It's So Flaffy

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Gold had to practically drag me to Goldenrod City Gym the next morning. I trained so hard with Eevee and Silver that we lost track of the time. When I got back, the sun was starting to rise already! I drowsily sat next to Bill on the bleachers. Bill gave me a quizzical look, but I shifted my gaze. I really don't feel like being questioned in the morning.
Whitney gave Gold special privileges since he only has two Pokémon. She allowed a one on two. Which I thought was total bogus. I crossed my arms and huffed, causing Bill to chuckle. I gave him a playfully annoyed look, and he smiled in return. At least hanging out with Bill made things more fun.
On the bright side, she was using Miltank, so two Pokémon would probably be necessary for Gold. He decided to go with Bayleaf first, probably to tire it out or power on through. Though flying through a battle against a trainer with a Miltank? Probably not gonna work.
"Bayleaf, Vine Whip!" Gold commanded. Bayleaf smacked Miltank around with its vines, damaging it mildly.
"Miltank, Rollout!" Whitney commanded energetically. Miltank rammed into Bayleaf, sending the lighter weight Pokémon tumbling backwards.
"Razor Leaf!" Gold commanded swiftly. Bayleaf obeyed immediately, sending the sharp-edged leaves at Miltank. The attack did more damage than Vine Whip, but I wasn't sure it'd be enough. "Now, Tackle!" Gold ordered.
"Rollout! Give it you're best attack!" Whitney commanded.
The two Pokémon slammed head first into each other hard. Bayleaf struggled to stand, eventually falling to its side in exhaustion. It had fainted.
Gold returned Bayleaf, whispering words of encouragement through the Pokéball. I watched on as he let out Mareep, wishing he had used Mareep first to paralyze them and then go for Bayleaf. Unfortunately, Gold had his own ideas. Ideas that concerned me quite a bit.
"Okay, Mareep, it's on you now! Thundershock!" Gold called. Mareep's electric attack landed, but, like Bayleaf, it didn't do very much. Bill and I exchanged worried glances. Miltank began to use Rollout again, dashing toward Mareep. Unlike most times, Miltank used Rollout back to back, not giving Mareep a chance to blink. "Mareep!!" Gold cried out. Mareep heard him loud and clear, planting its tiny blue legs firmly on the battlefield, Miltank only shoving it back now. Suddenly, Mareep was shrouded in a blinding white light, and began to change form.
The light vanished, and there stood Mareep's evolution. A two legged pink Pokémon, with wool on its head and neck. Bill and I gasped joyfully, Quilava cheering it on.
"Mareep evolved into.... Flaffy!" Gold exclaimed. Flaffy smirked back at Gold, its sharp blue eyes looked battle ready. "Okay Flaffy, Thunderbolt!!" Gold commanded. The much more powerful, close range electric attack knocked Miltank right out of the match. I gaped at them. That was pretty darn amazing! Whitney huffed, flicking his Plain Badge at him.
She didn't bother walking us out, not that I wanted her to. I was surprised that she didn't break down and cry again, but I'm glad she didn't. I don't think I'd be able to sit through another one of those little scenes.
Now it was Gold's turn to knock out instantly after lunch.
I chuckled as I saw him passed out on the couch. I sat around at the kitchen counter, washing Gold's other clothes for him. As I waited for the washing machine to stop, Bill walked to the other side of the counter, standing right in front of me. He gave me a suspicious stare, which intimidated me a bit.
What's up with him?
"Okay, mom's out grocery shopping with Liz, so now we can talk. What's the deal? Why have you been sneaking out at midnight?" Bill asked, a slight sternness noted in his tone. I didn't want to tell him about Silver. Then he'd tell Gold, and then there'd be trouble. Instead, I pulled out a picture I printed of Umbreon, showing it to Bill. He stared at it for a moment before giving me a quizzical look.
"It's Umbreon. An evolved form of Eevee." I stated.
"I know that, but what's it got to do with anything?" Bill asked impatiently.
"I've been going out at midnight to train Eevee. Eevee has to train at night to evolve into Umbreon." I informed him. Bill's gaze softened and he smiled softly at me.
"Oh, that's a relief! I thought you were hiding something. Sorry for doubting ya, Fire." Bill apologized genuinely. He exited the kitchen, throwing a blanket over Gold before heading to his room. I inwardly sighed.
That was close. Too close.
Around eleven at night, I once again sent a note by Pokémon to Silver and headed out for some training. Bill waved goodbye and winked, signaling that he'd stay quiet about my training. I nodded and smiled, quietly exiting the door.
I saw Silver in the distance and waved my hand at him joyfully. He simply nodded his head, preparing to train with Sneasel. I wondered why he even decided to come out here this late and train with me, but I didn't think much of it. I was training with my rival and that's what counts at the moment.
We trained for a solid three hours before preparing to depart  again. I returned Eevee and yawned, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. That was rough training, as always. Training with Silver and Sneasel really takes it out of me.
"I'll catch ya later, Silver." I said softly, turning to head out for Bill's place.
"Hey..." Silver called, causing me to turn back. He looked over his shoulder at me, still facing opposite of me. "Next time, let's have a real battle." Silver stated, the slightest hint of a smirk on his face. I grinned back, nodding in agreement.
"Definitely. Just remember that I'm still gonna win." I said teasingly, winking in the process.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Silver called over his shoulder as he began to stroll off. I smiled softly at him from behind before heading back. When I was in bed, I thought about all the encounters I've had with Silver. He seemed to be improving a bit in his attitude. That I was glad for. I've never had any enemies besides Team Rocket, and I surely don't want to make any now.

And yet I have a bad feeling building up in my chest for some unknown reason.

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