A Day Of Rest And Relaxation

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I was awestruck after seeing Entei and I couldn't get to sleep for awhile. I wondered if Silver's theory was right, since it was kind of ironic that Entei showed up while we were talking about it. Even if Silver is right, I want to be a part of helping them, but I feel like the Legendary Beasts are... ignoring me for some reason. I didn't want to stress it too much, so I let myself finally drift to sleep.

There was water.... a lot of water. Was I.... in the ocean? I saw tiny bubbles rise before me in the dark blue sea. Where am I? I searched around for something, anything at all to find where I was, when I heard a soft cry from afar. It sounded very distant and faint, but I could hear it. I couldn't make out an exact tone, so I didn't know how the being was feeling. A shadow suddenly swam behind me at blinding speed, making the water spin around me.

I jolted up, gasping as I did so. It was.... just a dream. Restless, I put on my sneakers and decided to sit outside. To my surprise, a familiar redhead was at the patio already.
"Silver? What're you doing out here?" I asked drowsily, rubbing my tired eyes.
"I could ask you the same." Silver stated bluntly, sounding like that old, grumpy Silver I used to know when I first met him, but only for a moment.
"I couldn't sleep... I had this weird dream. I was... in the ocean, and I heard this strange cry. Then something swam by me, but I didn't see what it was." I informed him. Silver sat in the wooden chair behind him, staring up at the moon.
"Sounds mysterious, but it could just be a regular dream though." Silver stated simply. I gazed at him, admiring the reflection of the moon in his silver eyes. He gave me a quizzical look, and I think he said something to me, but I was hypnotized by the colors of the sky in his eyes and didn't hear. I shook my head to snap myself out of my daze.
"W-what? What did you say?" I asked blankly.
"I said, would you stop staring at me, it's creepy!!" Silver hissed.
There's the old Silver again.
"Sorry, I was just thinking. I must've blanked out, my bad." I murmured, sitting in the chair beside him. Silver huffed, but I knew that was his way of saying it was fine, so I smiled gently as I listened to the ocean waves from the nearby beach. After a few minutes of silence, I decided to break it. "Hey, Silver? Do you think Entei agreed with your theory of the Legendary Pokémon needing our help?" I asked softly. I received no reply. I gave Silver a questioning glance, but smiled at what I saw.
His eyes were closed gently and his lips were slightly parted as he breathed softly. He was asleep. Croconaw released itself to check on Silver. It shot me an unsure look, probably not sure it was okay to let its guard down near me. I smiled softly, earning a little nod from it as it curled up on the floor.
I let Quilava out of its Pokéball, patting my lap for it to jump on. He lied down gently, easily falling asleep when he got comfortable. Quilava was a heavy sleeper, so it didn't take long. I soon found myself drifting back to sleep as well.

I was awoken by a splash of water. Startled, I jolted up, checking my every surrounding for danger. I spotted Silver in front of me, looking rather inpatient. He was with Croconaw, who, I had realized, just used Water Gun on me. We were still outside, but it was daytime now and Quilava was standing behind Silver with a frightened look on his face.
"Get up. You slept through the morning. I already got my Mineral Badge and Gold is on his way with Crys to get his." Silver stated bluntly.
"What? Ah, man.... So what're we gonna do now?" I asked drowsily.
"We're going back to Cianwood City tomorrow to battle the Gym Leader there. What we're supposed to be doing now was going to be your choice." Silver informed me, crossing his arms impatiently. I got up and changed quickly, not wanting to waste any more of Silver's time. We soon headed down to the beach, where I gladly went for a swim.
"Come on, Silver, the water is nice!" I called. Silver huffed, sitting underneath the umbrella I had brought.
"Not happening." Silver deadpanned. I chuckled, he was so shy when it came to having some fun.
"Fine then, can you at least release all the Pokémon? I'm sure they'd want to play!" I called cheerfully. Silver groaned, but obliged, realising both mine and his Pokémon from their Pokéballs.
Slowpoke, Umbreon, Croconaw, and Sneasel joined me in the water happily, Murcrow, Nocto, and Togetic played midair volleyball with a beach ball, and Quilava, Asuna, and Gengar stayed with Silver. After a while of playing with Slowpoke, Umbreon, Sneasel, and Croconaw, an idea popped in my mind. I whispered my scheme to Croconaw, who smirked and nodded willingly.
"Okay, go!!" I called. Just as Silver glanced up to see what I was doing, he was met by a Water Gun to the face. He blinked about twice before growling at me. Croconaw and I laughed hardily at his irritated expression, not noticing him take of his black jacket and throw it aside, storming over to the shore.
"You wanna play that card? Let's play! Slowpoke, surf on Fire!" Silver commanded deviously. Slowpoke, for whatever reason, followed his command, sending a wave of water crashing down on me. We play fought like this for a while, laughing and splashing around until two familiar faces came out of nowhere and smirked down at us.
"Having fun?" Crystal asked teasingly. I smiled up at her and Gold, who showed off his Mineral Badge. "Nice job, Gold!" I complemented with a wink and a thumbs up. Gold returned the gesture happily.
"Come on, let's go so Silver will stop playing like a kid." Gold teased. Silver jumped a little, glaring at Gold.
"What?! She started it!" Silver snapped, pointing an accusing finger at me.
"Who, me? I would never!" I exclaimed innocently, giggling softly. Silver groaned, wading through the water and leaving me behind.
"You're such a liar." Silver muttered, a hint of a smirk on his lips. I followed behind him, laughing as I did so.
We decided to head to Cianwood City today and challenge the Gym Leader tomorrow to save time.
I noticed a bunch of whirlpools off in the distance as we surfed with our Pokémon, seemingly protecting the rocky island that was in the middle of them. When I turned away, I could've sworn I heard the faint cry from my dream. I stared off towards the whirlpools once more, but I realized I was the only one who heard it when Gold, Silver, and Crystal kept moving. I decided to ignore it as we eventually made our way to Cianwood City. After getting our rooms at the Pokémon Center, I went for a little walk with Crys, since we never really have some girl time. And as much as I loved traveling with Gold alone back at the start and hanging out with Silver now, some time away from the boys wouldn't be a bad idea.
"So, Fire, what do you think about Silver? Do you like him?" Crystal suddenly asked suspiciously. I nearly tripped.
"W-what?! What's that all about, Crys?!" I stuttered, my face turning a bright red. Crys laughed at my expression.
"Well, you guys do spend a lot of time together. Pretty suspicious." she pushed on teasingly.
"It is not! He's my friend, we're supposed to hang out! Besides, he's still my rival. I've got to keep up my pace, so I don't have time for that kind of stuff!" I stated defensively, my face still red from embarrassment.
"Relax, I'm just kidding! I know you're a busy gal." Crys stated sarcastically.
"Oh yeah? What about you and Gold? You've practically never been apart!" I exclaimed, turning the tables.
"Now you're pushing it." Crystal joked. We laughed as we continued our walk. Crys really was fun to be around.
As I grinned to myself, I hadn't noticed Crystal stopped walking and I bumped into her. After remembering all the other times I've bumped into someone, I really am beginning to think this is some kind of trend. Crystal was gazing at something in awe. A familiar feeling built in my chest as I followed her gaze. It was just what I expected. Or should I say, who I expected.


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