Move It Or Lose It, Slowpoke

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Gold and I had just made it through Union Cave. Exhausted, we dragged ourselves onward, trying in vain to reach Azalea Town. I assumed Quilava heard something, since he jolted his head up and stared ahead with a firm gaze.
"What's the matter, Quilava?" I asked tiredly. He didn't respond, instead he suddenly dashed ahead, a scowl on his face. Worried, Gold and I gave chase to Quilava, wondering what it was sensing.
I spotted two men up ahead. The one dressed in all black was holding up a pair of scissors to a Slowpoke's tail. The other man had a pleading look in his eyes, his hands tied behind his back and to a wooden fence. Angered, I gave Gold a signal, and he nodded understandingly.
"We're gonna sell these Slowpoke tails for millions and get rich! Then we'll rule the- AIIEEEEH!!" The man in black yelped as Mareep's Thundershock zipped past him. Startled, he dropped the scissors and threw the Slowpoke forward in fear. I dashed ahead just in time, catching the Slowpoke, but landing on my left shoulder hard in attempt to protect it from the impact. I groaned in pain, sitting up and holding the Slowpoke close.
"You okay?" I asked the dopey pink Pokémon. It gave me a blank look and tilted its head. I chuckled, placing it in the grass behind me. "I'll take that as a yes." Gold dashed to my side, giving me a worried look. I stood beside him, dusting myself off and nodded at him to signal I was fine. We turned our attention to the man in black, glaring at him as he regained composure. That's when I noticed it, the red orange "R" on his shirt. My glare intensified. 
"Team Rocket..." I snarled. Gold gave me a quizzical look, not knowing what I was talking about.
"Oh? So you know us, huh? I'm flattered! So, whaddya want, kid? You lookin' for trouble?" the Rocket Grunt asked.
"No, but you asked for it when you tried to cut off this Slowpoke's tail! What's you're problem?!" I snapped.
"Tough talk kid, you're just a little girl! Go home and play with your dolls!" he mocked. I smirked back at him when a snarky remark came to mind.
"Heheh, sorry to disappoint, but dolls were never really my thing. On the other hand, flames were always exciting! Show 'em, Quilava!! Flame Wheel!" I commanded. Quilava smirked, surrounding itself with the flame on its head and rushing towards the Rocket Grunt.
"Ack! Uh-er, Rattata, do something!" He said, releasing his Pokémon. Quilava hit Rattata with Flame Wheel dead on, causing it to faint instantly. "What the?! How?!" the Rocket Grunt gasped.
"See? It's much more fun than dolls." I snickered. Suddenly getting serious, I grabbed the Rocketeer by the collar, pulling him to eye level. "Now tell me, why are you here? Team Rocket was supposed to be disbanded three years ago, what's with the family reunion? And where's the rest of you're stupid friends?!" I asked fiercely. The Rocket Grunt was obviously fearful, his eyes widened in shock.
"Hey, hey! Calm it down! The rest of 'em are down there! In Slowpoke Well. We're gonna sell Slowpoke tails to get rich since their expensive and all." The Grunt explained. I dropped him roughly, dusting of my hands as I scowled at him.
"Thanks. Alright Gold, you untie that man, I'm gonna go look for Team Rocket and stop them from hurting the Slowpoke!" I ordered, dashing for the well without letting him respond. "Quilava, let's go!" I hopped over the stone wall, landing on my feet at the bottom of the well, Quilava following close behind. I could hear dripping water nearby, and noticed a cave on the other end of the well. Quilava and I hesitantly entered it, and were met by a small group of Rocket Grunts.
We were easily beating them with one hit every time until I got to the end of the cave. There stood yet another Team Rocket member, but he was obviously no Grunt. His uniform was a little more detailed than that of the Rocket Grunts. I glared at him, letting him know I meant business.
"That does it.... I've had enough with you Rocket goons... LEAVE THE SLOWPOKE ALONE!!" I demanded, glaring straight into the eyes of my enemy.
"My, my, would you please keep it down? You're going to make me go deaf." The Rocketeer said calmly, covering his ears.
"When I'm done with you, hearing won't be you're only problem!! Quilava, Flame Wheel!" Quilava surrounded itself in flames and charged forward.
"Golbat, Razor Wind!" the Rocketeer commanded shakily. His Golbat shot a blade-like wind at Quilava, but Quilava swiftly dodged and landed a successful Flame Wheel. "What?! Well, if we're going to have a match, we should introduce each other at least. I'm Proton, one of the four Team Rocket Executives! And you are? I must know the identity of the one I am about to crush in defeat!" Proton laughed. I growled, glaring up at the green-haired man.
"If you must know, I am Fire. And I am the trainer who will burn this organization right to the ground for the last time!!" I shouted. Proton smirked softly, seemingly amused by me.
"You're quite the talker. Let's see if your bite is as big as your bark. Golbat, Poison Sting!" Proton called.
"Swift, go!!" Quilava dodged the Poison Sting, sending an array of star-shaped lights at Golbat. The impact created a mini explosion. I thought I had won for a moment until an Air Slash cut through the smoke and directly hit Quilava. "No, Quilava!!" I called. My partner shakily stood up, the "x" shaped cut on its muzzle stung, I could almost feel it myself. My partner's pain was my own pain. That's how we knew we were in sync when we battled.
"Now, Wing Attack!!" I heard Proton call out. Golbat dove through the smoke, and just as it was about to hit, it froze. There was a pink aura around it, holding it still. shocked and confused, I turned to my left to see the Slowpoke I had saved before using Confusion to stop the Golbat from hurting Quilava.
"Slowpoke! Thanks, you're a real pal! Alright Quilava, use Swift!" The pressure of the close range attack was to much for Golbat, knocking it out easily.
"What?! Whatever.... I'll make haste for today, but mark my words, next time we meet, I'll crush you!!" Proton exclaimed, using a Smoke Ball to escape. When the smoke cleared out, I went over and pet Slowpoke on the head.
"Thanks for helping us, Slowpoke." I said sincerely. I treated Quilava's wound with a Potion and climbed out of the well with Slowpoke on my shoulder and Quilava in his Pokéball, Gold helping me up once he spotted me.
"You okay? Where's Quilava?" Gold asked.
"Yeah, we're fine. Beat the pants off 'em. Quilava just got hit with a cheap Razor Wind, that's all. He's in the Pokéball. Slowpoke here helped out too." I explained. Gold smiled, patting Slowpoke's head.
"That was nice of you, Slowpoke! You're not as dopey as everyone says you are. You're alright!" Gold said cheerfully in what I assumed was supposed to be a complement.
"Yeah. Well, we've gotta go so, see ya around Slowpoke." I said, placing it gently on the ground. It slowly strolled over to me, sitting beside me and nudging my leg. "What is it?" I asked.
"This is the Slowpoke you saved right? When Mareep used Thundershock? I think it wants to come with you, Fire!" Gold said cheerfully. I stared down at it. I wasn't very good with slow Pokémon. Personally, I like to use speed to my advantage, so Slowpoke would throw off my battling style a bit. Then again, it's good to get used to training all sorts of Pokémon, that way your opponent won't figure out your strategy, because you'll always have more than one. Plus, how could I leave behind a Pokémon that really wants to come with me? I smiled down at the hopeful Slowpoke, pulling out a Pokéball and gently dropping it onto Slowpoke's head. It stayed in without hesitation. I picked up the ball, and observed it, smiling softly as I thought about the new addition to my team. Gold grinned at me as well, happy to have a new friend to travel with.

But Team Rocket... what're they up to now? And why are they back?

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