Healing And Confessions

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After returning to Ecruteak City, we all battled Morty and earned the Fog Badge. Afterwards, Gold, Silver, Crystal, and I decided to travel together for a while and headed for Olivine City soon after. Crystal helped Gold catch some new Pokémon, which were a Ponyta, a Wooper, and a Dodrio. Silver caught a Haunter, which we did a trade/trade back to evolve it into Gengar. Crystal introduced us to her team, Skarmory, Arcanine, Girafarig, Dewgong, and her partner, a Pichu with a spiky ear that I thought looked really cool.
After training a bit more, we finally reached Olivine City, and dropped our stuff off at the Pokémon Center. I gazed at my four badges, Zephyr, Hive, Plain, Fog... only four more left to go. Crystal sat beside me, smiling brightly.
"So, you're aiming for the Pokémon League too? Great, so we'll all get a chance to battle each other at our best!" Crystal cheered. I grinned back at her.
"Yeah." I agreed with a nod. Silver, who had gone for a short walk, hastily entered the Pokémon Center, looking a little tense as he did so.
"What's wrong, Silver?" I asked worriedly. Silver tugged at his collar a bit before speaking.
"We may have a problem. The Gym Leader of Olivine City isn't taking challenges right now. Apparently, the Ampharos at the lighthouse is very ill. She's watching after it at the moment." Silver explained. My eyes widened and Crys and I jolted out of our seats.
"What?! That's terrible! What can we do?!" I asked frantically.
"What's terrible?" Gold asked as he entered the lobby.
"The Ampharos at the lighthouse is really sick!" Crystal informed him.
"What?! Wait... Ampharos is the evolved form of Flaffy, right? So it's Maree's and my responsibility to help it!" Gold exclaimed determinedly.
"As Pokémon trainers, it's all of our responsibility's to help it. So let's split up, Crys, Gold, you go to the lighthouse to help out in anyway you can. Fire, come with me." Silver ordered. We all did as we were told, so I went along with Silver. I found it ironic that at first glance, you would think Silver didn't care about Pokémon, but when you get to know him better you can see how he'll always be the first to jump in and help one.
An admirable trait in all honesty.
Silver held on to Croconaw's back as it began swimming through the ocean before us. I mimicked his actions with Slowpoke.
"Where are we going, Silver?" I asked.
"Cianwood City. There's a medicine shop their that has really good potions. We're going to get some for Ampharos." Silver stated. I smiled softly at him.
"You sure are smart, Silv. Where'd you learn so much about Pokémon?" I asked cheerfully. Silver glanced over his shoulder at me, a slightly pained look in his eyes.
"My father." Silver stated bluntly, a slight sadness hinted in his voice. Something about those two words silenced me. I couldn't say anything if I wanted to, I was just so dumbfounded for some... odd reason.
We finally reached Cianwood City and I returned Slowpoke, who, I reminisced, won me my Fog Badge. "Let's go, I believe the shop is this way." Silver said nonchalantly. We found the medicine shop, got what Silver said we needed, and made a beeline for Olivine City.
After giving the medicine to Ampharos, Silver and I rested at the Pokémon Center while Crystal and Gold trained their Pokémon. After a few minutes of silence, I decided to break it. I noticed Silver was reading a little booklet, so I decided to make that the topic, seeing that I didn't have anything else to say.
"Whatcha reading there, Silver?" I asked enthusiastically.
Silver stood up, dropping the booklet on the glass coffee table, and began to make his way out of the Pokémon Center. "Hey, where are you going?" I asked nervously. Silver glanced back at me nonchalantly.
"I'm hungry. I'm going to find a local restaurant. You coming or what?" Silver asked impatiently as if he expected me to follow him like a Growlithe just because he was leaving.
"Sure." I agreed casually, following along. I ended up feeling like I was a Growlithe following its trainer...
Well that was dumb...
We found a decent restaurant and decided to eat there. After we finished up, Silver paid the waiter and we sat there waiting for his recite for awhile. I decided to get a certain question off my mind that was bugging me.
"Silver?" I called hesitantly, he hummed a yes in response. "Who's your father?" I asked hesitantly. Silver froze, his gaze stuck to me in shock. I recoiled, feeling terrible all of a sudden. Is his father that bad of a guy?
"Why.... why do you ask?" Silver asked fearfully, trying to keep the composure he was losing so quickly.
"I.... I don't know, I guess I just got curious." I murmured, staring at the floor.
"I-I see... M-my father..... my father is.... Giovanni..... the boss of... Team Rocket." Silver shakily informed me searching my face for some type of reaction. My gaze jolted to his eyes, my own widened in shock. The waiter placed the recite on the table and walked off. Silver noticed the shock in my eyes, and I quickly noticed the hurt in his. He grabbed the recite and hastily left the restaurant.
"Wait... Silver! Please, hold on a second!" I called, chasing after him.
"I knew it, I shouldn't have said anything. I knew you'd hate me if I told you." Silver choked out.
Was he.... crying?
I grabbed him by the wrist to stop him from running off.
"I don't hate you, Silver!! I'll never, ever hate you! You're my best friend! I was just shocked because.... I... I know your father." I murmured the last four words I spoke. Silver jolted around, teary grey eyes widened in shock at my words.
"You... you... what? How?" Silver asked, his voice quivering as he spoke.
"My.... my brother..... my brother defeated Giovanni many times in the past." I stated quietly. Silver took a few steps towards me.
"Who's your brother?" Silver asked in a whisper. Now it was my turn to cry. I looked up at him as the tears streamed out of my eyes, smiling sadly at him in the process.
"The greatest trainer I've ever known...."


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