Starting Off Fresh

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I adjusted my red jacket with short black sleeves and a white hood, pulled on my white and black gloves, dusted down my jeans, fixed my red, white and black sneakers, and after picking my raven hair up in my usual ponytail, I placed my red black and white cap on my head. My lips curled up into a genuine smile. It's been a while since I wore these. It was my trainer outfit, as I always called it. I hadn't put it on since I got Cyndaquil. Lucky it still fits perfectly.
Mom made a similar, more boyish one for Red when he was leaving on his first journey. She always loved when we were matching, she said we looked just like dad. I thought it was strange how we seemed to look so much more like my raven-haired dad than my azure-haired mother. What genetic traits did we even get from her? I shrugged the thought off, science doesn't make any sense anyway.
I thought about how Red looked when he set off on his journey. With Charmander by his side and determination in his eyes. I remembered how he smiled widely at me and mom when he called after getting to Pewter City. He had caught a Pikachu in Viridian Forest, and he seemed so proud. I smiled sadly to myself.
Where could he have gone? I just don't understand...
"Fire? Fire, are you ready? Bill's here!" mom called up from the kitchen. I shook the thought out of my head and slid my backpack over my shoulders, shifting it to sit comfortably. Checking my surroundings for anything I could possibly need, I decided I was ready to go, and with one last look around my room, I closed the door, leaving behind what had been my home all my life.
Bill smiled upon seeing me, waving a hand and calling me over. I half smiled and nodded, keeping my head down as I sat in back. Professor Oak sat up front with Bill, while Daisy and mom sat with me in the back. I made sure to take a window seat. Buckling up, I lay my head back, getting lost in thought. I thought about Red, dad, mom, and Cyndaquil, who was in his Pokéball. I grew so lost in my mind that I didn't realize we were already pulling into Pallet Town's local port.
I got out the car, smiling softly as I grabbed my bag, releasing Cyndaquil for some company. Everyone else got out as well to say their farewells.
"Man, to think, last I saw you, you were just a lil' kid, watching Red compete in the Pokémon League with me, Fire! And heck, now you're off on a journey through my home region of Johto! If ya see my mom or lil' sis, tell them I said hi, okay?" Bill asked cheerfully. I nodded in response.
"Sure thing, Bill." I said simply. Bill opened his arms and I excepted his warm hug. He smiled in a mixture of sadness and joy as he pulled away.
"Take care, Fire. Next time I see you, you better be the Champion!" Bill exclaimed teasingly. I smiled softly as he moved aside, letting Daisy come up to me.
"I'll miss you. Promise me you'll be safe?" Daisy asked, her voice wavering a little. I gave her a sad smile, Daisy was so kind to me. I felt a little guilty leaving her.
"Yeah....I promise." I said softly. With a quick hug, Daisy went over to Bill, she probably didn't want me to see her cry, but I knew she would. Professor Oak patted my shoulder, smiling down at me with a soft stare.
"I'm sure you'll do an amazing job out there, Fire. Just remember to trust and love you're Pokémon." Professor Oak advised me. I nodded, smiling down softly at Cyndaquil. I turned to mom, who smiled warmly at me. I knew she was glad that I was getting back on my feet, but it must be hard to watch your kid leave on a journey.
"Be sure to call home, okay?" mom reminded me, hugging me tightly. I hummed a yes, taking in the brief moment. I smiled softly up at mom as I pulled back, reassuring her that I'd be just fine.
"Well, see ya around!" I called, turning to board the ship. I waved goodbye from the dock as the ship pulled out of the port. It hit me that I didn't get to say goodbye to Green. I felt a little bad, but I assured myself that he's probably busy anyways. Sighing, I turned to Cyndaquil, who was looking up at me intently.
"We've never left Kanto before... I'm a little nervous, to be honest." I murmured to my partner, walking over towards the part of the ship with the guest rooms. I entered the room I was given with Cyndaquil, plopping down on the thin mattress. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but I didn't complain, we'd be on the ship for about an hour, so there's no need for me to sleep anyway. "Cyndaquil... I hope they're right......that I can be happy again..." I paused, a sad smile creeping onto my face. "I'm sorry..... I never considered how you felt when Red went missing. I was too caught up in myself..... I bet you think I suck, huh?" I chuckled sadly. Cyndaquil huffed, jumping onto my stomach and nuzzling me. I glanced down at him, he was smiling warmly. I could tell what he was trying to tell me. "I know, I know, you'd never think that about me, because we're partners. Starting now, I'll start acting like it, okay? It's a deal!" I offered my fist for Cyndaquil to place a paw on, that was how we made our little deals. So from now on, no more thinking about only myself. Cyndaquil has never left my side, so it's about time I showed him I'll never leave his.
Soon enough, I heard the boat's horn blow, signaling we arrived in Johto. I gave Cyndaquil a long, determined stare. Then, grabbing my bag, we raced outside, bright smiles on our faces as the sun's rays came into view from within the halls.

It's time to see what awaits us in Johto!

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