Bayleaf It Or Not, It's True

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"Fire! Fire, wake up!!" Gold whispered loudly, shaking me roughly in the process. I jolted up, looking around frantically for a sign of danger.
"Who-what-where-when-why!?...and how?! Huh? Oh, it's just you, Gold." I mumbled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
"Fire! Get up, quick!! It's almost time for my Gym battle!" Gold exclaimed frantically, dashing into the bathroom to straighten his hat. I blinked a few times in confusion, then shrugged it off, plopping back down on the bed. I felt something poke me gently in the side a couple times, and peaked up to see Quilava giving me a questioning stare, signaling me to get up. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head, I was much too tired to get up right now. I heard Quilava growl in annoyance, taking the blanket in his teeth and yanking it off me. The sudden gust of cold air made me shiver and jump into the air in shock.
"Ack! Okay! Okay! I'm getting up, see? Jeez!" I chuckled, Quilava smirking at me jokingly. Still the same quirky Pokémon as before. I got dressed and waited for Gold outside the Pokémon Center. Afterwards we headed for Falkner's Gym and I calmly sat in the bleachers upon arrival while waiting for Falkner to show up.
"Gold, Fire, welcome back! Ready for our match, Gold?" Falkner asked.
"Y-yeah." Gold stuttered, I could tell he was a little nervous. Both Quilava and I felt our stomachs grumble and sighed in unison, both of us showing the same grumpy expression. Neither of us had breakfast this morning. Gold was in such a rush, so we didn't have time to eat.
And yet he left the Pokémon Center after I did.
"Right after this, I'm ordering a huge lunch for us. Gold's paying." I grumbled. Quilava nodded in agreement.
"Go, Mareep! Use Thundershock!" Gold called. I hadn't notice the battle had started already. Mareep hit Pidgey directly with the electric attack, almost knocking it out.
"Pidgey, use Gust!" Falkner called. Pidgey created a large gust of wind by flapping its wings. The Gust pushed Mareep back, slamming it into a wall painfully hard. Mareep shakily stood up, glaring up at Pidgey as it struggled to its feet. Falkner smirked, "Finish it, Pidgey, Wing Attack!" Pidgey dove towards Mareep, aiming to finish the battle. I spotted the smirk on Gold's face and mimicked it.
He had a plan.
"Wait for it....." Gold muttered as Pidgey close in. "Now!! Use Thundershock!" Gold commanded swiftly. Mareep let lose a close range Thundershock, making Falkner's Pidgey faint almost instantly. "YES! Wait to go, Mareep!" Gold cheered.
"Attaboy! That's the way it's done!" I encouraged with a pump of my fist. Quilava called out joyfully as Falkner returned his Pidgey, smiling softly at Gold.
"Honestly, I'm impressed, Gold. When you stepped in the battle field, you were practically shaking in fear, but the second we started the match, you took over rather quickly." Falkner complemented. "But... now it's time to get serious. Pidgeoto, let's show him just how serious we are! Wing Attack!" Falkner called immediately after releasing his partner.
Without hesitation, Pidgeoto slammed straight into Mareep, knocking it out quick. I gasped at the terrifying speed and power of Falkner's Pidgeoto. I had almost forgotten how well trained it was. But there was one thing Falkner didn't account for. Mareep's ability; Static.
"Mareep, that's okay, you did great. Chikorita, guess it's all or nothing on you, pal." Gold stated softly. Chikorita nodded, jumping into its battle stance. "Vine Whip! Slam it into the ground!" Gold commanded. Chikorita did as told, wrapping its vines around Pidgeoto by the wings, and slamming it into the ground hard.
"Pidgeoto, we're not through yet! Air Slash!" Pidgeoto flapped its wings twice before sparks surrounded it and it fell flat on its face again. "What? Pidgeoto, what's the matter?" Falkner asked, baffled by its inability to move.
"Mareep's ability!" I called out, turning Falkner's attention to me. "It's Static. It Paralyzes the opponent upon physical contact." I informed. Falkner turned back to the battle with a thoughtful frown, taking in what I said.
"Of course.... How could I have missed that? What a clever move." Falkner murmured, admitting his fault.
"Yeah! And now that it's paralyzed.... Chikorita, Vine Whip and then Tackle!" Gold commanded. Chikorita yanked Pidgeoto towards it with its vines, slamming right into it for a well played Tackle. "Now finish it with Razor Leaf!" Chikorita swung the leaf on its head, throwing dagger like leaves at Pidgeoto from it. Pidgeoto was no longer able to battle after the continuous attacks.
"YES! We won, Chikorita! Amazing job!" Gold cheered. Chikorita smirked back at him, and was engulfed by a white light, just like Cyndaquil was yesterday. Gold stated in awe as his little Chikorita began to grow in size and when the light exploded off it, Chikorita, like Cyndaquil, had become a whole new Pokémon. I checked my Pokédex for its name, finding out it was a Bayleaf. "Wow! evolved into Bayleaf!" Gold announced in awe. I hopped over the bleachers, running over to Gold's side.
"Congrats, Gold! Nice match! Bayleaf, you look great." I complimented, petting the Grass type on the head. It nuzzled my hand softly in appreciation.
"Thanks Fire! Now both our partners have evolved, how cool is that?!" Gold grinned widely at Quilava and I as he spoke.
"Well done, Gold. Here's your Zephyr Badge, as proof of your victory at the Violet City Gym." Falkner said, holding out the badge to Gold.
"Th-thanks, Falkner, but, isn't this for trainers who are, like, pursuing the Pokémon League or something?" Gold asked.
"Well, you challenged me to a battle in my Gym, and you won. I am to give this Badge to any trainer who defeats me in battle, regardless of what their goals are. Please, except it as something to remember this battle." Gold smiled softly and nodded, taking the Gym Badge from Falkner and pinning it to his red jacket.
Falkner said goodbye to us for the final time, wishing us safe travels. I hoped to see him again, he was a really cool Gym Leader, if you ask me. I wouldn't mind having a rematch with Falkner when we're both stronger.
Gold and I grabbed our stuff from the Pokémon Center and soon set out for Azalea Town.
"You know....maybe I will take the Pokémon League challenge. That Gym battle was really fun." Gold stated in matter of fact.
"Do you know what that means?" I asked, smirking at him.
He gave me a quizzical look in response.
"No, what?" Gold asked curiously.
"That means we're rivals now!" I announced, playfully punching his shoulder. "And I don't plan on losing to you, Gold!" Gold chuckled in response.
"That goes for me, too, Fire!" he called. We laughed as we ran ahead through the grassy path, dreams of the future in mind.

If there's one thing I knew, this was bound to be fun!

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