In A While, Croconaw

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"Mareep, Thundershock!" Gold called out. Bugsy's Scyther couldn't withstand another attack, falling forward on its face. Gold had won the final match.
"Scyther! Shoot...! I was sure I had you, Gold! Well... guess it can't be helped, huh? Good match!" Bugsy said sincerely. I watched as Bugsy handed Gold the Hive Badge, glancing down at the identical, shimmering Badge on the left strap of my bag. I had won it yesterday, it was piece of cake with Quilava and Hoothoot. Gold's battle was a lot harder, but Bayleaf and Mareep put up a good fight and won him that Badge with everything they could give. They were definitely a good team, I'm looking forward to battling him farther along our journey, that'd be a tough one, I'm sure. I stepped out of the yellow green bleachers and strolled over to Gold and Bugsy casually.
"Nice one, Gold. To be honest, I thought Bugsy had you beat. Wait to turn the tables." I complemented calmly. Gold gave me a cheeky smile, chuckling shyly at my words.
"Yeah. I gotta say, two losses in a row... that's a bit overwhelming. I'll be sure to beat you guys next time we meet!!" Bugsy said, determination in his eyes. He led us out, waving goodbye from out front of the Gym, reminding me of Falkner for a moment.
"So, where to next?" Gold asked cheerfully, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Oh, well, Ilex Forest is just up ahead, and then we'll be in Goldenrod City. That's where the third Gym is." I explained as I checked the Pokégear's Town Map feature. "Great!! These Gym battles are really pumping me up!! I'm so ready to win another Badge!" Gold cheered. Suddenly, he froze, blinking about three times before turning on his heal to look back at me nervously. "Uhhhhhhh, but first..... do you mind if I stock up on some essentials before we go?" Gold asked. I glanced at Quilava for any negative reaction, then shrugged at Gold when I saw none.
"Do what you'd like. I'll wait on the outskirts of town." I said bluntly. Gold smiled and nodded, dashing off for the Pokémart at the other side of town. I watched him for a minute before turning away and heading for the edge of Ilex Forest. In the distance, I spotted a familiar figure.
Red hair.... black jacket....

Oh no...

"Silver..." I muttered bitterly, my steps getting heavier as I approached him.
He glanced over his shoulder to see me, an unfazed look playing on his face. He slowly turned around completely, clearly not too thrilled to see me. Well, the feeling's mutual. I stopped a few feet away from him, a heavy silence in the air.
"Well?" Silver asked impatiently, a slightly irritated look on his face.
"Well what?" I retorted, equally annoyed by his attitude.
"I've been waiting here for an hour. I'm not planning on waiting any longer." Silver deadpanned.
"You've been... what? Why? Are you crazy?! What if Gold saw you?!" I snapped.
"Gold? Who's that, your boyfriend?" Silver asked in a half mocking, half serious tone. My cheeks heated up a bit and I could feel a jolt of alarm run through my head. It wasn't because I liked him, but more so from the shock of the sudden question.
"What?! NO! Jeez, Silver!! What's wrong with you?!" I shouted defensively. Silver simply shrugged carelessly in response.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe I've been waiting for some weak trainer for an hour? Hurry up, I don't have all day!!" Silver snapped, plucking out a Pokéball. I scowled at him, signaling Quilava to prepare for battle.
"Well, if it'll get you to shut up...." I muttered grumpily, "Come on, Quilava, let's get this over with."
"Croconaw, Water Gun!" Silver commanded out of the blue.
"Woah! Quilava, Flame Wheel!" I called as Quilava barely dodged the attack and dove straight into its own. It landed the attack, but it didn't do to much, fire doesn't do so well against water. But I knew that. I had planned it. Silver snickered.
"A Fire type move against a Water Pokémon? Really? You want me to win, don't you?" Silver taunted. I pretended to scowl, mentally smirking at his obliviousness.
"Quilava, Swift!!" Quilava sent the burst of stars right at Croconaw at close range, doing double the damage. Silver gaped at me for a moment, completely dumbfounded. I howled a laugh, just like he did when we first battled.
"Surprised? We used Flame Wheel so you'd let your guard down and Quilava could get in close for the real attack! Not so weak now, huh?" I teased, smirking at the scowling redhead.
"Why you pesky little.... Croconaw, Bite!" without a warning other than the command, Croconaw bit down on Quilava by the neck. Quilava yelped out, trying to fling it off as the pain synced in.
"Nice move, Silver. But there's one thing you didn't account for." I said knowingly.
"What?!" Silver snapped back in surprise as Quilava lit the flame on its head, burning Croconaw and forcing it off as it avoided the fire.
"Finish it off, Quick Attack!" Quilava slammed into Croconaw hard and fast, knocking it out. I smirked as Quilava roared out victoriously. "Looks like we won again!" I announced triumphantly. Silver growled in frustration, and I began to feel a pang of guilt. "Hey, Silver? You okay?" I asked sympathetically. He glared up at me, causing me to freeze and retract the hand I was reaching out to him. His glare softened slightly, a bitter look still on his face as he turned his head away.
"I won't lose the next time.... you can count on that. I saw... you battle Team Rocket. Those powerless idiots... I'll crush them, too!! I won't stand for their weakness! Traveling in large numbers to intimidate others when they're all no better than rookie trainers! They make me sick!" Silver vented. I watched him closely, seeing the tension around him lighten. He turned on his heal to face opposite of me. "I'll beat you. I'll beat all who oppose me. I'll destroy Team Rocket, and any other weak trainers I meet." Silver glanced over his shoulder at me. "That goes for you, too." With that, Silver walked down the road into Ilex Forest, leaving me alone with Quilava once again.
I gave a long, sympathetic look in the direction Silver went, blanking out as I stared on.
There was something about that Silver guy that I really wanted to see. I don't really know what it is, but it's like Gold said, there's something special about him, and if I keep running into him, maybe I'll figure it out.

And maybe, just maybe, we won't have to fight against each other as enemies anymore.

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