A New Perspective; Silver I

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We landed firmly on the dirt road that was just outside the Lake Of Rage. I sprinted ahead, desperate to stop the Gyrados.
"Fire look, up ahead!!" Silver called, pointing in the distance. I spotted it, the Lake Of Rage. There was about five Gyrados in it, shooting Hyper Beams in all directions.
"This is crazy, it's like a scene from a horror movie!" Crys exclaimed fearfully. I ignored her and ran to the edge of the lake.
"Fire, stop!! It's too dangerous to be up this close!" Silver exclaimed, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Crystal, Gold!! Evacuate any nearby people or Pokémon! Silver, stay with me." I ordered, ignoring Silver's previous warning. Gold and Crys rushed off to see if anyone was in potential danger and to lead them to safety if needed.
"What's your plan?" Silver asked bluntly.
"Find the source of the problem, and stop it!" I stated firmly. Silver nodded and scanned the lake until something caught his eye.
"Fire, look at that! That red Gyrados in the middle of the lake! It seems to be the most outraged." Silver informed me.
"So maybe.... that Gyrados is the source of the problem! There's only one choice, we've gotta fight off the rest and get to the red one!"
"Then let's do it together!" Gold exclaimed, dashing to my side with Crys.
"Everyone seems to have evacuated earlier, so we're clear for battle!" Crystal called.
"Quilava, let's do it!" I called, sending out my ace in the hole. "Flamethrower!"
"Croconaw, Aqua Tail!"
"Bayleaf, Razor Leaf!"
"Pichu, Thunderbolt!"
Silver, Gold, Crystal, and I commanded in unison. We took out Gyrados after Gyrados, until only the red one remained. "Let me handle this! Skarmory, let's go! Steel Wing!" Crys commanded as she hopped on its back. They dove towards the red Gyrados, aiming for a critical hit. Gyrados spotted them however, and slapped her away with Aqua Tail.
"Crys!!" Gold cried out as she began to plummet towards the lake. Silver and I gaped, frozen stiff and unable to act. Suddenly, a shadow flew above our heads and straight towards Crystal. Just before she hit the water, the shadow caught her and Skarmory, flying upwards in one swift motion.
"Crystal...!" Silver gasped, sprinting further from us to see if she was alright. I glanced over at the red Gyrados and to my horror, I knew exactly where it was aiming that Hyper Beam. Acting on impulse, I bolted in the direction it was aiming and leaped in front of its target to protect it.
"Silver!!" I cried out, as the blinding light surrounded me, the blast sending me flying back into a tree.
"No, Fire!!!" I heard Silver scream, but he sounded so... distant. The last thing I saw in my blurred vision was him racing towards me, and that was it.

I blacked out.

(Silver's POV)

I panicked when something swooped Crystal up and I ran up the lake a bit, hoping she was safe as I watched the shadow fly swiftly. I was a fool and didn't bother paying attention to the outraged Gyrados. It launched a Hyper Beam at me and just as it came into view, she jumped in front of me.

She saved me.

"No, Fire!!!" I heard a voice scream at the top of its lungs, only to realize it was me. I didn't care at the moment, my pride wasn't on the line. No, it was much more than that.
I found my legs carrying me to her side. I threw myself to my knees, taking my rival and close friend in my arms. "Fire! Hey, Fire, wake up! You can't do this now! I've still got to beat you and..... and you still need to find Red!" I exclaimed, my voice cracking as I spoke. I felt my eyes get watery and I had to squint them shut and shake my head to stop myself. I wouldn't cry, I couldn't. Now's not the time. I glanced over in a panic at the Gyrados, realizing Gold was holding it off for me. I searched the area for Crys, but I couldn't find her.
"Hey, is she okay?!" A voice from behind me asked. It was a man with spiky red hair that stook up and somewhat to the side rather unnaturally. He wore a black cape and a black and red suit. The man knelt beside me and tried to reach a hand out to Fire. I surprised both him as well as myself as I slapped his hand away harshly. He gave me a shocked expression, unsure of what he did wrong.
"Don't... don't..." I murmured. Don't what? I didn't even know what I was trying to say! His expression changed to one of understanding.
"Don't worry, I won't touch her, if that's what you mean. I'm just here to help. Look, my Pokémon brought your friend back." the man informed me, signaling to where Gold was. I noticed Crystal was now beside him, helping him hold off the Gyrados. There was another Pokémon with them, one I believed was known as Dragonite, but I wasn't completely sure. It also helped in fighting Gyrados.
"She.... she tried to.... to save me.... from its Hyper Beam..." I murmured, fighting back tears from the shock I was currently in. The man placed a gentle hand on my shoulder.
"Take her to the Pokémon Center. I'll help your friend, just worry about her for the moment." the man ordered me calmly.
Usually I would object and refuse to follow orders from anyone, but this was a different scenario. I leaped to my feet nodding in agreement before carrying Fire in my arms and sprinting to Mahogany Town. Quilava, Togetic, and my own Pokémon followed beside me. Fire's Quilava looked up at me with pleading eyes, begging me to help his trainer in any way I possibly can. I couldn't speak at the moment, so I simply nodded to it and picked up the pace.
The second I barged through those doors, Fire was out of my arms and in an E.R. I stood impatiently in the hall with Quilava and the others, hoping for some sort of miracle. About thirty minutes to an hour after I had been there, a doctor signaled me to come in. I dashed into the room, finding Fire sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed.
"Will she be okay?" I asked sorrowfully.
"Yes, I believe so, she only has a gash in her side, but it should heal good as new. I think something, such as a Pokémon, may have held the attack off for her. It seems it was more so the blast from a blocked attack that injured her than the Hyper Beam itself." the doctor explained.
"How is that possible...." I murmured, staring at the ground.
"Look at it this way, she's lucky," I gave the doctor a shocked and yet curious look, "If that Hyper Beam really had hit her directly, she would've been dead." the doctor left on that rather harsh note, leaving me to ponder what had happened. How could something have blocked that Hyper Beam? It was right in front of me... unless that man...
I heard Fire groan and quickly rushed to her side, forgetting about everything else for the time being. Her eyes slowly opened, revealing ruby red orbs. No words could tell how relieved I was in that moment. As she acknowledged me, she slowly sat up, making it obvious that she was ignoring the pain in her side when she did.
"Silver...." she mumbled, a sense of relief in her tone. I ignored her call completely, throwing my arms around her at random in a mix of joy and sorrow.
"You reckless fool! How could you do something like that?! You could've killed yourself, Fire!" I snapped. I wasn't really mad at her.... well, that's a lie, I was kind of mad. But I was just so..... shocked. I've never cared for anyone this much until Fire, Gold and Crys showed up. They changed me, they're the reasons I stopped looking down on myself and everyone around me. The reason I had friends, and a reason to press on in difficult times. And the fact that all of that almost left me because of one incident, it just really... scared me.
Fire slowly rested her right arm on my back, using her left to hold herself up. I was a little shocked at first, I hadn't expected her to hug me back, I honestly didn't plan on hugging her in the first place, it just kind of happened.
"Silver...." she murmured softly, "I did it to protect you..." I held her tighter, as if I was holding my very heartbeat in my arms.
"Yeah, well, don't do that again..." I murmured, loosening my grip a little. I pulled away from our embrace, smiling gently at her as I did so.
"Fire?" I called gently.
"Thank you..... thank you for... saving my life. I don't know if I could ever repay you in full for something like that, but... I need to do something for you, to repay you... one day." I stated gently. Fire nodded understandingly, a soft smile on her face. Her eyes suddenly widened as realization struck her.
"Silver, the red Gyrados!! Where is it?! And Gold and Crystal, where are they?!" Fire asked frantically. I gripped her shoulders gently, trying to calm her.
"Relax, they're with this man with red, spiky hair. He's the one who directed me here and saved Crystal. He's helping them hold it off." I assured her. I don't know why I trusted him so much, but I did. I had a lot of faith in that mysterious man's abilities.
"I need to go help them! Togetic, Metronome!" Fire commanded. Metronome changed to Heal Pulse, and began to heal Fire's wound.
"I'll have to ask you how that works later, for now, we've got to go!" I exclaimed. Fire and I rushed out of the building and headed for the Lake Of Rage. I noticed that she stopped running and was staring at the sign outside of a shabby looking shop. I skidded to a stop, turning to face her with a quizzical look.
"Just a souvenir shop.... nothing to worry about, no need to be alarmed." Fire read aloud off the sign. She raised an eyebrow at the door. "Seems legit." Fire deadpanned and in two seconds, her foot collided with that door and knocked it right off its hinges and into the shop. I wasn't quite expecting that, but okay. I followed her into the shop, where two men stood scared sick out of their minds in a corner.
"H-How can I help you?" one of the men asked shakily. Fire pulled out a rope, giving them a stern look.
"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, which is it?" Fire asked sternly. Unfortunately for me, they chose the easy way and Fire tied them up and shoved them into a closet. "There's something suspicious about this shop, there's gotta be a secret door or something..." Fire murmured. I looked at the wall I stood beside and did the typical 'knock to find an opening' trick. It surprisingly worked.
"Fire, over here!" I called.
"Quilava, Swift on that wall!" she commanded. The wall broke easily and we swiftly made our way into the opening. Something about this screamed familiar. I glanced at Fire from behind, she looked so determined. I smiled gently at her. I could never understand how she could nearly die for someone like me and walk it off to go help someone else as if she was never injured in the first place. It baffled me, and yet I respected it. I want to be able to help people like that too someday.
I saw a flash of red out the corner of my eye, and noticed the eyes of the Persian statue we just passed were glowing. I heard footsteps in the distance and let out a long groan. I knew that was a bad sign. When is anything glowing red not a bad sign? In a moment's time, Fire and I were back to back, surrounded by Team Rocket Grunts.

Why can't red glowing things mean you won the lottery or something?!

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