To Be A Hero

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The battle between Silver and Crys was getting underway swiftly. Their first match, Sneasel versus Gigi (Girafarig), was decided quite easily, Sneasel being the obvious victor. Skar (Skarmory) put up much more of a fight against both Sneasel and Murkrow, coming out on top. Now it was down to the battle between their partners, Chu (Pichu) and Feraligatr. Chu's clearly gained a lot more power and speed since we last saw him, so he'd definitely be a formidable foe.
I worried for Silver, since Pichu is an electric type, and a water type like Feraligatr doesn't do so well against it. Knowing Silver, he would probably have some strategy for that.
I sure hoped so...
"Feraligatr, Aqua Tail!!" Silver called, breathing hard. This battle was really heated, I could see it was taking its toll not only on Feraligatr and Chu, but on Silver and Crystal too. A whirl of water spun around on Feraligatr's tail as it slammed it on Chu mercilessly. Chu remained standing, soaked to the bone and shivering, he glared up at the towering Feraligatr.
"Thunderbolt!!" Crystal called. Chu's cheeks began to spark, and a bolt of electricity launched at Feraligatr. He didn't have time to dodge and cried out in pain as he was zapped harshly. I winced at the thought of how that must've felt.
"Come on, Silver!! You can do this!!" I called out at the monitor in the competitors room. Gold looked at me quizzically, turning back to the monitor as well.
"Crystal, show him how it's done here in Johto!!" Gold called to the screen.
Feraligatr remained standing, though his eyes were squinted in pain. Chu mimicked his expression, both of them panting hard.
"Chu, Iron Tail!!" Crystal ordered.
"Feraligatr, counter!! Aqua Tail!!" Silver commanded. The two tail attacks collided, knocking both Pokémon back. "Hydro Pump!!"
"Thunder!!" The two attacks grazed each other as they launched at the opposite Pokémon. Both Feraligatr and Chu cried out in pain. When the attacks seized, there was a huge cloud of smoke. As it cleared, the two bruised, exhausted Pokémon were revealed, glaring at one another as they waited for one to give in. Everything got silent as everyone waited in eager anticipation for one of the Pokémon to give in. Feraligatr shivered in pain, causing everyone to gasp as they thought he was going to give. My heart sank as he did so, hoping Feraligatr could hang tough. Suddenly, Chu fell forward onto his face, his pained expression softening to an emotionless one.

He had fainted.

The crowds roared in joy and excitement, cheering Silver on. Silver came to Feraligatr's side, patting his shoulder as a congratulations. He pulled Crys to her feet and shook her gently by the shoulder in a brotherly manner. She smiled as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder as well, waving up at the crowds similarly to how Gold and I had done before. I leaped into the air, cheering gibberish words in an ecstatic state. Gold smiled softly, half disappointed and half happy for both Silver and Crystal.
As they exited the stadium, I tackled Silver into a tight embrace. He yelped, tensing up at the sudden touch as I rested my head on his shoulder. He slowly put a gentle arm around me, as if he was almost afraid to. I lifted my head to look into his metallic silver eyes, beaming at him as I did so.
"I'm so happy for you, Silver!!" I exclaimed with a big grin. Silver smiled back nervously.
"Uh yeah, thanks. It was a pretty close match though, either of us could've won." Silver stated modestly.
"Maybe, but the fact of the matter is, Feraligatr had a little more willpower and trust in you than Chu and I did. I think you deserved that win, Silv." Crystal stated with a genuine smile.
"Thanks, Crys. I'll be sure to keep that in mind when Fire and I battle." Silver stated, smirking back at me. I returned the look as I backed off of him.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot you guys were the finalists! You two really are something special. Good luck to both of you!" Gold exclaimed as he threw his hands behind his head and grinned in a laid back manner.
"Thanks, but I think Silver will need the luck in this match! 'Cause I'm gonna win it!" I stated with a smirk of determination.
"In your dreams, Ember! Your flame is burning out!" Silver exclaimed competitively.
"Sticks and stones, Silv. Sticks and stones." I teased. Silver rolled his eyes at me playfully as we all began to laugh. I stopped and stared as they continued for awhile, time seemingly slowed as I stared at Silver's joyful expression as he did so.
The scowl that used to play on his face flashed through my mind, and I realized just how good this really was for him. To be surrounded by people who care about him and love to see him smile.
A little joy brings out the best in everyone, I'd say.
Gold bought us all food in honor of two great battles, and afterwards we rested by a river near the hotels. I lie underneath the shady tree beside Silver and Typhlo, while Gold sat in the tree and picked the leaves off the branches and Crystal and Chu went fishing in the river. It was peaceful and quiet, the type of day I enjoyed. After a fun yet long and tiring journey, a little rest and relaxation was a great way to spend the day. I almost drifted off to sleep as I cuddled up to my large, warm, fur-covered partner, letting out a sigh of contentment. That is until my Pokégear began to ring.
Sometimes I really hate that call feature.
I flipped it open with a groan, answering without checking who it was.
"Fire, where are you? I would like to speak to you alone for a moment." Professor Oak's voice said through the phone. I sat up, raising an eyebrow as if he could see my confusion.
"Uh sure, what for?" I asked as I stood up, causing Silver to open one eye to peak up at me, Gold and Crys looking over in confusion.
"I have something for you. Come, I am by the Pokémon Center." Professor Oak stated.
"Okay, be right there. Hey guys, I'll be right back. Professor Oak wants to speak to me for a sec. Stay here, it shouldn't take long." I stated casually. My friends shrugged it off and went back to their previous tasks. I nodded to no one, strolling off towards the Pokémon Center.
Professor Oak stood there waiting for me, waving in my direction with a grin on his face. What he was so happy
about was beyond me, but I'd rather it be good news than bad. "Hey, Professor. You wanted to speak to me?" I asked casually.
"Yes, yes! Question for you first, you still have the Pokédex I gave you on you, right?" Professor Oak asked enthusiastically. I smiled, patting my back pocket where I kept my ruby red Pokédex.
"Of course I do! It's what started me off on my journey after all!" I exclaimed cheerfully.
"Yes, of course. Now, you know that when Red, Green, and Blue set off on their journeys, I gave each of them a Pokédex, right?" I nodded, knowing that at least but not where he was going with this conversation.
"Oh, and Yellow too, right? You gave her a Pokémon and Pokédex." I added, thinking back to the innocent, golden haired trainer.
"Right. Well, they traveled through Kanto, and they each became very well known as 'The Heroes of Kanto' for defending the region from Team Rocket, and any other crises that fell upon Kanto. You remember that, right?" Professor Oak asked.
"Yes, I remember. But what does that have to do with anything?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion. Professor Oak grinned, revealing the rolled up newspapers behind his back. He unrolled them and showed me the front pages of each one.

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