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Silver stared at me in shock as I spoke my brother's name, most likely because it sounded just as familiar as his father's name was to me.
"Y-you're the sister of the Champion of Kanto?" Silver asked shakily, earning a little nod in response from me.
"So both of our family members went missing, huh?" I asked with a fake chuckle, trying to lighten the mood in some way.
"What.... what do you mean? What happened to him?" Silver asked hesitantly.
"I don't know... nobody knows... he's just... gone." I muttered between light sobs. Silver placed a gentle arm around my shoulder in an attempt to be comforting. "That's not all either, my father's been missing forever too..." I murmured, wiping some tears from my eyes.
"I.... I'm so sorry.... here I am thinking my problems are the worst.... when there's people who have seen worse than even us." Silver muttered, dropping his gaze to the floor.
"Yeah... it's the sad truth..." I mumbled, poking at the ground with my shoe awkwardly. 
"I think we should change that." Silver stated with a sudden determination.
"What?" I asked bluntly.
"We can't change the past, right? It's impossible. But we can build onto the future." Silver hinted. I gave him a quizzical look, not fully understanding what he meant. "Fire, you said Red's been missing without a trace, correct?" Silver questioned, I nodded in response. "Then I may not be able to do much, but I can promise you this," he raised his gaze to my own, staring into my eyes with pure determination, "I will do everything in my power to help you find Red." I stared wide-eyed at Silver for a moment, amazed that he of all people would make such a promise. I closed my eyes, taking his words in as a soft smile came to my tear-stained face.
"That has to be the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Silver.... thank you." I murmured softly.
"Yeah, well, don't get used to it." Silver muttered half jokingly. I chuckled as I followed him back to the Pokémon Center.
I ended up falling asleep in the room I was given as I thought about everything that had just happened. When I awoke it was a little later than midday, but I didn't mind. I had been a little stressed from all the problems we've been having lately, so a good rest was needed. I found Gold in the lobby pacing around anxiously.
"Gold? What're you doing?" I asked softly, he whipped around, seemingly startled by my sudden appearance.
"Fire!! This is important, come on!!" Gold exclaimed, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me towards the Pokémon/Trainer treatment side of the Pokémon Center. I pulled back, trying to get Gold to stop for a minute.
"Hold it!! What's the problem?" I asked with a slight demanding tone.
"It's Silver! He was trying to protect Crys from a wild Ursaring
and it used Slash on him!!" Gold exclaimed, causing my eyes to widen. He raced down the hall to the room Silver was in while I followed close behind. I quietly entered the room, seeing Crys sitting beside Silver at the edge of a hospital bed, a blank look on his face. It killed me to see him like that. I stared at the bandages on his hands and torso for a while before smiling sadly up at him, in which he returned the expression.
"I'm sorry." Silver strained. I frowned at him, a bit confused as to why exactly he was apologizing. "I didn't mean to worry you, any of you."
"No, I'm sorry. If I hadn't trained so deep in the forest this wouldn't have happened..." Crystal murmured.
"Crys, it's not your fault. It's nobody's fault. That Ursaring was probably just mad, so it attacked. You can't prevent that." I said softly.
"Right, what matters is Silver's full recovery." Gold said warmly.
Funny how he would be the last to say that just a few days ago.
"Yeah..." Crys said softly, a sad smile still on her face.
Gold took Crys for a walk to try and make her feel better about the whole thing while I stood in the Pokémon Center with Silver. We sat in silence for a while before Silver let out a long groan.
"What's the matter?" I asked, standing up from the blue chair on the far right of the room.
"I'm hungry." Silver complained. I fell back on the floor, laughing hysterically at him. Silver gave me a quizzical look. "What?" he asked, annoyed by my laughter.
"I never thought I'd ever hear you whine about anything!" I exclaimed through my laughter. Silver growled in annoyance, glaring at me in the process.
"Shut up!!" Silver demanded, though I completely ignored him and continued to laugh over his protests.
Silver groaned, falling back onto the bed and trying to ignore my consistent laughter. I finally calmed myself, wiping away the tears of joy in my eyes. I yawned, finally aware of how physically and emotionally exhausted I was despite just waking up a few hours before.
"What a long day, huh?" I asked Silver sleepily, releasing Slowpoke for no reason other than to snuggle it.
"You can say that again..." Silver muttered. I giggled, leaning my head gently against Slowpoke's soft pink fur. I heard Slowpoke let out a little yawn, and pretty soon, I was drifting off to sleep. I awoke to the realization that I was in the hospital bed and Silver was sitting on the blue chair across the room watching TV.
"So, you're awake." Silver stated bluntly.
"Why aren't you up here?" I asked drowsily.
"Because you fell asleep on the floor after going hysterical, and I woke up before you. So I asked Slowpoke to kindly move you there, since I clearly couldn't do it myself." Silver stated simply. I giggled.
"Whatever. Where's Gold and Crys?" I asked, getting to my feet.
"They're out training. I heard Gold's Flaffy finally evolved into Ampharos." Silver informed me.
"What? No fair! We haven't gotten to train as much as they do!" I huffed, crossing my arms grumpily.
"Then let's go train with them." Silver suggested simply, getting out of his seat as he spoke.
"But, Silver, your injuries..." I reminded him.
"I've punched a couple doors and concrete walls in as a kid. I'll be fine." Silver stated bluntly. I stopped and stared at him for a second before following him out the door, shaking my train of thought out of my head with a chuckle.

Cherish these moments, Fire. Cherish these moments.

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