Quilava And Togetic, A Dynamic Duo

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Gold, Silver, Crystal, and I were just outside Olivine City doing a little training together. We decided to have a double battle, Crys and I against Gold and Silver. During our previous match Asuna, my Meowth, evolved into a Persian. Now I was battling with Togepi and Crys, who had already earned her Mineral Badge before she met us, was helping me train Slowpoke. Silver and Gold used Croconaw and Bayleaf during our battle.
"Croconaw, use Bite!" Silver commanded. Croconaw dashed towards Togepi, its jaw open wide.
"Togepi, Extrasensory!" I called. Just before Croconaw attacked Togepi, it was knocked back by Togepi's blast of Psychic energy.
"Nice one, Fire! Our turn, Slowpoke! Use Surf!" Crystal commanded. Slowpoke created a wave of water and rode it into Bayleaf, knocking it down but not doing an insane amount of damage.
"Okay, Bayleaf, Razor Leaf!" Gold called out.
"Togepi, Protect, go!!" I ordered swiftly. In blinding speed, Togepi shone, changed shape, and dashed in front of Slowpoke with enough time to use Protect. Not a one of us wasn't gaping at the newly evolved Pokémon.
"Well.... Togepi's a Togetic now. Congrats!" Gold cheered, returning Bayleaf for some rest.
"I knew it didn't like me. Togepi evolves through friendship. I had it for a month and it didn't evolve. You've only had it for a couple days and look at it." Silver stated, a slight complaint in his tone. I giggled.
"Let's take a break. Who wants lunch?" Crys asked cheerfully.
"Yeah, but you're paying." Silver muttered. I gave him a quizzical look. "What? I'm broke. Food and essentials don't come free, you know." Silver stated in a matter of fact. We all shrugged and followed him to a nearby restaurant.
After lunch, I decided to head to the Gym to get my Mineral Badge from Jasmine. Crystal went to the beach with Gold to relax a bit while Silver silently came with me.
"Hey, Jasmine? I'm here for our battle!" I announced as we entered the Gym. Jasmine approached us camly, silently leading us to the battlefield.
"Welcome to the Olivine City Gym. Once again, thank you very much for helping Amphy the other day. It's much appreciated. Now then, why don't we give it our all in battle?" Jasmine spoke softly, even though her expression showed her determination. She shook my hand in honor of a good match and we took our respective places. Silver sat in the yellow orange bleachers, a nonchalant expression on his face. I smiled gently at him, knowing he had a funny way of showing interest.
"How does a double battle sound to you?" Jasmine asked gently.
"Double battle?" I questioned, not knowing Gym Leaders could have those in official matches, especially since it only recently became a thing.
"Yes. We'll use two Pokémon at once instead of one. And we'll have one match. It's a more recent battle style to test not only the compatibility of trainer and Pokémon, but Pokémon and Pokémon as well." Jasmine explained. I looked down at Quilava, who smirked up at me. I smiled back and nodded.
"Okay! We'll do it!" I called to Jasmine. I eyed Quilava, wanting to know who he wanted to battle with. He nudged Togetic's Pokéball. I nodded, releasing Togetic from its Pokéball. "I'll use Quilava and Togetic!" I announced. 
"My two Pokémon will be Steelix and Magnemite. Then let us begin." Jasmine said as she released her Pokémon. Magnemite didn't faze me but Steelix, oh man, it was huge! And its eyes gave me the creeps. I didn't think someone as quiet and calm as Jasmine would have such an intimidating Pokémon on her team. Nonetheless, I still planned on winning.
"Quilava, Flamethrower!! Togetic, Fly!!" I commanded. Quilava shot a stream of fire from its mouth at Steelix, while Togetic tackled Magnemite with full force.
"Steelix, Iron Tail. Magnemite, Thundershock." Jasmine ordered calmly. Quilava's eyes widened in shock as Steelix slammed its tail down onto it. Togetic managed to avoid the electric attack from Magnemite and shot a worried glance in Quilava's direction.
"Quilava!!" I cried out. I noticed Steelix's tail slowly lifting off the ground, but not by its own doing. Quilava was forcing itself up while a giant steel tail rested on top of it. I couldn't be more shocked. I saw Quilava shoot me a smirk, before igniting its flames, burning Steelix and forcing it to recoil. "Wait to go, Quilava!! Flamethrower!!" I commanded enthusiastically. Quilava fired its attack with an equal amount of enthusiasm. As a trick shot, we attacked Magnemite with Flamethrower, nocking it out easily.

One down, one to go.
But that was easier said than done.

"Wow, Fire. You're strong. We'll give you our all too! Steelix, Crunch!" Jasmine ordered in a slightly louder tone. Quilava and Togetic dashed towards it, both of them shooting me a smirk. The three of us were on the same wavelength, and we knew it.
"Flamethrower and Metronome, go!!" I cried, pooring my heart into my command. Quilava's Flamethrower launched at full speed towards Steelix. And as a bonus, Togetic's Metronome turned into Flamethrower as well. Steelix, being extremely weak to fire attacks, fainted on impact. "Yes!! Quilava, Togetic, wonderful job!!" I cheered. tightly embracing my Pokémon.
I glanced over to where Silver was, and noticed he was standing tall with a genuine smile on his face.
I guess the excitement finally reached him.
"Great battle, Fire. Here's your Mineral Badge." Jasmine said softly, handing me my Badge. I smiled softly back at her, taking it from her hand and pinning it to the strap of my backpack with the other four.
Silver and I soon exited the Gym and headed for the Pokémon Center.
"Hey, Silver?" I called softly.
"What?" Silver responded nonchalantly.
"You've changed a lot." I stated. Silver stopped walking for a second, letting me pass him and shooting me a confused glance before continuing.
"What?" he asked, emphasizing his confusion more.
"You've changed. When we first met, I thought you were just a jerk and nothing more. We never got along, and all we could see each other as was rivals. But look at us now, we're like.... really good friends now, right? I remember at Burned Tower, when the floor caved in beneath us, and you... you were the one who asked if I was okay. It makes me glad that we're not how we used to be.... like we made a new start." I stated peacefully, smiling softly at the setting sun as I said everything on my mind.
"Speaking of Burned Tower, I've been thinking about the Pokémon we met there. You know, the Legendary Beasts? I can't help but think that they might've... wanted us specifically to meet them for some reason." Silver stated.
"A reason? Like what?" I asked, intrigued by his theory. I didn't even realize that he was purposefully changing the topic.
"Like they need help. I have a feeling that they wanted us, and only us, to see them. Maybe they have a problem they want us to help solve." Silver stated, he seemed so serious about it. I gave him a sad smile, and stared at the floor.
"If that were the case, I don't think... I'm one of those people they want help from." I murmured, Silver froze.
"What? Why?" Silver questioned a little faster than I'm sure he wanted to.
"Suicune barely looked at me before turning its attention to Crys. I think they need the three of you.... but..... I'm not part of that." I shuffled my feet, feeling a little shy about the conversation.
"Fire.... I'm sure, even if that was the case, you'd have a bigger role than any of us. You're a lot better than you think you are." Silver complemented softly as we reached the outside of the Pokémon Center. I glanced up to thank him when I noticed Silver was staring up at something. I followed his gaze, and saw a silhouette standing on top of the Olivine City Port reservation center. The setting sun emphasized its majesty, and I began to recognize the silhouette as a Pokémon.


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