Skyrocketing Tensions

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I trained with Lance endlessly for about two months. We stood in the mountains near the Pokémon League HQ, honing each others skills in the "You teach me and I'll teach you" style. Dragonite and Typhlo became good buddies up here in the mountains. I realized Lance and I did too. I told Lance all about my journey, and he told me about his. We laughed and had good times, and everyday, as the sun began to set, we would stand on the mountain peak and feel the cool breeze as we gazed off across the land before heading to sleep.
Meanwhile, Crystal returned to Pallet Town to show Professor Oak her findings and do a little more research. Gold has been caring for his Pokémon while staying with the Daycare Couple. He's been considering becoming a Pokémon Breeder, so he's staying with them to learn how to raise baby Pokémon. Silver went back to the Dragon's Den in Blackthorn City to develop a closer bond with his Pokémon in privacy. I did pay Silver a surprise visit one time with Lance, and I found him trying to show affection by petting his Feraligatr, but he was really shaky about it. I scared the daylights out of him when I took him by the wrist and guided his hand to pet Feraligatr.
Clair showed up that day and Lance suggested a double battle. Silver refused to battle beside Clair and asked me to be his partner. I shyly agreed, and we actually did pretty well against the two Dragon Masters, earning ourselves a victory.
I haven't seen Silver since then though, and I haven't seen Gold or Crystal at all since we parted ways. I find myself a little lonely without them sometimes, but training usually blocks that thought out.

That is, until today.

I was resting in the grass with Typhlo after yesterday's tough training, deciding to take the day off when I got a call. I flipped open my Pokégear and checked the name. My eyes widened in shock as I threw myself into a sitting position. It was Mr. Looker! Maybe he had some news on Red!!
"Hello?" I said quickly, anxious for a response. It was not what I had expected. Not even close. My heart stopped for a second, and my skin ran cold. My grip on my Pokégear loosened and it dropped to the ground. Lance turned to face me with a look of concern.
"Fire...? You okay?" he asked hesitantly. I didn't respond. I stood up quickly, throwing my bag over my shoulder and hopping onto Typhlo's back.
"We gotta go. Mt. Silver, Typhlo!!" I ordered. Lance followed after me on Dragonite after snatching my Pokégear from the grass, completely lost to the situation.
"Fire, what're going on?!" Lance asked, concern very recognizable in his tone. Tears flew out of my eyes, carried away by the wind as Typhlo went full speed down the mountain.
"They took them!! They ambushed them!!" I yelled helplessly.
"Took who?" Lance asked, taken aback by what I had informed him.
"Gold!! And Silver and Crystal!! They kidnapped them!!"
"What?! Who did?! Wait, Fire!!" Lance called, Dragonite no longer able to keep up with Typhlo and I as we turned the corner of the mountain side.
We made it to the base of Mt. Silver as fast as we could, and I got off Typhlo, my breathing getting sharp in a mixture of emotions. I wasn't thinking straight, and I knew I should probably take a breather and think of a plan. But I didn't. I needed to act. Now. I sprinted up the mountain, spotting my enemy up ahead. My glare intensified as I recognized the four trainers before me.
"TEAM ROCKET!!" I screamed out in a fit of rage. I startled the life out of them. I was panting hard now. I didn't feel the cold of the snow covered mountain, but I could see it in my heavy breaths.
"Fire, no!!" Silver gasped. I glanced over, seeing Gold, Silver, and Crystal in a strange cage that looks like it was made of a Pokémon attack like Light Screen. I growled, angered that Team Rocket would do such a thing. Not that I was surprised.
"See, what did I tell you? I knew we'd find her if we took her beloved friends." Archer stated mockingly.
"Let. Them. Go." I demanded, my voice dangerously low.
"Hmm, let me think about that.... no." Petrel said with a smirk.
"Why would we go through the trouble of catching them just to let them go?" Arianna asked rudely.
Oh you would if you knew what you were getting yourself into!
"Now then, Houndoom, Flamethrower." Archer commanded. The sudden attack was aimed directly at me, and I barely managed to avoid it by jumping to the left.
"Why you little good for nothing thieves!! Release my friends at once, or you're all gonna have to face me!!" I cried out in anger.
"Iron Tail." Archer deadpanned, ignoring my demands. Houndoom flung it's long tail right into my gut. I cried out in pain, falling to the ground after being sent flying back.
"Arbok, use Wrap." Arianna ordered. Arbok slithered around me, tightly squeezing me to the point where I couldn't breathe.
"Fire!!" Silver, Gold, and Crystal cried out. I groaned, struggling to breathe. It seemed like this was it when I felt a presence above us.
"Blaze, use Slash!!" dad called in the distance. Blaze swooped down, slashing at Arbok and causing it to release its hold on me. I gasped for air, coughing desperately as I did so. Dad appeared by my side, and Looker soon after.
"Great, visitors." Petrel muttered. Proton stared intently in my direction, watching me force myself to my feet with Golbat pearched on his shoulder. I didn't know what his problem was, but he hadn't moved since he'd seen me.
He looked kind of.... lost in thought. I thought that was my thing though...
"Typhlo, use Flamethrower on that cage!!" I commanded. The powerful attack busted the cage, causing my friends to fall safely to the ground, landing on their feet.
"Petrel!! You said that cage was move proof!!" Archer hissed.
"From the inside it is!! It even restrained their use of Pokéballs!!" Petrel exclaimed defensively. Gold, Silver, and Crystal rushed to my side and we all stood tall against the one enemy we all shared.

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