. Sneasel shot a beam of dark aura at Rina, who stood defensively right before him, knocking her back into a wall. The referee called her being unable to battle as I returned her, shocked beyond belief. I lost two Pokémon to just Silver's Sneasel in no time at all.... 
Just how powerful is it?
I stared right into Silver's eyes as I plucked a Pokéball off my belt. Two can play at that game, Silv.
"Asuna, you're up!!" I called, releasing my prised Persian. Asuna was slim and swift, much like Umbre and Sneasel, her sharp eyes could see threw any tricks Sneasel had to offer. This was a battle of sly and slyer. And I'm gonna win it! "Asuna, Fake Out!!" I commanded. Asuna sprinted forward, smacking Sneasel from behind with one flick of her paw. Knowing Fake Out makes the opponent flinch, I used that to my advantage. "Slash!!" Asuna swiped its claws at Sneasel's back, causing it to tumble forward.
"Sneasel, Dark Pulse!" Silver commanded. Asuna leaped to the side to avoid the attack, sprinting towards Sneasel with a smirk on her face. "Jump Sneasel!!" Silver called, thinking we were going for another Slash.
"Thunderbolt!!" I ordered. Asuna skidded to a stop, sending a bolt of electricity at Sneasel while it was in midair. Sneasel jerked its head up and cried out in pain, beginning to fall to the ground. Surprisingly, Sneasel managed to land on one knee in a ninja-like pose. I was shocked that it was still pressing on, but that only makes this battle that much more fun.
"Sneasel, Metal Claw!!"
"Asuna, Slash!!" Both Pokémon charged at each other, claws extended as they bounded into the air, seemingly just grazing one another. Asuna stood facing Silver, while Sneasel stood facing me as they both looked over their shoulders at one another, waiting for the other to give in. After a few moments of dead silence and blank and anticipating looks, both Asuna and Sneasel fainting simultaneously. The referee called a draw as we withdrew our Pokémon.

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