Suicune And Dreams

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It bounded away as we stood there in awe of it, running across the water. Before we even had a chance to think, a brunette man in strange white and purple clothing dashed to our side.
"Was that it?! Did you girls just see Suicune?!" the man asked frantically. I turned to him slowly, giving him a blank stare. "Well, did you?! Out with it, child!" the man snapped. I crossed my arms and leaned forward a little, emphasizing my distrust.
"What's it to you?" I asked rather rudely, though I did so on purpose. He needed to understand how I felt about his tone of voice.
"I've been following Suicune for ten years. Ten years! It's the one Pokémon I dream of capturing one day! It's absolutely gorgeous!" the man exclaimed. I shot a look at Crys that hinted my questioning of 'is this guy serious?' Crys snickered and we decided to humor him for a bit before choosing wether we could really trust him or not.
"Well, maybe we did, maybe we didn't. Why should I tell you?" I asked sassily, smirking mischievously up at the tall man. He squatted down to see me eye to eye, my smirk never wavering, even though he looked at me impatiently.
"Look, kid, when you've got dreams, you don't let anyone get in your way of reaching them, right? So I'd appreciate if you'd let me reach mine." the man stated calmly, with a hint of irritation in his tone. I dropped my smirk, grinning sweetly at him.
"Okay. Nice to meet you, I'm Fire! And you are?" I asked cheerfully, dropping my attitude completely and throwing the strangely dressed man off. He shook my outstretched hand hesitantly, a dumbfounded look resting on his face. I mentally laughed at his confusion.
"I'm Eusine... nice to meet you too." he said softly, still a little taken aback.
"Hey, don't forget about me!! I'm Crystal! Crys for short, nice to meet ya!" Crys exclaimed cheerfully, shaking his hand swiftly.
"Yeah, hi Crystal. Now, will you two tell me if you saw Suicune?" Eusine asked hopefully.
"Yep. It went that way, across the water." I informed him. Eusine was gone faster than he showed up, leaving Crys and I dumbfounded for a moment. We shrugged it off, not thinking to much of it. As we made our way back, I thought about the last encounters I had. First Entei with Silver, now Suicune with Crystal. I still wasn't sure why they kept showing up to us, but something told me it wasn't an accident that we met them in the first place. I started to wonder if they really were just here for Silver, Crys, and Gold, but I didn't want to drown myself in my suspension, so I shook the thought out of my head.
I went straight to bed when we reached the Pokémon Center, thoroughly exhausted. It's been a long day. In my slumber I was met by the same dream as the night before.

The same water, the same bubbles, the same strange cry, but there was one difference. After the shadow swam behind me, there was a flash of sky blue light. In the distance I saw glowing blue eyes and once again, I heard that strange cry.

I shot up, panting hard as I recalled my dream. I did the first thing I could think of. I threw on my sneakers and sprinted down the hall to Silver's room. "Silver! Silver, wake up!!" I whispered loudly, shaking him violently.
Silver jolted awake, relaxing a little when he recognized me.
"What is it?!" Silver hissed, angry that I awoke him so frantically.
"Silver, I had that weird dream again!" I stated with a panicked tone. Silver's glare changed to a wide-eyed, shocked expression. He turned on the light and asked me to sit on the bed and tell him what happened. I explained to him what I had seen this time and he payed close attention to every word.
"I guess I was wrong then. That wasn't just a dream, but maybe a vision...? You saw more this time then you did last time, right? That could mean something..." Silver stated.
"It's kind of... scary. I don't know what it means, and I always wake up in a panic. Maybe there's something psychologically wrong with me..." I murmured.
"Psychological...... psychic...." Silver muttered, appearing to have an idea on what was going on.
"What is it, Silver?" I questioned. Silver glanced up at me and shook his head.
"No, nothing. I think you should sleep here tonight, so I can keep an eye in you." Silver suggested.
"Where are you gonna sleep then?" I asked gently.
"I'll just sleep on the chair over there. I'll be fine, I'm used to it." Silver assured. After some hesitation, I did as I was told, and slept in Silver's room. Silver kept an eye on me through the night. I don't know exactly what good that would do, but it apparently did more than I thought it would, since I didn't have the dream the rest of the night. Then again, the last time I didn't have it again when I went back to bed either.

When I awoke, Silver was writing something down in a notebook and yawning silently. I felt guilty, he was tired because of me and I'm not even sure if he slept at all last night. I realized Togetic, Noctowl, and Gengar were all beside him. I wondered why, but didn't think much of it.
"Anything, Silver?" I asked drowsily. Silver turned around drowsily, I could see how tired he was through his eyes, and yet he still forced a smile.
"Not sure yet. I'm taking notes on any possible changes, so don't worry. Going for a Gym battle today?" Silver asked, trying his best to sound normal, but the tiredness in his voice was still noticeable.
"Yeah, but I don't think you should come along. You look pretty beat." I stated honestly.
"I can manage." he pushed.
"You didn't sleep at all last night, did you?" I deadpanned.
"Yes." Silver stated defensively.
"Silver?" I questioned warningly, much like a parent who knew their kid was lying or did something bad. He sighed, lowering his head in defeat.
"No..." Silver muttered.
"Stay." I ordered firmly.
"Fine, I didn't really want to go out today anyway." Silver huffed, throwing himself on the bed. I rolled my eyes and changed in the bathroom. When I came out, Silver was already sound asleep. I chuckled. He always wanted to be a rebel, even if he was just playing against what he really wanted. I didn't understand it, but I found it funny nonetheless.
I released Quilava and headed for the Cianwood City Gym.
"I wonder who the Gym Leader is here. I bet he's tough." I stated casually. Quilava smiled up at me. "Ya know, Quilava, It's been so long since it was just you and me, I almost forgot what it felt like." I said to my partner as I reminisced about those days when it was just the two of us. Now we had friends... Gold, Silver, Crystal, all the Gym Leaders I've battled, Professor Elm, and many more.
It's as if now... my little family grew ten sizes.

That leaves behind a warm feeling when I think about it.

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