For Every Hero's End

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(Gold's POV)

I walked stiffly through the tower, nervous that the Team Rocket Grunts would somehow recognize me and blow my cover. Crystal strolled calmly, unfazed by the pairs of eyes that followed our every move.
Man, I hate crowds...
"Gold, look! That lady needs our help!" Crystal whispered, signaling to a woman tied up in a corner. We inched towards her and I quickly bent over to untie her.
"We're gonna get you out of here." I whispered as I reached for the knot in the rope.
"No, wait, don't worry about me. The Radio Director is in the basement, he needs you more than I do. Save him first." the women whispered back.
"The Director?.... Right, we'll take care of it, ma'am." I stated quietly, nodding at Crys. "Let's go."
We made our way to the basement and began our search for the Radio Director.
"This is ridiculous. We don't even know who we're looking for." Crystal stated.
"Easy, anyone who's not Team Rocket... Hey!" I called, recognizing someone in the distance.
"What? Is it the Director?!" Crystal asked as she chased after me.
"No, it's Bill!" I called happily, approaching Fire's old friend. He jolted around, relaxing when he recognized me by face. Lizzy came out from behind him, tackling me into a hug.
"Oh, it's just you, Gold. What're you doing here?" Bill asked.
"I came here to help! Fire's here too! We'd never let anyone do something so horrible as to take over a city, especially Team Rocket!" I exclaimed.
"Gold and Fire are here to help us! Hurray!" Lizzy cheered.
"Bill, that is you're name, right? I'm Crystal, one of Gold and Fire's friends. Have you seen the Radio Director anywhere? We need to find him and we were told he's down here." Crystal explained in a serious tone.
"Yeah, he's the reason I came down here in the first place. I saw Team Rocket drag him down here, so I came to help him. They were in a pretty large group though. I don't think I could do very much to help him out." Bill informed us. Crystal and I nodded, releasing Raiku and Suicune from their Pokéballs. "ACK!" Bill yelped upon seeing them, jumping back in shock.
"Well, we can If we work together! Hop on, Bill! We've got a Director to save!" I exclaimed jumping on Raiku's back. Bill climbed on as well and we bounded through the hall at blinding speed. Suicune created a wave of water as it ran, keeping the many Team Rocket Grunts off our backs.
"That's him, over there!" Bill exclaimed, pointing at an elder man further ahead.
"Hey, Mr. Director! We're here to help you!" Crystal exclaimed, jumping of Suicune and untying the man.
"Thank you all very much. Here, take this card. It'll allow you to get to the top floor of Radio Tower. One of their leaders is in my office, he's trying to broadcast something! you must stop him before he can do so!" the Director stated warningly.
"Then we've gotta move! Gold, you go find the Executive! I'll get everyone out of here!" Crystal ordered. I nodded, dashing out on the back of Raiku. I rode Raiku right through Radio Tower, busting through the door of the Radio Director's office.
"Who on earth are you?!" the Rocketeer yelped out as we glared at him.
"I am Gold of New Bark Town! And I am here to stop you!" I announced.
"Well, Gold, I am Petrel of the Team Rocket Executives, and I say that's no gonna happen!! Go, Weezing!!" Petrel commanded.
"Raiku, Thunderbolt!!" I commanded. Just as we were about to attack, Weezing filled the air with Poison Gas, causing me to cover my mouth and nose so I wouldn't breath it in. I returned Raiku and waited the attack out. When it cleared, Petrel was no where to be found. "Foey...he got away...." I mumbled with a low growl. I dashed out of the room, heading to the top floor.

(Silver's POV)

I stalked through the building silently, in search of a Rocket Executive. I wondered if Fire was alright on her own, but figured as long as she had her partners, she'd be okay. That's what her Pokémon were to her..... partners.... friends.... dare I go as far to say family. I needed that kind of bond with my Pokémon as well. Our bonds are growing, but not nearly as fast as Fire's and her Pokémon. I don't blame my Pokémon. Their trainer is the son of the leader of the worst organization ever. Who would want to bond with someone like me?
I found myself pretty high in the tower, and seeing as how I really don't know the place too well, I got kind of lost while I was thinking.
Fire's really starting to get to me with her daydreaming...
"Hey, Silver!" Gold called out. I spotted him across the hall and came to his side.
When the heck had he left my side? He was just here!! Well, I think he was...
"Did you run into any Executives?" I asked.
"Yeah, I found Petrel, but he got away." Gold stated, hoping off of Raiku's back. "How about you?"
"Nothing yet. Where are you headed?"
"To the top of the tower. I'll bet you that's where the next Executive is!" Gold exclaimed. I nodded and released Entei, jumping on its back and charging up the stairs. Near the top floor, I spotted someone in the distance.
"Ariana!!" I called fiercely, stopping before her.
"Oh, why, you're the boy that was at our HQ, aren't you? How nice to see you again." the Executive stated sarcastically.
"Spare me. You know why we're here! Stop your raid on Goldenrod!! Or I will stop you personally!!" I snapped.
"Aren't you confident? Well, sorry boy, I'm afraid I can't fulfil your request. Get them, Arbok!!" Ariana commanded.
Before we could make a command, Arbok wrapped its tail around Gold and I tightly. I could tell it was getting hard to breathe for Gold as I struggled to find a solution. We couldn't command Legendary Pokémon to attack it while we were in the way, so that was a definite no...
Suddenly, a Thunder Wave paralyzed Arbok and it fell limp on the floor. I glanced back to see Crystal and Pichu at the stairway.
"Need a hand, boys?" Crys asked teasingly.
"Crystal!" Gold exclaimed happily.
"Just in time for the party, Crys." I stated with a serious tone, though they knew I was joking. I turned my attention back to Ariana. She gave a nervous chuckle and sprinted up the stairs.
"She's getting away!" Gold exclaimed as I gave chase to the executive.
"Don't just stand there, move!!" I called back at them. Gold and Crys hastily followed along.
One thing's for sure, I'm getting real tired of chasing Team Rocket around.

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