Breaking Bonds

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My legs suddenly carried me before I realized it. I placed a hand on Gold's shoulder roughly and turned him halfway around to face me.
"Gold, stop! What're you doing?" I asked in a panic. Gold gave me a confused glare, not at all understanding my protest.
"Why should I? Don't you recognize him? He's the guy who stole Todadile!" Gold growled. my eyes shifted in all directions, searching aimlessly for any kind of solution.
"I do... but... you don't understand, Gold.... just... wait." I murmured pointlessly.
"Clearly I don't! He's a criminal!!" Gold spat. Something about that sentence triggered something deep inside me. That was the final straw. My fists balled tight, I shook my head swiftly in defiance before saying exactly what was on my mind.
"He's my friend!!" I shouted defensively at Gold, making him jump back. Silver's eyes widened in disbelief, his lips slightly parted. All was silent for a few moments. "He's my friend, Gold... Sure, he stole a Todadile..... sure, he can be a jerk..... sure, he's hard to understand sometimes, but... he's still my rival and friend! I've battled him a couple times now, and he helps me train my Pokémon, and he even came out to see me when I just wanted to talk to someone!" Gold kept his head bowed without saying a word, so I continued. "And like I said, I know he stole that Todadile.... but... we don't know why he stole it. For all we know, it could've been a very valid reason! I believe everyone deserves a second chance! But how can you give them a second chance, if you haven't given them a first?" I asked rhetorically. Gold stood completely silent, frozen stiff. I glanced over at Quilava. He shifted his gaze from Bayleaf to Croconaw. I could see the fear in the eyes of Croconaw, not wanting its trainer to be captured. I knew Quilava could see it too.
Quilava bounded in front of Croconaw and Silver, glaring at Bayleaf harshly, daring it to make one wrong move. Bayleaf widened its eyes before glaring right back in defiance. Quilava didn't see that as an appropriate response, lighting the flames on its head and tail to show it meant business. Bayleaf softened its glare, and gave Gold a worried, quizzical look, unsure of what to do.
Gold's balled fist slowly undid themselves, and his arms fell to his side's completely. Bayleaf took that as a sign of submission and slowly, hesitantly, released Silver's wrists.
I dashed to his side, raising a hand to rest on his shoulder. "Silver..." I began, but he raised a hand right in front of my face to stop me. He rubbed his wrists, the pressure of the vines must've been hurting him. He slowly began to walk out, but stopped right behind me, and gave me a blank side glance.
"Thank you..." Silver murmured. He continued past me, and stopped behind Gold. I could feel the tension rising, but Silver kept moving before it got too bad. Just as Silver was a few feet from the exit of the Burned Tower, I heard a cracking sound.
Silver froze and slowly turned to face me, a shocked
look in his eyes. I slowly let my gaze fall to the floor. There was a huge, deep crack going all the way around Gold, Silver and I.
I shot up a fearful look dead into Silver's eyes, before the ground caved in beneath our feet. I landed on my back in the fallen wood, the pain surging through me swiftly as I cried out. When the pain subsided a bit, I scanned the area for Gold and Silver. I realized Silver was right beside me, lying flat on his face. Gold was a few feet away from me, shoving some ruble off of him as he shakily tried to stand. I groaned in pain as I tried to move, the sting in my upper back making it a little difficult.
Silver grunted, struggling to force himself up on his elbows. Once he was leaning on them for support, he glanced around the room. His eyes landed on me, causing them to widen a bit. "Fire, are you hurt?" Silver asked with a surprisingly concerned tone. I gave him a pained smile and nodded, forcing myself to sit up. I helped Silver up as well and he nodded at me gratefully.
That's definitely a first.
I looked to see if Gold needed help but caught him staring at something, completely awestruck. I turned to see if Silver noticed, but Silver had the same expression as Gold did. Irritated, I followed their eyes and my expression soon mimicked theirs.
There were three, majestic Pokémon standing on a hill of ruble before us.
The yellow one had two large, sharp teeth, and a purple cloud-like back. The brown one had a smokey looking cloud on its back. The blue one was the most majestic, with diamond shaped spots, a white ribbon-like pair of twin tails, and a long, flowing purple mane.
They stood side by side, staring down at us intently. Suddenly, the brown one bounded towards us, leaping by Silver and giving him a long look before leaping out of the basement floor. The yellow one did the same to Gold but when the blue one bounded towards me, it looked at me shortly before its glance raised to something past me. It then bounded off, leaving Silver, Gold, and I to ponder what just happened.
"Silver..... what.... was that?" I asked breathlessly. Silver shook himself out of his dazed state, getting up and dusting himself off.
"I don't know... but... they didn't seem like normal Pokémon." Silver stated. I shakily stood up beside him, when the idea came to mind. I pulled out my Pokédex to see if I got their names.




"Silver, look at this." I said, showing him the information in my Pokédex.
"Yes, I think I've heard of them before... in an old folklore." Silver stated softly, thinking long and hard about where he had heard about them.
"That's right." a nearby voice announced. Silver, Gold, and I jolted our attention to the blue haired girl coming out of the shadows. "Suicune, Entei, and Raiku, the three Legendary Beasts. They're quite a hit around these parts." she stated casually.

Legendary Beasts? What's that supposed to mean? And who the heck is she?! The universe just wasn't holding back in the surprises today, was it? Guess we'll have to see what this is about...

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