A Goldenrod Rocket Raid

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I woke up to ruby red eyes, my own eyes jolting open in shock. Fire was standing right in front of me, leaning down inches from my face. My cheeks reddened as I realized I was on the floor, still leaning against Typhlosion, who was slowly awakening.
"I see you two got to know each other more last night." Fire stated teasingly with a grin. I sat up completely, letting Typhlosion stretch and yawn. I was about to object to Fire's statement when she put a hand up to stop me. "It's okay, Typhlo's fur is really warm, and comforting too. Who wouldn't just want to curl up with him?" Fire said cheekily, hugging her partner around the neck.
"Wait... Typhlo?" I questioned, not knowing when she started calling him that.
"Oh yeah, it's the nickname I made up for him. Do you like it?" Fire asked the both of us. Typhlosion smile softly at me and I kindly returned the look.
"It's perfect for him." I stated peacefully, watching as Typhlo cheered and nuzzled Fire. They really were the perfect team. I stared down at Feraligatr's Pokéball that was now in my hand. I smirked at him through the Pokéball. He was my partner too, and even if I am terrible at showing it, real deep down, I really do love my Pokémon. Because of Fire, Gold, and Crys, I was starting to open up to them. Maybe, if I opened up to them completely, my team and I would be just as strong as Fire and hers.
"Hey, Silver?" Fire called softly, snapping me out of my thoughts.
Oh great, now she's got me daydreaming.
I turned my attention to her, humming a yes. "Thanks for comforting me last night..... and Typhlo too. I don't know what you said to him, but it seems to have helped a lot. So, thank you." Fire stated softly. I was surprised to notice her cheeks were hinted with pink. She was blushing a bit. I didn't want to embarrass her further, so I stood quiet about it and simply smiled.
"Yeah, it's no trouble. Come on, let's go get breakfast." I stated casually, getting to my feet as I spoke. Fire and Typhlo followed after me as I made my way down the hall. I spotted Gold and Crystal staring up at the Pokémon Center TV in shock. Completely confused, I turned my attention to the screen, and my heart dropped. The news story title read one line;

Team Rocket Takes Over Goldenrod

I could feel the whole world stop around me. My body grew cold and I shook with rage. I couldn't move. I just stood there outraged, until a warm hand rested on my shoulder.

(Fire's POV)

When I spotted the news line, I felt like a part of me just died. I wanted to act, but when I looked beside me at Silver, I stopped. He was stuck in place, shaking in rage with his head hung low. Not knowing what else to do, I placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Silver..." I called, gaining his attention, his pained eyes begged for help, "Goldenrod.... we may not be from Johto.... but Goldenrod is where we first became friends... which means that's our city, too." I stated in a comforting yet determined tone.
"And we won't let anyone do any harm to our city... Right, let's go!" Silver stated determinedly. We nodded to Gold and Crystal, who followed us out of the Pokémon Center. We soared to Goldenrod on Togetic, Noctowl, Murkrow, and Skarmory, landing just at the North edge of town. We spotted all the people trying desperately to escape from Team Rocket Grunts, sorrow filling us as the scene played out. I remembered someone dear to me who was visiting here.
"Bill!!" I cried when I spotted him in a crowd, holding his little sister close. Silver grabbed my shoulder to stop me from running off.
"Fire wait! We can't just run blindly into a crowd of civilians! We'll get caught! We need a plan..." Silver stated. I gave him a sad look, but nodded, knowing he was right. A light went on in my head. I remembered a photo booth where they let you dress as a Team Rocket Grunt, and take pictures in them. I quickly lead Gold, Silver, and Crystal there, and we all got in a disguise.
"When I said plan, I wasn't expecting to be dressing as the one thing I despise the most.... but okay." Silver groaned.
"Okay, now that we have a disguise, we need to take action. I noticed that most of the Rocket Grunts were by the Radio Tower, so we should investigate that first." Crystal suggested, ignoring Silver's displeasure.
"Wait a second... back at the Lake Of Rage, they used radio waves to force the Gyrados to evolve. What if they're aiming to do something like that again?" Gold asked.
"Then we've got to stop them! To the Radio Tower!!" I called, dashing towards the building. Just as we got to the center of town, we were stopped by three swift figures bounding in front of us.
"It's.... it's the...." Gold murmured in awe.
"The Legendary Beasts!" Crystal exclaimed.
Entei, Raiku and Suicune all stood before us, staring at us with determination in their eyes. I watched their eyes and body language and I soon realized something..... they were on the same page as us. They were ready to fight Team Rocket at all costs.
"I think.... I think I get it now.... Silver, you were right! The Three Beasts wanted our help in.... defeating Team Rocket!!" I exclaimed.
"They must've sensed it... the upcoming potential threat." Silver murmured, staring up at the Pokémon in awe.
The three beasts nodded, approaching the trainers they each chose. Entei with Silver..... Raiku with Gold.... and Suicune....with Crystal. I felt my heart drop a little, knowing full well it wouldn't choose me. The feather around my neck suddenly started to glow again.
"Fire, where'd you get that feather?" Crystal asked.
"I found it at Team Rocket's HQ. It reacted to me, so I took it just in case it's important. I don't know its purpose though." I informed her.
"Forget about that, we've gotta move!" Silver exclaimed. I nodded, Gold, Silver, and Crystal riding ahead of me on Entei, Raiku, and Suicune. As I was about to give chase, I was stopped by a familiar voice calling my name. I turned around to see Whitney sprinting towards me.
"Fire, I'm so glad you're here!! Team Rocket kidnapped Morty!!" Whitney exclaimed, tears in her eyes.
"What?!" I exclaimed, grabbing her by the shoulders. "Where is he?!"
"In Radio Tower! They took him and a Kimono girl he was trying to protect from them! You have to save them before they get what they want from her!"
"What do they want from her?" I asked cautiously.
"The Tidal Bell, the second thing they need to get the Legendary Pokémon of the sea, Lugia!" Whitney exclaimed. I suddenly had a flashback.
Dad.... a bell... wing..... legend..... Lugia!
The memory of my dad telling me the legend of Lugia flew through my head in seconds, and I knew exactly what to do. I clutched the feather around my neck, which glowed in response. Just before I left, I noticed the scarf in Whitney's hands.

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